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1. 2 Most citizens of Texas had immigrated from the U.S. so the Texas state constitution of 1845 was modeled after the U.S. constitution as well as many.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Most citizens of Texas had immigrated from the U.S. so the Texas state constitution of 1845 was modeled after the U.S. constitution as well as many."— Presentation transcript:

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2 2 Most citizens of Texas had immigrated from the U.S. so the Texas state constitution of 1845 was modeled after the U.S. constitution as well as many southern states. The delegates drafting the constitution met in Austin on July 4 th 1845 to create the state constitution. Of the 61 delegates only 2 had not immigrated to Texas from the U.S. Jose Antonio Navarro was born in Texas and James Power had immigrated from Ireland. “We, the people of the republic of Texas, acknowledging with gratitude the grace and beneficence of God, in permitting us to make a choice of our form of government, do, in accordance with the provisions of the joint resolution for annexing Texas to the United States, approved March first, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, ordain and establish this constitution.”

3 3 The Constitution of 1845 established the three branches of government in Texas. The executive, legislative, and judicial branch. The constitution of 1845 also created the positions of governor and lieutenant governor. Executive Branch – branch of government that carries out the laws Legislative Branch – branch of government that makes the laws Judicial Branch – branch of government that interprets the laws How many branches of government does the U.S. have? A judicial system was also established. In the judicial system, is the Texas Supreme Court, the highest court in the state as well as lower level courts. The Constitution granted the Governor appointment powers similar to those exercised by the President on the national level. The Governor could appoint the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Supreme and District court judges, subject to confirmation by the state Senate. Governor’s Mansion Texas Supreme Court State Capitol

4 4 James Pinckney HendersonThomas J RuskSam Houston Election of 1845 When is the next U.S. Presidential election? On December 15 th 1845 James Pinckney Henderson was elected the first governor of Texas. The Texas legislature selected Thomas J Rusk and Sam Houston as the state’s first two United States Senators from Texas. Houston was appointed to a two year term and Rusk a six year term. This way both seats would rarely be up for election at the same time. Thomas J Rusk served in the senate until he died in 1857. Sam Houston served until 1859.

5 5 In what year did Texas end it’s war with Mexico and win Independence? What was the name of the treaty that ended the war? Mexico refused to recognize the Treaty of Velasco and still claimed Texas as part of Mexico. Leaders in Mexico thought that the Texas Revolution had been planned by the U.S. Mexico warned that if the U.S. admitted Texas to the Union, it would mean war. When Texas was annexed the U.S. claimed the southern border at the Rio Grande as was decided in the Treaty of Velasco. U.S. President James Polk sent representative John Slidell to Mexico to try and ease tensions with Mexico. The U.S. offered to pay all property damage claims against Mexico from the Texas War of Independence if Mexico would recognize Texas as part of the U.S. and give California to the U.S. as well. Mexico angrily refused.

6 6 General Zachary Taylor President Polk sends General Zachary Taylor and his troops to the Nueces River. In response Mexico sends troops to the Rio Grande River. When Mexico refused the deal that representative Slidell had offered them, General Taylor moved his forces to the Rio Grande River also. Both armies patrolled the area between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers. Two major battles occurred at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. The U.S. won both of these battles. Afterwards President Polk encouraged the Congress to declare war against Mexico. The U.S. declared war against Mexico on May 13 th, 1846. General Taylor marched his troops into Mexico. He defeated the Mexicans at Monterrey and Buena Vista. Battle of Palo AltoGeneral Scott Sailed his troops from New Orleans across the gulf of Mexico and landed Molino del Rey in September 1847 and fought their way to Mexico City. The U.S. faced a young and valiant army at Mexico City but ultimately defeated the Mexicans and occupied Mexico City.

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8 8 Texans eagerly enlisted in The U.S, Army to fight against Mexico. This was their chance to “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad”. 5,000 Texans fought in the war against Mexico including Texas Governor Henderson. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Of the 80,000 US soldiers fought in the war 13,000 were died. The war ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on Feb 2, 1848. In the treaty Mexico agreed that Texas was apart of the U.S. and also surrendered the land between Texas and the Pacific Ocean. This transfer of land was known as the Mexican Cession. The U.S. did pay Mexico $15 million for the land.

9 9 What was the name of the Expedition Lamar sent to New Mexico to claim it for Texas? Now that the U.S. had possession of Texas they had to solve the dispute about where the western border should be. Some Texans felt that the border should follow the Rio Grande River all the way up into Wyoming. This would include parts of five other future U.S. States, with half of New Mexico including Santa Fe. New Mexicans had never thought of themselves as Texans. They even refused to become Texans during the Santa Fe Expedition. Texas tried to strengthen their claim to New Mexico by setting up Counties in the area and appointing legislators to represent them.

10 10 Texas was admitted to the Union as a slave state. Abolitionists were working hard to end slavery and wanted to limit the size of Texas to keep more land from becoming part of a slave state. They were determined to keep New Mexico a separate slave free state. Eventually an agreement was reached as a part of the Compromise of 1850 in which Texas gave up its claim to the territories further North and West for a payment of $10 million that Texas needed to pay off its public debt that was incurred during the Republic.

11 11 THESE VOCABULRY WORDS WILL BE ON YOUR TEST!!! BE CERTAIN THAT YOU KNOW THEM!!! Legislature – a government body that has the power to make or pass laws Executive branch – branch of government that carries out the laws Legislative branch – branch of government that makes the laws Judicial branch – branch of government that interprets the laws Governor – the highest ranking officer in the state government Lieutenant governor – the second highest ranking officer in the state government Cession – transfer of land from one country to another Abolitionist – a person who wants to end slavery

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