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Kiwan Sung Kyung Hee University. Part B Modals in Context.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiwan Sung Kyung Hee University. Part B Modals in Context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiwan Sung Kyung Hee University

2 Part B Modals in Context

3  Both are used for a probable action or event  ‘Shall’ is used for future probability, most often with I/we in speaking or in a more formal discourse; may be more emphatic than ‘will’ in speech, which is more frequently used.  Ex) We shall probably leave you on this drug for some time. I wonder whether or not I shall ever get a job.

4  Describing facts: Ex) This brand of flour should be good for making a nice pizza dough. The police should be patrolling the town every night.  Something happening as of now Ex) She should be flying to the States by now. Your mail order should be arriving anytime today.

5  Should is used to express probability like will, which is less doubtful. Ex) My brother will be leaving for a job interview in no time. My mom should be leaving with my brother soon. We shall be leaving for a long vacation this weekend. (used for I/We)

6  ‘Should’ for obligation or (strong) advisability Ex) I don’t think I should get a job. Shall(Should) I keep informing you about my health?  Used interchangeably with ‘ought to’ Ex) The World should(=ought to) protect its environment by enforcing stronger laws.

7  Interchangeable for advisability Ex) Should(=Shall) I keep asking her to pay me back?  Compare Ex) I should lose some weight soon. (It is a good idea for me to lose some weight soon.) Vs. I shall lose some weight soon. (I am definitely determined to~~.=will)

8  Suggestions, offers, or arrangements for I/We  Can be used other pronouns in writing but not for suggestions or arrangements!  May be a slight difference in meaning Ex) Should I put this cheese in the fridge? (Is it advisable or better for me to~~?) Shall I put this cheese in the fridge? (as an offer or question)

9  Fixed expressions -Guessing/speculating Ex) I should imagine you told her truth. He is over 40 years old, I should say. -Suggesting/arranging Ex) Shall we say five o’clock? How about~ What about~ Lets say~

10  Fixed expressions -agreeing(strongly) Ex) You certainly should (pay her back for sure). -Introducing an awkward point Ex) By the way, I should say, I might be late -Regrets for past actions (should have p.p.) Ex) I should have brought an umbrella. You should have taken that exam last week.

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