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Circular Economy Package: FoodDrinkEurope actions May 2016.

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1 Circular Economy Package: FoodDrinkEurope actions May 2016

2 Tentative timeline & FoodDrinkEurope’s action plan MarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDec Jan–June 2016: Dutch Presidency July – December 2016: Slovak Presidency EP Council Allies Vote Plenary Trialogue (Council, EP, COM) Env Council Ministers conclusions AP Draft key recommendations and amendments Asses MEP meetings Propose AM Draft key recommendations and amendments Asses MEP meetings Propose AM Analyse draft report Build political support ahead of vote; MEP meetings (continued) Propose AM Voting recommendations Analyse draft report Build political support ahead of vote; MEP meetings (continued) Propose AM Voting recommendations Assess outcome Cttee eov Build political support ahead of vote; voting recommendations AM ahead of Plenary? Assess outcome Cttee eov Build political support ahead of vote; voting recommendations AM ahead of Plenary? Draft key recommendations Assess meetings key MSs and NL/SL Presidencies Draft key recommendations Assess meetings key MSs and NL/SL Presidencies Mapping of allies, develop common messages/AM Media Media outreach / Press release Media outreach / Press release Compromise agreement Send recommendations to MS, national Members Meetings to be continued Send recommendations to MS, national Members Meetings to be continued Exch. views in Cttee deadline for AM Draft ENVI Report Discussion Draft Report in ENVI Cttee Vote ENVI Cttee Policy Debate AP Env Council Ministers/HLG MS COREPER draft common position on LP Council final common position on LP AP: CE Action Plan LP: Waste Legislative proposals (WFD/ PPWD)

3 Am. 1/Deleting Article 5 (1): Delete Condition for by-products (b): substance or object can be used directly without any further processing other than normal industrial practice Am. 2/Article 8 (a) (new) (4): Extended producer responsibility obligations are in proportion to its role and responsibilities in helping reach the waste management targets ((a) cover the entire cost of waste management…) Am.3/Article 8 (a) (new) (4.b): Financial contributions modulated on the basis of a scientifically reliable, consistent and non-misleading methodology assessing the real end-of-life cost of products Am 4/Article 9 (1, paragraph 5): Foot note to clarify what is referred by food as defined in Regulation EC 178/2002 (focus on food waste should be on preventing resources food materials intended for human consumption from going to waste as opposed to inedible parts 15/06/2011 Reviewed WFD: Proposed amendments

4 15/06/2011 Reviewed PPWD: Proposed amendments Am. 1/Article 3 (2): Deletion of referral to “re-use” and “preparing for re-use” definition in WFD. Packaging which is being reused cannot be considered a product nor waste. Am.2/Article 3 (3) (new): new definition for “re-use” adapted to packaging specificities: ‘re-use’ means any operation by which packaging that is not waste is used again for the same purpose for which it was conceived Am. 3/Article 3 (4) (new): new definition for “preparing for re-use” adapted to packaging specificities: ‘preparing for re-use’ means checking, cleaning or repairing recovery operations, by which packaging that has … Am.4/Article 6 (1) (j, new): 2030 targets reviewed in 2026 Am. 5 and 7/Article 6 a (new) (1.b &c) and Annex IV: Adaptation of calculation of the recycling rates to proposed new definion of re-use and preparation for re-use Am. 6/Article 21: Request for article 21 committee to integrate MS representatives with an expertise on both environmental/waste and industry matters.

5 Recommendations circulated to: Council of the EU: Selected members states councillors (NL/SL/MA/DE/FR/ES/PL/UK) European Parliament: rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs European Commission: relevant officials in DG GROW, DG Environment, DG SANTE and General Secretariat Meetings request: Council Environment Counsellors (NL/SL/UK/DE) Rapporteur Bonafé(PES/It) Shadow rapporteurs Florenz (EPP/De) Shadow rapporteur Mark Demesmaeker (ECR/Be) 15/06/2011 Key targets EP & Council

6 Circular Economy package : EP and Council provisional calendar EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (only on LP) Draft report ENVI CommitteeWeek of 23/05/2016 Exchange of views ENVI Committee15-16 /06/2016 Deadline for amendments ENVI Committee23/06/2016 Discussion of Draft report in ENVI Committee8/09/2016 Vote in ENVI Committee7-8/11/2016 Vote in EP plenary22-23/11/2016 (TBC) COUNCIL OF THE EU Environment Council Ministers adoption of conclusions on AP20/06/2016 COREPER drafts common position on LPQ3-Q4/2016 Council final common position on LP12/2016 – Q1/2017 AP: CE Action Plan LP: Waste Legislative proposals (WFD/ PPWD)

7 2015201620172018 PRODUCTION  Emphasis on circular economy aspects on product requirements under Ecodesign  Coherent policy EU product legislative framework  Include guidance on circular economy into Best Available Techniques reference documents (BREFs) PRODUCTION  Efficiency improvement and uptake of EMAS and ETV C ONSUMPTION  Updated guidance on unfair commercial practices and other action on false green claims  REFIT of Ecolabel + actions enhancing its effectiveness  Explore uses of the PEF to measure & communicate env information  GPP enhanced integration of circular economy requirements GPP EU funds WASTE MANAGEMENT  Revised legislative proposal on waste WASTE MANAGEMENT  Waste to energy initiative  Dissemination of Good practices in waste collection systems MARKET FOR SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS  Quality standards for secondary raw materials (esp. for plastics )  Proposal for a revised fertilisers regulation  Water reuse Promotion Water reuse integration on water planning Water reuse best practices in BREFS Water reuse support innovation MARKET FOR SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS  Water reuse: Legislation on requirements for reused water (irrigation and groundwater recharge) SECTORAL  Plastics: Action to reduce marine litter implementing the 2030 SDG  Food Waste: Development of methodology and indicators on food waste  Food Waste Stakeholders platform on: SDGs goals achievement share best practice evaluate progress  Food Waste: Clarify relevant EU waste and feed legislation to: facilitate food donation use former foodstuffs for animal feed  Raw Materials, Biomass & bio-based materials: Assess sustainability of bioenergy including synergies and coherence with circular economy  Raw Materials, Biomass & bio-based materials: Assessment of EC Bioeconomy Strategy contribution to the circular economy SECTORAL  Plastics: Strategy on plastics in the circular economy  Food Waste :Explore options for more effective use and understanding of date marking on food SECTORAL  Raw Materials & Biomass and bio-based materials: Guidance and dissemination of best practice of cascading use of biomass and support innovation Circular Economy AP Expected Measures: Overview Actions in red: expected legislation / Actions in blue: non-legislative / : action to be followed in subsequent years

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