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AASHTO Trns port TM SiteManager TM and Estimating 1998 TEA October 27, 1998 Portland, Maine.

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Presentation on theme: "AASHTO Trns port TM SiteManager TM and Estimating 1998 TEA October 27, 1998 Portland, Maine."— Presentation transcript:

1 AASHTO Trns port TM SiteManager TM and Estimating 1998 TEA October 27, 1998 Portland, Maine

2 SiteManager and Estimating n Introductions n SiteManager Key Processes n SiteManager Data n Accessing SiteManager Data n End Results n Summary

3 SiteManager Flow n Pre-Construction Interface n Contract Activation n Daily Work Reports and Diaries n Estimate Generation – line Item detail – auto pay items and adjustments – stockpiled materials – discrepancies – approvals

4 SiteManager Flow - cont’d. n Financial Pass n Change Orders n Materials Management – samples/tests – required testing – mix designs n Finalization – change order, estimate, materials certification, contract status n DSS Pass

5 SiteManager Data n Contract Items – bid quantity and amount – change order quantity and amount – final quantity and amount n Change Orders – force accounts – extra work – over/underruns n Plan discrepancies n Disputes and Claims

6 SiteManager Data - cont’d. n Adjustments (line item and contract levels) – incentive/disincentives – milestones – bituminous price and fuel – liquidated damages – stockpiled materials n Materials – samples/tests (pass/fail); materials and sources – mix designs – sampling requirements

7 Accessing SiteManager Data n Relational Database Format – adhoc queries and reports – extract data to various formats – load data into other databases, spreadsheets or statistical analysis tools (e.g. SAS) n DBA Assistance n Technical assistance for adhoc tools n User execution of reports and queries n User analysis

8 End Results n As built data available n End of job analysis (what was bid and what was built) n Improve future designs and cost estimation based on historical data n Analysis of contractor performance n Analysis of material, source and mix design performance for future improvements n Others?

9 Summary n SiteManager is a large repository of construction data n SiteManager’s technical platform allows accessing data easily and with a variety of tools n SiteManager’s data can allow a DOT to improve future estimates and designs based on historical data n Future improvements to SiteManager can facilitate additional benefits

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