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Results We issued questionnaires across the whole school, currently 746 students, in total we managed to have replies returned from 548 students. (258.

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2 Results We issued questionnaires across the whole school, currently 746 students, in total we managed to have replies returned from 548 students. (258 senior, 129 middle, and 154 junior). We wanted to look at the trends and patterns which might occur across the school across the 3 different age phases. We needed to know if the students had perfected the basics, such as know how to find the web site and to remember or find their password to log on to the site. We were surprised that the senior students were the lowest in the school for these competencies.

3 Logging In We wanted to know what the students did at home compared school. Our prediction was that students logged on at home and worked on their e-journal less than at school. So, we wanted to go further into what exactly were they doing once they were logged on. We found that at school the trend was that the middle school generally lead the way, this was shown by the amount of students who made and read comments. (Seniors-52%)

4 Games Results In terms of using the class pages in school for activities and games again, the middle school made full use of this facility closely followed by the juniors.

5 Listed Games We discovered that amongst those students who used the listed games on the class pages, which teachers had sourced and linked specifically to target learning needs, a large proportion then used those links to get into unlisted games.

6 Chatting We then compared the results from our students focusing this time on their use at home. This time the Seniors showed that they tended to favour chatting to a buddy online, defined as a non learning based conversation eg, “Hi, how are you”. This group read and made comments on their own profiles. They enjoyed leaving comments on their buddies profiles but all three areas of the school showed a low amount of students leaving comments about their buddies learning or to help them with their learning. (23% of seniors, 36% of middle school and 8% of junior aged children.)

7 Interesting What was low for student usage, both at home and school, was uploading examples of their own learning through videos, pictures or scanned images. The seniors did however, enjoy posting information about themselves, more than about their learning.

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