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CIMug Focus Communities Address: A high-priority need Where wide input is needed: Utilities Vendors Universities IEC WG experts Fast tracks updates into.

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2 CIMug Focus Communities Address: A high-priority need Where wide input is needed: Utilities Vendors Universities IEC WG experts Fast tracks updates into the CIM Standards Asset Health is the first, more are coming…

3 Asset Management at Utilities Time-based maintenance still common. Need to do better. Aging fleets. Growing demand. Increased regulatory / media pressure. Desire to invest intelligently. A new Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) paradigm has emerged that leverages: Modern sensing technologies. New communication solutions. Enterprise data approaches. Improved computing technologies.

4 Silos at Utilities We’ve heard about the IT - OT divide. But there is a gulf within OT: Disparate data sources. Independent data stewards. For example: Operations data has bearing on asset health evaluation but is inaccessible. Dynamic loading data is used in IEEE C57.91 to calculate loss of life. But loading data trapped in operations data systems not organized by asset. Asset features essential to maintenance not represented in asset systems. Insulation failure is the leading cause of transformer failure. But not modeled in detail in typical asset management system. Need to bridge the OT divides to enable integration of operations and maintenance data for a more comprehensive picture of asset health.

5 CBM Best Practices Utilities want to determine CBM best practices. What asset attributes should be measured? What assessments should be made? What actions should be taken and when? Utilities want to share CBM best practices. For instance, transformers @ Utility A run “wet” and they are worried about bubble formation risk. Utility B has figured out an effective regime for tracking, assessing, and preventing bubble formation. But we lack a data framework for: Organizing data. Supporting analysis of what matters. Product development.

6 CIM for CBM We need CIM to: organize data from lots of sources into a cohesive picture to support condition evaluation. understand systems involved in providing/using data and the data exchanges required.

7 Asset Health Focus Community An Asset Health Focus Community has been created to address this need jointly between CIM WG and user community. Organization SharePoint site with repository for posting working docs: Bi-weekly GoToMeeting calls starting Nov 2012.

8 Focus Community Approach Describe typical asset health environment: 1. Aggregate data. 2. Generate asset health assessments. 3. Generate notifications / make data available. Identify points of data exchange: Aggregating data. Notifying/responding to requests. Start with: Aggregating data Transformers Dissolved Gas Development (DGA)

9 Focus Community Artifacts High-level use cases and sequence diagrams (with new Interface Reference Model (IRM) sub-functions and abstract components, as needed). CIM UML model extensions / enhancements. Sample instance models to illustrate potential model usage conventions and to validate model accuracy/usefulness. Data exchange profiles reflective of identified general or common data sources.

10 Focus Community Timeline Fall 2013 WG/CIMug Meetings High-level use cases and sequence diagrams. Initial proposal for DGA modeling Summer 2014 WG / CIMug meetings Asset health transformer model covering the most common types of input data. Proposed profile(s) related to the model. Documentation artifacts. Fall 2014 WG / CIMug meetings Proposal and plan for interoperability test. Asset health beyond transformers. Summer 2015 Transformer asset health interop test.

11 Focus Community Summary Real-world benefit supporting CBM. Spans WG13 (61970) and WG14 (61968) models. WG14 – Asset, Document. WG13 – Measurement, Equipment, Connectivity. Provides collaborative work environment across the CIM working groups (WG13-WG14) and with the user community at large.

12 Focus Community Participation Contact Pat Brown, Gowri Rajappan, Fill out the DGA Survey

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