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Facebook [Name of organism] is [find a fact that relates to its diet, reproductive habits or other daily activities] WallPhotosFlairBoxes[Name of organism]Logout.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook [Name of organism] is [find a fact that relates to its diet, reproductive habits or other daily activities] WallPhotosFlairBoxes[Name of organism]Logout."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook [Name of organism] is [find a fact that relates to its diet, reproductive habits or other daily activities] WallPhotosFlairBoxes[Name of organism]Logout View photos of [name] (7) Send [name]a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Birthday: Phylum Conservation status: Hometown: Friends [Name] is [write something that tells more about everyday life… describe habitat or work a cool fact in here] Date [Friend #1 to organism] [ write something that this “friend” might say to your organism. Show a food-web relationship or something that lives in the same habitat] Date [Friend/organism name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date [Friend/organism name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date [Friend/organism name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date [Friend/organism name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date Choose “friends” which show relationships… food web, mates, offspring, conservation groups, etc.)

2 Personal Information facebook [Name of organism] is [find a fact that relates to its diet, reproductive habits or other daily activities] WallPhotosFlairBoxes[Name of Organism]Logout View photos of [name](7) Send [name]a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Birthday: Phylum Conservation status: [eg. Endangered, threatened, etc.] Hometown: [state habitat… general] Photos Networks: [create a network based on habits or use a conservation group or two] Sex: [male, female OR hermaphrodite] Birthday: [figure out based on lifespan] Hometown: [general habitat] Relationship Status: [state a fact about reproductive or mating habits] Conservation status: [look this up… endangered, threatened, etc.] Phylum: Taxonomy: Kingdom Phylum Class Order*Wikipedia generally has this information on the top left of each article. Family Genus Species Lifespan: Sexual maturity: Incubation: Favorite food: Threats:[include predators and ecological or human threats] Album name Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Album name Updated two months ago Contact Information Address:[give details about habitat… geography, depth, etc.]

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxes[Name of Organism]Logout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of [Name] 7 Photos [Name’s] Albums 2 Albums Album name 5 photos Album name 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo [Name of organism] is [find a fact that relates to its diet, reproductive habits or other daily activities]

4 Marking scheme ComponentCriteria Point value Info PageAll fields complete… taxonomy, correct facts about reproduction, habitat, conservation status, lifespan and role in the food web /15 Wall page friendsAt least 5 “friends” which are relevant to the organism’s way of life, including appropriate images /10 Wall page commentsAt least 5 comments which provide information about the organism /10 Photo pageAt least 10 images total, including 2 album names which allude to information from the info page /12 Communication skillsSpelling, grammar (some “text talk is fine”, but don’t shorthand the level-appropriate vocabulary words) /10 Personal Development/CitizenshipEffective use of class time, respect for equipment, deadline met, no troubles opening the attachment when submitted by e-mail, appropriate filename and subject line (first and last names and name of assignment)… zero for lates! /10 Self-AssessmentFill in this mark scheme for yourself, including the total below. /8 Value: /75 changed

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