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The Face: A BONEFIED presentation of the facial bones Aditi G, Indira M, George H Pd. 7.

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Presentation on theme: "The Face: A BONEFIED presentation of the facial bones Aditi G, Indira M, George H Pd. 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Face: A BONEFIED presentation of the facial bones Aditi G, Indira M, George H Pd. 7

2 Bones of the Face Facial bones: 14 total Functions: o Protect & support entrances to digestive & respiratory tracts o Provide sites for the attachment of muscles that control facial expressions o Help manipulate food Mandible → only movable bone

3 Mandible lower part of the jaw that has a broad curve with processes on the ends. Consists of 3 parts: 1) Condylar Process 2) Coronoid Process 3) Ramus

4 Condylar Process of the Mandible - Extension of the ramus -narrow neck and rounded head -purpose: allows for mobility but can also become dislocated -articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal lobe (synovial membranes between the two surfaces).

5 TMJ Diagram

6 Coronoid Process of the Mandible -Extension of the ramus -sharp head -purpose: allows you to close your jaws -articulates with muscles for mastication

7 Ramus -Vertical portion of the mandible

8 Structures and Processes of the Mandible

9 Hyoid Bone -suspended below the skull -purposes: 1) base for larynx, tongue, and pharynx 2) stabilizes the position of the larynx

10 Hyoid Bone Diagram

11 Injuries to the Mandible - Dislocation: when the condyle is displaced from the temporal bone - several causes -treatments: health care professional can manually put back in place when individual is under anesthesia.

12 A Pain in the Neck: Hyoid Bone Injuries - Common causes: direct stresses (strangulation, car accidents, gunshots) -Airways become obstructed, individual can't breathe, will die of asphyxia unless met with immediate medical attention. -No standard treatment, although tracheotomies are usually performed in these situations.

13 QUIZ TIME! Name the 3 parts of the mandible.

14 Quiz Time (Answer) Ramus, Condylar process, and the coronoid process.

15 Quiz Time What are the two purposes of the hyoid bone?

16 Quiz Time (Answers) 1) base for the larynx, pharynx, and tongue 2) stabilizes the position of the larynx

17 Maxillary Bones - Maxillae Articulate with other facial bones except mandible Make up the following: o floor & medial portion of the rims of orbits o walls of nasal cavity o anterior roof of the mouth (hard palate) Maxillary Sinuses → lighten portion of maxillary bones above the teeth (part of paranasal sinuses)

18 Injuries to Upper Jaw - Maxillae Caused by blunt or penetrating trauma o Automobile accidents o Penetrating injuries o Violence Leads to bleeding, lacerations, and bruises on the face Treatment: fix broken bone segments with titanium plates & screws

19 Palatine Bones Pair of bones - form the posterior roof of the mouth (hard palate) superior surfaces of the horizontal portion of each bone contribute to floor of nasal cavity superior tips of the vertical portion of each bone form part of each orbit's floor

20 Inferior Nasal Conchae Pair of bones - project from lateral walls of nasal cavity Functions: o slows down airflow o deflects air towards olfactory (smell) receptors

21 Nasal Complex Includes: bones that form the nasal cavities & their sinuses Nasal Bones → form "the bridge" of the nose Nasal Septum → bony portion that separates left & right nasal cavities o formed by the ethmoid bone & vomer

22 Nasal Bones & Septum

23 Paranasal Sinuses There are four subdivisions o Maxillary Sinuses o Frontal Sinuses o Ethmoid Sinuses o Sphenoid Sinuses Named for the bones they're found within

24 QUIZ TIME! 1) What make up the anterior roof of the mouth? 2)What are the 4 subdivisions of the paranasal sinuses?

25 QUIZ TIME! (Answers) 1) Maxillary Bones 2)Maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid

26 QUIZ TIME! 2) This separates the left & right nasal cavities. What is it called?

27 QUIZ TIME! (Answers) Nasal Septum

28 Vomer Located on the saggittal line Articulates with the: spheniod, ethmoid, left and right palatine and left and right maxillary bones

29 Lacrimal Bones Most fragile facial bone Provides room for the tear ducts o Lacrimal Fossa: depression for the lacrimal sac. Tears formed by the sac drain through the nasal cavity. Found in the orbit (eye socket)

30 Zygomatic Bone Articulates with: the maxilla, temporal, spheniod and frontal bones. Also known as: zygoma, the malar bone, the cheek bone and the yoke bone.

31 QUIZ TIME! 1) What's the most fragile facial bone? 2) Where is the Vomer located? 3) What's another name for the zygomatic bone?

32 QUIZ TIME (Answers) 1) Lacrimal Bones 2) On the Saggittal Line 3) Zygoma, Malar Bone, Cheek Bone, Yoke Bone

33 Facial Bones Diagram

34 For Future Studying Purposes stem/skeleton/axial/skull/menu/ ml

35 The End!

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