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UIL 2016-2017 PRACTICES GAMES CONTESTS PLAYOFFS. PRACTICES UIL Constitution and Contest Rules: Section 5: Definitions (b) Calendar week means 12:01 a.m.

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Presentation on theme: "UIL 2016-2017 PRACTICES GAMES CONTESTS PLAYOFFS. PRACTICES UIL Constitution and Contest Rules: Section 5: Definitions (b) Calendar week means 12:01 a.m."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRACTICES UIL Constitution and Contest Rules: Section 5: Definitions (b) Calendar week means 12:01 a.m. on Sunday through midnight on Saturday. (ee) School week means the week beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first instructional day of a calendar week and ends at the close of instruction on the last instructional day of the calendar week, excluding holidays.

3 PRACTICES In-School Athletic Period (8hr Rule) (1) Does the in-school day athletic period count as part of the eight hours? No. The in-school class can not be over 60 minutes per day. (2) Does dressing out time and redressing time count as part of the eight hours? Yes, unless the student athletes were already dressed out because the athletic period precedes the portion of the day used as part of the eight hours. In that case, the dressing out time would not count as part of the eight hours, but the redressing time would. (3) Do water breaks and film review count as part of the eight hours? Yes. Any time used in connection with a practice that is not part of the in school athletic period counts as part of the eight hours.

4 GAMES 2016-17 Sport Season Dates and Game/Tournament Limits Sport Number of Contests Allowed Conference First Day of Practice District Certification Deadline Date(s) of State Championship Baseball 0 tournaments and 23 games or 1 tournament and 20 games or 2 tournaments and 17 games or 3 tournaments and 14 games All conferences 1/27/17 5/2/17* 6/7-6/10/17 Basketball (Girls) 0 tournaments and 25 games or 1 tournament and 23 games or 2 tournaments and 21 games or 3 tournaments and 19 games All conferences 10/19/16 2/11/17* 3/2-3/4/17 Basketball (Boys) 0 tournaments and 25 games or 1 tournament and 23 games or 2 tournaments and 21 games or 3 tournaments and 19 games All conferences 10/26/16 2/18/17* 3/9-3/11/17 Cross Country (Girls & Boys) 7 meets All conferences Year round 10/22/16** 11/12/16 Football 10 games 1A-4A & 5A, 6A w/no spring training 5A, 6A w/spring training 8/1/16 8/8/16 11/5/16* 12/14-12/17/16—1A-6A (DI & DII) Golf (Girls & Boys) 7 tournaments All conferences Year round 4/13/17** G: 5/15-5/16/17 B: 5/22-5/23/17 Soccer (Girls & Boys) 0 tournaments and 19 games or 1 tournament and 17 games or 2 tournaments and 15 games or 3 tournaments and 13 games 4A, 5A, 6A 11/28/16 3/21/17* 4/12-4/15/17 Softball 0 tournaments and 23 games or 1 tournament and 20 games or 2 tournaments and 17 games or 3 tournaments and 14 games All conferences 1/20/17 4/25/17* 5/31-6/3/17 Swimming & Diving (Girls & Boys) 7 meets All conferences Year round 1/28/17** 2/17-2/18/17 Team Tennis (Girls & Boys) 7 tournaments total (Team & Individual combined) 4A, 5A, 6A Year round 10/18/16* 11/2- 11/3/16 TennisIndividual (Girls & Boys) 7 tournaments total (Team & Individual combined) All conferences Year round 4/5/17** 5/18-5/19/17 Track & Field (Girls & Boys) 7 meets All conferences Year round 4/15/17** 5/11- 5/13/17 Volleyball 0 tournaments and 27 matches or 1 tournament and 25 matches or 2 tournaments and 23 matches or 3 tournaments and 21 matches All conferences 8/1/16 10/29/16* 11/16-11/19/16 Wrestling (Girls & Boys) 7 tournaments All conferences Year round 2/11/17** 2/24-2/25/17 * District chair is responsible for submitting the district certification form online (via UIL website). ** District chair is responsible for submitting the district results directly to the next level of competition (area or regional director); please do not send to the UIL office.

5 GAMES For any given extracurricular activity, a student may not participate in more than one activity (of the same sport) per school week, excluding holidays. May a student participate in two unrelated activities during the school week such as a music extracurricular performance on Tuesday night and a volleyball game on Thursday night? Yes. Each activity is treated separately. (19 TAC §76.1001 [d] [1]) 8. Is the UIL academic spring meet classified The 8 hour practice rule is separate as well.

6 CONTESTS Every sport has a different number count on games/contests. Make sure that you are in the allowable amount governed by the UIL. If you don’t know, you need to ASK. You may find the sport specific rules in subchapter C: Athletics 1230.

7 PLAY-OFFS PLAYOFFS When your team qualifies for post district competition we will adhere to the following guidelines. * No playoff arrangements are official without approval of the Athletic Office. * The Head Coach should get on the “list” of any playoff sites that might be used. We do not want to be forced to play somewhere because we did not have the foresight to secure alternative locations. * The Head Coach should contact the opposing coach as soon as possible to determine what issues you agree upon and what issues are in contention. The following should be discussed: * Date * Time * Location * Home and Home vs. Neutral Site * Ball * Single Elimination or Two out of Three * Inclement Weather Plan * Officials * Method of Coin Toss * The Head Coach in cooperation with the Athletic Office will commence the negotiations and planning. * The Athletic Department will release the Playoff arrangements. Remember; no playoff arrangements are official until the Athletic Office finalizes them. * The Head Coach must complete any and all of the UIL Playoff Reporting Forms. Failure to submit this information could result in a range of penalties as described in Section 27 (b) of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules which will be enforced. * When a site has been determined the Head Coach should contact all of the non-selected sites that were called and get off of their “lists”. * Head Coaches should plan ahead and be prepared for all possibilities. * Travel paperwork and transportation arrangements should be submitted well in advance. No playoff arrangements are official until the Athletic Office finalizes them.

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