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 If history is man’s written record of what happened…what about what happened before it was written?  Prehistory is the long period of time before people.

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Presentation on theme: " If history is man’s written record of what happened…what about what happened before it was written?  Prehistory is the long period of time before people."— Presentation transcript:

1  If history is man’s written record of what happened…what about what happened before it was written?  Prehistory is the long period of time before people invented writing

2  Historians are scholars who study and write about the historical past  Often history is learned from artifacts  Objects made by humans  Examples: Clothing, coins, artwork, tombstones, pottery  Written evidence is even more important  Examples: tax records, letters, diaries

3  The way of life of a society  Including beliefs, values, practices  Handed down from generations through learning and experience  Vary around the world  What are some aspects of American culture?  North Carolina culture?

4  Anthropologists study the time period of prehistory  Learn about the origins and development of people and society  Archaeology is the study of past people and cultures through material remains  This is a specialized branch of anthropology

5  Anthropologists in the 1930’s  Searched in a canyon Tanzania called Olduvai  Found ancient tools chipped from stone, showed evidence of technologies developed  Technology is the skills and tools people use to meet their basic need and wants

6  Found a skull belonging to an early hominid  Hominids: group that includes humans and closest relatives, all walking on 2 feet  Homo erectus are most recent hominid group to have disappeared  Homo sapiens are believed to have emerged between 250,000 and 100,000 yrs. ago

7  2 million BCE to about 10,000 BCE  Also known as Paleolithic Period  Most people were nomads  People who move from place to place to find food  20-30 people lived in small groups

8  Early farmers settled the first permeant villages  Transition from nomadic life to settled farming  Dramatic changes took place in way of life

9  C. 10,000 BCE until the end of prehistory  Also known as the Neolithic Period  Learned to farm  First humans to domesticate plates and animals  One of the first villages was Ç atalh ü y ü k (modern day Jericho)

10  What kind of evidence do historians use to study the past? Anthropologists? Archaeologists?  When was the Old Stone Age? New? What is the other name for each of these?  Define the following terms:  PrehistoryAnthropology  HistoryArchaeology  ArtifactPrimary source  CultureSecondary source  Technology nomad

11  Time period  Geographic setting  Physical description of people  Values: what is important to the people?  Ethics: what is considered right or wrong in the culture  Symbols: What visual images indicate the culture’s themes (its values and ethics)

12  Early civilizations settled near rivers  Provided regular water supply for crops  Water for animals to drink  Flood waters spread silt and nutrients renewing and keeping soil fertile

13  Due to conditions farmers were able to produce a surplus of food  Could produce food for large populations, causing populations to expand and form cities  Provided opportunities to work jobs other than farming

14  A complex highly organized social order  Many formed along river valleys  Early civilizations included:  Sumner between Tigris and Euphrates  Egypt along Nile River  Indus along Indus River  Shang along Huang River

15  Organized government  Complex religions  Job specialization  Social classes  Arts and architecture  Public works  Writing

16  Rulers began to conquer territory beyond city limits  City-states: political unit that included city and its surrounding lands and villages  Ambitious rulers that conquered many cities formed the first empires  Empire: group of states or territories controlled by one ruler

17  Explain each of the 7 features of civilization  Define cultural diffusion, polytheistic, artisan, pictograph, scribe

18  Economics-technology, division of labor, trade and money, transportation  Food, clothing, shelter- food (methods of producing and domesticated animals), clothing and adornment, shelter and dwellings  Political Organization-gov't, law enforcement, war & peace  Family and Kin-marriage & type of family grouping, child training & rites of passage  Attitude Toward Unknown-religious beliefs, religious practices, death rituals  Communications-language, number systems  Arts and Esthetic values- art, music, dance, drama, literature  Recreation- games & sports, use of leisure time

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