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CASE STUDY: LITANI LOWER BASIN Progress Gumpoldskirchen 18-20 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CASE STUDY: LITANI LOWER BASIN Progress Gumpoldskirchen 18-20 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CASE STUDY: LITANI LOWER BASIN Progress Gumpoldskirchen May 2006

2 The Litani Lower Basin Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05
Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

3 Update of the TS daily data
LEGEND 700 701- 900 Update of the TS daily data Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

4 Demographic Change 2.16-2.2 % yearly demographic increase
capita 104 communities,5 caza. 7 towns having a population greater than 3000 % yearly demographic increase Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

5 River use Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM
Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

6 Total: 22 Millions m3/year (Litani water Authority)
62km2 (Citrus) 55km2 (banana) Total: 22 Millions m3/year (Litani water Authority) Litani Irrigation Canal Qasmiyye Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

7 Agriculture ELARD, 2001 Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05
Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

8 Institutional Framework*
Planning/Supervision MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER Reports to Reports to INFRASTRUCTURE Irrigation (Qasmiyye canal, Litani canal 900) Recreational South Lebanon Water & Wastewater Establishment Litani Water Authority Reports to WATER FLOW WATER QUALITY DOMESTIC WATER from Litani River Water Authorities (Jabal Aamel) * “Decrees 5469/ / / /40 (1966); Law 121/2001” Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

9 Stakeholders Workshop in september 2005
Pub. Auth NGO Workshop in september 2005 Workshop report sent to all the stakeholders Update of stakeholders’ list and information/ (27 qs and 56 stakeholders) Analysis of proposed objectives and constraints from the workshop Presentation of the Project progress scheduled with the Litani Authority Follow up second workshop in August 2006 Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

10 WP05: GIS DATA Metadata Input Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05
Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

11 Land Use Change (level)
Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

12 Land Use Change Increase in Urban Fabric Intro. The river basin
Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

13 Land Use Change (Banana/ Citrus)
1998 Decrease in citrus and banana 2005 Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

14 Land Use Change (Olives)
1998 Land Use Change (Olives) 2005 Decrease in Olives Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

15 WRM Baseline Scenario Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05
Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

16 Rainfall Runoff Model (15 subcatchments)
Problems with the calibration data Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

17 Criteria (based on issues qs and ws)
Infrastructural Management Legislative Awareness Increase of surface water and ground water pollution Waste water treatment plants Compliance monitoring plans Enforce standards Capacity building for local water authorities Increase in irrigation demands New channels/ dams Decision from the Council of Ministries Increase of domestic demand (increase of urbanization) Awareness Campaigns Incorrect exploitation of the river in Tourism/ violations Monitoring and control Improve permitting system Awareness campaigns Losses to the sea (winter) Development of the Agricultural sector Training on new techniques for irrigation Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

18 Supply meeting consumption demand
CONSTRAINTS Environmental Level flow in the river in some portions (especially at the coast) Supply meeting consumption demand OBJECTIVES Increase water demand efficiency Better exploitation of the River (balanced exploitation) Control sources of pollution Decrease losses to the sea Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

19 Waste water treatment plant(s) Hydroelectrical plant(s) Hill lakes
INSTRUMENTS Irrigation canal (8.05m3/sec agricultural use and 0.64 m3/sec domestic) cost of 132Million Euros 2 Dams (128 Millions m3) Waste water treatment plant(s) Hydroelectrical plant(s) Hill lakes Infrastructure Legal Update legislation/improve enforcement Decrease violations on River Water pricing Improvement of the canalization (decrease of losses) Management Awareness campaigns Irrigation technologies (surface irrigation to drip or sprinkle) Alternative crops (less water consuming) Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

20 Finalize Baseline scenario (data, economic information, etc.)
PROBLEMS RRM model (daily data for control points on subcatchment, data cannot be calibrated to a control station) Water Quality (Stream cannot be used since there were no levels of BOD detected during sampling in the River; potential campaign in summer(?)) FUTURE WORKS Finalize Baseline scenario (data, economic information, etc.) Input to WP04 (Instruments and water technologies, cost of infrastructure on the River Optimization runs Second workshop to quantify constraints, validate scenarios, in August 2006 after the progress report Intro. The river basin Stakeholders WP05 Landuse change WRM Obj/Const Instruments Conc.

21 Thank you

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