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©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education1 Music Videos Planning the Music Video.

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2 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education1 Music Videos Planning the Music Video

3 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education2Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Who will see the video? First, decide how video will be exhibited Private uses only, any music you want If you will make money, others will see it, air on cable or broadcast TV, or enter in a contest, you must have copyright clearance

4 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education3Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Be Legal Can ’ t record copyrighted material (covers) Clearance-- time consuming, possibly costly Avoid copyright issues with original music Your music or local talent Get permission of the person who wrote the song and the music

5 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education4Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Finding Musicians Look in entertainment guides Post flyers at location musicians frequent Contact local colleges or public radio station Don't have to pay a band to perform The video could help them get jobs Gives band experience in videos Video is great exposure for the band

6 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education5Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Pre-production Plan & script before shooting Just seeing what happens wastes time Watch music videos critically Figure out why that image was used there Don ’ t duplicate, can borrow ideas from pros Pre-production, most time consuming Every song has a story-- find it, visualize it Song that inspires the best visual imagery may not be the one you like most

7 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education6Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Determine The Look Performance video: band performs the song, live or staged Performance less expensive to produce Concept video: ideas and imagery Concept takes more time and money Many videos combine both Budget may determine the type The band should have input on the "look"

8 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education7Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Concept videos Illustrative - illustrates the story Interpretive - images fit music; images may or may not relate to lyrics Both may include performance Many videos combine all three: illustrative, interpretive and performance shots Avoid using one method only All-performance relies on musician Usually needs a big set and show All-illustrative take a lot of time and money All-interpretive may confuse viewers Music may determine the style

9 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education8Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video The Treatment. A few paragraphs describing video: Includes story, characters, and mood Helps explain video to performers and crew

10 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education9Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video The Location Helps interpretation of the song One location saves time and money Plays a role in video success

11 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education10Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video The Wardrobe/costumes Most use a large wardrobe in their videos Clothing suit the song or the band Goodwill and used clothing stores

12 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education11Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video The Storyboard Record of key shots Series of rough sketches Shows people, places, objects needed Use digital camera- locations, subjects, objects Helps explain concept to band, crew

13 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education12Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video Script it Don ’ t plan to seek inspiration as band plays Carefully look at the lyrics and the music Need a shot for each line Plan cover shots-- handy when editing The crew Need to direct talent, operate camera, play song 1 grip/audio assistant, 1 camera, you direct

14 ©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education13Media Technology I - Planning the Music Video The song Performers lip-sync to CD Take same CD player to all locations CD isn ’ t available o Record song while shooting video footage o Camera mic - poor choice, External - better o Better way - get feed from sound system o Mic-level feed to mic in, or line level to line in o Frame band or get MCU of a performer o Burn audio track (song) to a CD

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