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Freedom High School Boys Soccer 2014-15. Welcome FHS Boys Soccer Parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Freedom High School Boys Soccer 2014-15. Welcome FHS Boys Soccer Parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freedom High School Boys Soccer 2014-15

2 Welcome FHS Boys Soccer Parents!

3 Introductions Varsity Head Coach: Sal Acevedo Varsity Assistant Coach: Alex Morales JV Head Coach: Luis Cervantes JV Assistant Coach: Victor Banuelos Frosh/Soph Head Coach: Noe Cortes Frosh/Soph Assistant Coach: Luis Aguayo Goal Keeper Coach: Victor Banuelos Team Managers: Nelia Padilla, Chezette Riley, Yareli Garcia Gate Supervisor: April Roberts Athletic Director: Steve Amaro Principal: Erik Faulkner

4 Team Philosophy “Players to have a positive learning experience in an enjoyable environment.” Student Athletes are Students 1 st, Athletes 2 nd (Academics are the Priority) Responsibility Team Work Sportsmanship Discipline Respect Self-Control Pride Service (Team, School, Community)

5 Athlete Code of Conduct I Agree To... 1. Attend every practice, match and meeting, unless I inform the coach in advance of my absence. Attendance to practices, matches and meetings is mandatory! a) One unexcused practice can result in one game suspension. b) Two unexcused practices will result in one game suspension. c) Three unexcused practices will result in dismissal from the team. (Excused absences may include a family emergency or serious illness. Prior arrangements for some absences may be arranged with the coach.) 2. Give support and show respect to teammates, opponents, parents, coaches and referees. 3. Emphasize academics over athletics. Academic class attendance: a) Student/Athlete must be on time and attend classes daily. b) Cutting class is a full game suspension. Second offense, will result in removal from team. c) Excessive tardiness may be cause for game suspension. 4. Express myself respectfully and appropriately. Discipline Issues: a) First offense may result in one game suspension. If first discipline issue is of severe nature, immediate removal from the team may occur. b) Second offense may result in removal from team. 5. Work hard in practices and during games and always express discipline, commitment and dedication. 6. Practice sportsmanship at all times. “Winners don’t brag and losers don’t make excuses.” 7. Strive to be a positive influence in the way I talk and listen to my teammates, parents, coaches and referees. 8. Refrain from being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at all times on and off school campus.

6 Parent Code of Conduct I Agree To... 1. Accompany my son to as many informational meetings as possible. 2. Accept the authority of the coach to determine strategy and player selection 3. Avoid the use of tobacco and refrain from being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs during practices, contests or any events. 4. Help my son follow the Athlete Code of Conduct, team Philosophy and Rules. 5. Encourage my son during matches and leave the coaching to the coach. 6. Ensure that my son attend all scheduled meetings, practices and contests. If my son is not able to make a scheduled meeting, practice or contest, they will be responsible for contacting the coach in advance. 7. Provide only supportive comments to coaches, officials, and players of all teams. 8. Show enthusiasm, interest and support for our son. 9. Work closely with all program personnel to guarantee academic as well as athletic experiences for my son as a student- athlete. 10. Abide by the “24 Hour Rule” – A parent may not speak with a coach until 24 hours after or before a match.

7 Coach Code of Conduct I Agree To... 1. Exercise model sportsmanship 100% on and off the field. 2. Speak with parents about their athletes whenever it is mutually convenient. 3. Respect my athletes as individuals and lead by example. 4. Encourage my athletes to have a winning attitude through perseverance and hard work. 5. Keep up-to-date on coaching strategies and advancements. 6. Help each athlete realize his/her full potential. 7. Place school and family matters above all other activities. 8. Recognize performance as more important than winning or losing. 9. Develop leadership skills with all my athletes. 10. Enforce the school and athlete rules & regulations and team philosophy.

8 Practice / Game Schedules Varsity / JV – 6-8pm (non-game days) Frosh/Soph – 7:30-9pm (non-game days) Goal Keeper Training – 7:30-9 (Friday’s) Holiday schedule TBD Game schedules posted on Freedom HS website under Boys Soccer. Recently updated! Practice times may include: field training, conditioning, weight training, team bonding sessions, chalk talks, team meetings, etc. Practices subject to change.

9 Tournaments Diablo Classic (Freshman Only) - Danville Tri-Valley Challenge (JV) – San Ramon HS Tri-Valley Challenge (Varsity) – San Ramon HS, Amador Valley HS, Monte Vista HS Schedules on Freedom HS website under Boys Soccer

10 Academic Grades Players not eligible to play:  Below 2.0 GPA  2 F’s while taking less than 8 classes Players eligible for probation:  At least 1.75 GPA  No more than one F  Available once per year for only 1 program (team sports, prom, etc.) Academic Support Program – Mandatory for players struggling with grades (below 2.5). Will consist of tutoring classes after school (1 hour), providing progress report cards, communicating with teachers. Varsity: Study Hall (1-2 days per week) Students not allowed to train with team if not eligible to play.

11 Transportation No buses provided for games Parent driver volunteers needed!!! Parent Driver form & Athlete Transportation Parent Approval form available on Freedom HS website (under Boys Soccer) Buses – Cost: $600-850 per game (depending on location). o Approximately $100 per player. o JV & Varsity only. o Away league games only. o JV & Varsity would travel together to and from games.

12 Game Day Gate Fees Varsity & JV games only General admission - $5 Senior citizens and students with I.D. - $3 1 free admission for parents who complete NFHS Parent Course – “The Role of the Parent in Sports” ( – Bring certificate to gate! One time use! Parent drivers (for away games) may be eligible to attend home games free!

13 Fundraising Managers: Nelia, Yareli, Chezette All 3 teams united and working together Fundraising Procedure: Forms, Boosters Authorization, Clearance Fundraising Events (First Aid Kits, Snack Shack) Freedom HS Athletic Director “Donation Letter” Freedom HS Athletics Annual Golf Tournament (each sports team provides 1 foursome, prizes) Ideas for Fundraising – Please inform team managers, coaches Cover costs for uniforms, tournaments, equipment, etc.

14 Boys Soccer Page (FH Website) Announcements Coaches contact information Calendar (practice and games) Team Philosophy Team Rules Codes of Conduct All boys soccer related documents

15 Roster Schedule Results Standings Stats Previous Seasons Records Maps Articles Pictures Videos Create user log-in (to participate, upload pics, videos)

16 Social Media Please be aware of what your son is posting on social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. You never know who is watching! There could be serious consequences.

17 Meeting With A Coach Coaches are always available to speak with parents to discuss concerns and/or suggestions. Please contact the coach prior to set up an appropriate time to talk. 24 Hour Rule (before/after game) All coaches contact information is on Freedom HS website under Boys Soccer.

18 Questions?


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