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-Changing attitudes towards marriage, divorce, family and homosexuality in the UK -Religious attitudes to sex outside marriage Success Criteria: -Understand.

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Presentation on theme: "-Changing attitudes towards marriage, divorce, family and homosexuality in the UK -Religious attitudes to sex outside marriage Success Criteria: -Understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 -Changing attitudes towards marriage, divorce, family and homosexuality in the UK -Religious attitudes to sex outside marriage Success Criteria: -Understand why and how attitudes have changed -Distinguish between the different religious arguments about sex after marriage - Evaluate why religious people have these beliefs providing evidence for them

2 Using P.60 of Religion and Life: Islam and Christianity answer the following question. C) Explain why attitudes have changed towards marriage, divorce, the family and homosexuality in the UK in recent years.(8) ---------------------------------------------------- Once completed swap with your partner, mark and correct their answer.

3 Read P.61 and discuss the following questions Is marriage worthless these days? Is co-habiting better than marriage – explain your opinion. Has divorce devalued marriage? Does family life affect upbringing? Homosexuality used to be a criminal offence – is it important that heterosexual and homosexual couples are treated equally?

4 Stick at it or divorce.... mx0gcJdg What are your views....... ?

5 Model Answers – mark the model answers and discuss your reasons for the marks...

6 P.63 List the Christian arguments for sex outside marriage and cohabitation. E.g.: Sex is ok if the couple are in a loving/ long- term relationship, or if they are getting married.

7 Using P.64/65 fill in the gaps.. ‘Nor come nigh to adultery for it is a shameful deed and an evil opening the road to other evils.’ (Surah 17) ‘And say to the believing women that they should…draw a veil over their bosoms, and not display their beauty…’ (Surah 24)

8 c) Explain what Muslims believe about polygamy and why they have these beliefs. (8)

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