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Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee COFO 2016 Agenda item 10 Document COFO/2016/10 Peter Csoka.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee COFO 2016 Agenda item 10 Document COFO/2016/10 Peter Csoka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee COFO 2016 Agenda item 10 Document COFO/2016/10 Peter Csoka

2 Progress in implementing the MYPOW 2012-2016 A.Strategy, priority setting and budget planning – SOFO2012, SOFO2014, FRA2015 – Reports endorsed by CL145 and CL150 – Input to Rio+20, UNFF, OWG on SDGs and WFC XIV B.Advise on global policy and regulatory matters – Recommendations endorsed by C38 and C39 – Coordination of agendas for RFCs and COFO C.Work planning and working methods – Coordination of meeting calendars to allow timely input – Strenghtened input to Regional Conferences – Coordination with other Technical Committees – Steering Committee playing active role intersessionally

3 Development of the new MYPOW Guidance from COFO22 for the MYPOW to be: – strategic and forward looking – enabling enhanced regional-global coordination – instrumental in strengthening the collaboration among FAO Technical Committees Coordination with secretariats of the Council and Technical Committees to fully benefit from findings of the Independent Review of FAO Governance Reforms

4 MYPOW 2016-2019 A.Overall Objectives for the Committee for 2016-2019 – review the situation of forests and forestry worldwide; – advice for Council on priorities, programmes and budgets; – advice for Conference on global policy and regulatory matters; – advice for members on promoting sustainable management of forests

5 Results for 2016-2019 Strategy, priority setting, and budget planning Analyses through SOFO2016 and SOFO2018 by COFO23 and COFO24 Issues identified by RFCs considered, guidance provided Recommendations for Strategic Framework, MTP and PWB are reflected in CL reports Guidance taken up by Technical Committees, Regional Conferences and RFCs

6 Results for 2016-2019 Advise on global policy and regulatory matters Clear, precise and consensus-based recommendations made in a timely manner to the Conference and reflected in the reports recommendations are used in developing national and regional policies Recommendations are taken up by other international fora, in particular UNFF, the Rio Conventions and other governing bodies of member organizations of the CPF

7 Results for 2016-2019 Effective work planning agendas focused and responsive to emerging needs agendas coordinated with other Technical Committees progress reviewed by the Steering Committee inter-sessionally Working methods Two sessions in the MYPOW period: 2016, 2018 with WFW Meeting calendar coordinated with RFCs and RCs Standing agenda items defined Role of the SC in recommending specific items

8 Points for consideration The Committee is invited to: take note of the progress in MYPOW 2012-2015 endorse the report review and adopt the MYPOW 2016-2019

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