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To Be (am, is, are) Positive I am a student (I'm) He (he's) She isfrom London. (she's) It (it's) Youstudents. (You're) We are happy. (We're) Theyfrom London.

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Presentation on theme: "To Be (am, is, are) Positive I am a student (I'm) He (he's) She isfrom London. (she's) It (it's) Youstudents. (You're) We are happy. (We're) Theyfrom London."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Be (am, is, are) Positive I am a student (I'm) He (he's) She isfrom London. (she's) It (it's) Youstudents. (You're) We are happy. (We're) Theyfrom London. (They're)

2 Teddy he Mary: she Italy : it James and Tim: they The book it The books they Teddy is from Florida. He is from Florida. Mary is at school. She is at school. Italy is beautiful. It is beautiful. James and Tim are sick They are sick. The book is old. It is old. The books are old. They are old.

3 ● I'm very happy ● Carla's from Canada. ● We're late. ● They're in the kitchen. ● He's single. ● It's very difficult. ● The keys are on the table. ● My sister's name is Catherine. ● Chen and Tim are tired.

4 To Be (am, is, are) Negative I am not a student (I'm not) He (he's not) She is not (isn't) from London. (she's not) It (it's not) Youstudents. (You're not) We are not (aren't) happy. (We're not) Theyfrom London. (They're not)

5 ● You aren't short. ● He isn't here today. ● They're not my books. ● The room isn't clean. ● I'm not from the USA. ● Cate's not tired. ● The students are not at school. ● Madrid isn't in Italy. ● She's not tall.

6 To Be (am, is, are) Questions Am I right? he Is she from London? it you students? Are weready? they from London?

7 Short Answers ● Are you hungry? Yes, I am. No, I am not. ● Are they cold? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. ● Are the kids here? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. ● Is Tim at work? Yes, he is. No, He isn't. ● Is İstanbul in Turkey? Yes, it is.. No, it isn't. Is she from London? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

8 Wh-Questions What is this? Where is James? Who is Guiza? How are you? When is the party? What time is the meeting? How old is your brother? Why is it cold?

9 Wh-Questions &Answers What is that?That is a vacuum cleaner. Where is James?He is at home. Who is Guiza?Guiza is a Spanish footballer. How are you?I'm fine When is the party?The party is on Monday. What time is the meeting?At 6. How old is your brother?He's 9 years old. Why is it cold?Because it is winter.

10 We ____ happy She ____ in the classroom John ____afraid of dogs I ___ a teacher ____ your keys in the bag? ____Chris and Mary hungry? Frank and I ____ from London. ____ it ten o’clock? We _____happy She _____ in the classroom John _____afraid of dogs I _____ a teacher. Your keys _____ in the bag Chris and Mary _____hungry. Frank and I _____from London It ____ ten o’clock.

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