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Integrated Consulting Solutions Module 2: Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Consulting Solutions Module 2: Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Consulting Solutions Module 2: Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review

2 What You Need to Know About Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review  What is management commitment?  What are the responsibilities of senior management?  What is management review?

3 What You Need to Know About Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review  The building block for business system.  Management must be committed. What is Management Commitment?

4 What You Need to Know About Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review  Providing adequate resources.  Planning adequately.  Culture of meeting customer needs. What are the Responsibilities of Senior Management?

5 What You Need to Know About Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review  Plan, do, check, act  Management Review as a “check” step  12 areas to review What is Management Review?

6 Why Do Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review? Commitment  No commitment, no progress.  Top-down approach is essential.  Written Statement of Commitment.

7 Why Do Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review (continued) Responsibility  Senior management are responsible for: Setting up an ISO 9001 Planning Reviewing Determining the objectives Adjusting objectives

8 Why Do Management Commitment, Responsibility and Review Management Review Checking system performance Continuous improvement  Can uncover: Opportunities for improvement and growth. Ways to reduce waste. Solutions for chronic problems.  Can make a dramatic positive difference to the business.

9 What This Module Covers In this module we will be: 1. Creating a management commitment and responsibilities statement. 2. Creating a Quality Policy 3. Creating business and quality objectives and associated KPI’s. 4. Creating and populating a template agenda and minutes for management review meetings. 5. Considering the use of an approval and authorisations matrix

10 In Your Pack In Your Pack You Will Find  A sample Management Responsibilities Statement which you can customise.  Some sample quality policies  A template business objectives generation tool.  Several template Management Review Meeting Agenda and Minutes.  A template approvals and authorisations listing

11 Exercise One Workbook Question 1: Brainstorm the responsibilities of Senior Management Document Prompt Sheet for Management Responsibility statement Creating A Management Commitment Statement

12 Exercise One Additional prompts: 1. control the resources, and determine priorities. 2. ISO 9001 system setup, implementation, monitoring and improvement 3. setting business objectives 4. appointing a QMS rep 5. writing a quality policy 6. communication Creating A Management Responsibilities Statement

13 Exercise One Instruction Go ahead and write a paragraph which describes what you consider to be management responsibilities and commitments to the business. Creating A Management Commitment/ Responsibilities Statement

14 Exercise Two Instruction Open up the sample Quality Policies document now. Document Sample Quality Policies Creating A Quality Policy

15 Exercise Two Purpose: To demonstrate how quality fits into the way you do things. Creating A Quality Policy

16 Exercise Two Needs to contain: 1. What your company does and in what industry 2. Your aims or goals 3. How you will achieve these (the more specific the better) 4. The importance of the customer 5. Any other elements which are crucial to your quality goals e.g. suppliers, testing etc 6. Don’t forget ISO 9001! Creating A Quality Policy

17 Exercise Two Instruction Open up the sample Quality Policies document now. Either write a rough draft of a quality policy or schedule a meeting in the near future to complete this. Creating A Quality Policy

18 Exercise Three Workbook What are you hoping to achieve in your business? Document Business Objectives Matrix Document Creating Business Objectives

19 Exercise Three Instructions  Open your business objectives matrix document.  Go ahead and make a note of your top three or four business objectives for the next 12 months. You can you can use the matrix as a prompt if you wish. Creating Business Objectives

20 Exercise Four  A meeting is not essential.  Meetings need structure. Creating Management Review Meeting Agenda and Minutes

21 Exercise Four Little known fact:  Meetings CAN be a complete waste of time! Creating Management Review Meeting Agenda and Minutes

22 Exercise Four Effective Meeting Practice  Set agenda  Timed  Chaired  Recorded  Action items Creating Management Review Meeting Agenda and Minutes (continued)

23 Exercise Four  Training  Suitability of organisation structure, authorities etc Communication  Suppliers  Environmental and OHS Considerations Creating Management Review Meeting Agenda and Minutes (continued) 12 Recommended Management Review Agenda Items  Previous Mgmt Review  Internal and External Audit Results, Issues  Customer Satisfaction  Business Objectives  Continued adequacy of ISO business system  Level of conformity to product/ service requirements

24 Exercise Four Instructions Print out a copy of the template management review agenda and minutes ICS-MMM. Creating A Management Review Agenda

25 Exercise Four Instructions (continued) If you already have regular management meetings using an agenda and minutes:  Print out your usual meeting agenda.  Compare this with the template agenda.  Supplement your existing agenda with the 12 recommended items. Creating A Management Review Agenda

26 Exercise Four Instructions (continued) If you don't have a preferred agenda and minutes template:  Make sure you customise the template now to suit the requirements of your business.  Make sure you add your usual agenda items.  Review your business objectives at least once every six months.  Talk about customer feedback on a relatively frequent basis. Creating A Management Review Agenda

27 Exercise Five Workbook Question 5: Document Sample Approvals and Authorizations listing Approvals and Authorisations Listing

28 Exercise Five  The document lists all the major functions in the organisation against all the items that require some sort of control e.g. purchasing limits is most common.  Purpose is to provide clarity around how the organisation is structure and who should have approval to do what. Approvals and Authorisations Listing

29 Exercise Five Instruction Approvals and Authorisations Listing  Open up the listing  Amend the first column and the top row  Clear out the template contents and replace with your best guesses.  Consider including in a management review meeting.

30 Congratulations! That is the end of module two. You are ready to contact your consultant to check your work.

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