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To Liberty Middle School READING CAI LAB 2006 – 2007 Room 201 – A. Flores.

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Presentation on theme: "To Liberty Middle School READING CAI LAB 2006 – 2007 Room 201 – A. Flores."— Presentation transcript:

1 to Liberty Middle School READING CAI LAB 2006 – 2007 Room 201 – A. Flores

2 How was your Summer ? SHARE WITH US… What did you do? Where did you go? What was your special activity?

3 PLEASE Fill out Info Sheet Name (exactly as on your schedule Example (William R. Reyna) Other name (Billy) ID number Address Phone Numbers (home, work, cell) Contact person (accident) Hobbies, Favorite Pets, Music

4 Respect others 1. Teachers & Administration 2. Students 3. School Property

5 Be Prompt -- No Tardies Every 6 weeks, once you reach 6 tardies, you get a referral to the principal – any tardy after 6 and you get ANOTHER referral! No “HANGING OUT” in the hall before the bell.

6 Be Polite Be Polite No Bullying Example: name calling, teasing, shoving etc., will not be tolerated.

7 Be Polite Be Polite If I am talking, you should be listening. When working, do not talk to person across the room. No one should get up unless it is to sharpen a pencil, get paper, or throw away garbage in waste basket. If intercom comes on, you should stop talking and listen.

8 Be Polite Be Polite Be respectful and participate properly during the morning PLEDGE and MOMENT OF SILENCE Listen and allow others to listen to the intercom announcements Be NEAT with breakfast meals

9 Be Polite Be Polite Do not touch or move other students mouse / keyboard Leave monitors alone, do not move screen up / down Place headphones on top of monitors

10 Be Polite Be Polite All hardware settings must not be changed: volume, background, brightness, colors, mouse, keyboard, and monitor No banging on tables or computers Do not move your computer backward or forward

11 Be Prepared Be Prepared Use the restroom between classes. You will not be allowed to go to restroom unless it is an emergency. When going to restroom, be respectful of others in hallway and in other classrooms. Return hall and restroom passes promptly.

12 Be Prepared Be Prepared Bring a pencil and paper. Food or drinks are not allowed in classroom. Feet and hands must be kept to yourself. Feet must be kept on floor at all times, not on the wall. not on the wall.

13 Be Prepared Be Prepared Diskettes, CD’s, radios, cell phones, iPods & MP3 players are not allowed. These items will be sent to the office and parents alone will be allowed to get them back. Backpacks belong in middle of room, not under your chair or desk.

14 Referrals 1. I will give you an initial warning to let you know that what you are doing is wrong. 2. If you do it again, I will talk to you outside. 3. If you do it a third time, I will call home or give you an automatic referral if situation warrants it. 3. If you do it a third time, I will call home or give you an automatic referral if situation warrants it.

15 Referrals 4. Excessive misbehavior will mean: a. loss of priveleges a. loss of priveleges b. phone calls to parent or guardian b. phone calls to parent or guardian c. parent / teacher conference c. parent / teacher conference d. parent / team conference d. parent / team conference e. other consequences, ISS, e. other consequences, ISS, suspension, etc. suspension, etc.

16 Grading Reading 201 How to Pass this Class: 1. Try your best in the courses. 2. Behave. Explanation: everyone can pass! Question: have I flunked anyone? YES! Why do you think?

17 Plato - Reading 201 How to do PLATO: 1. Do Not CLICK the Plato icon more than ONCE when starting Plato.

18 Grading Plato Grades count as follows: 1.Plato Computer grades are stored automatically, but I also record your grades on my gradebook. Not every grade, I will decide which grades I will decide which grades

19 Grading Plato Grades count as follows: 2. I record Yellow Stars in Plato On some Fridays, there might On some Fridays, there might be reward games or raffle be reward games or raffle prizes …. Depending on prizes …. Depending on behavior! behavior!

20 Grading Plato Grades count as follows: 3. Brainpop and grades grades count as 1/3. Excel assignments count as 1/3. Excel assignments count as 1/3.

21 GAMES Why play games? 4. INCENTIVE GAMES will be from a list I will allow, not from a list I will allow, not music sites, not violent games, music sites, not violent games, no chatting, no email. no chatting, no email.


23 Game List 5. INCENTIVE GAMES: HANGAROO Chess Detective

24 Game Rules 6. Keep in mind: You do not have permission to go to any games every day. If I let you play, it is because you have been good, quiet and on the job PLATO. I don’t have to let you. I don’t have to let you.

25 Game Rules 6a. If ONE person does not follow the game rules or goes to bad internet places, then…. All Class Computers Will Be Blocked

26 Game Rules 7. You can consider the games at the end of a period as 2 things: 1.incentives to do well 2.rewards for good behavior 2.rewards for good behavior 3.warm-ups for the brain 3.warm-ups for the brain

27 Game Rules 8. Keep in mind: If I have to write a referral for bad behavior for ONE student, the entire class will have NO GAMES. Do not complain about this rule. Help out by encouraging good behavior. (Example??? See next page)

28 Game Rules 9. In order for the class to play games, I expect ALL students to help with discipline. If a student is not behaving correctly, I expect the WHOLE class to bring it to that student’s attention. OTHERWISE, no games!

29 BOTTOM LINE: HaveFunLearning…

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