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Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved Human Synergistics/UK Limited Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved Human Synergistics/UK Limited Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved Human Synergistics/UK Limited Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board Workshop Friday 29 th April 2016. Anthony Burke. Managing Partner. Insight Consulting. Associate. Human Synergistics/UK Limited. Organisational Culture, Behaviours and Attitudes Diagnostic Work:

2 Organisational Culture, Behaviours and Attitudes Diagnostic Work Presentation Contents Chapter 1.Objectives Chapter 2.Approach Chapter 3.Findings Chapter 4.Recommendations Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

3 The Diagnosis – Purpose and Outcomes Organisational Dimension Change the organisational culture in order to: 1.create a shared norm/vision across all partnership organisations 2.ensure the achievement of The Nine National Health and Well Being Outcomes Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

4 The Diagnosis – Purpose and Outcomes (Continued) Organisational Dimension 3.enhance the ability of all staff to demonstrate:- innovation creativity/holistic person centredness efficiency(ies) supportive mechanisms ‘can do’ attitudes, and… increased awareness of communication 4. create a shared DNA that will win hearts and minds Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

5 The Diagnosis – Purpose and Outcomes Leadership Dimension Develop a leadership capability able to both drive and deliver the required organisational culture change by: 1.setting the direction, shaping the future and acting as role models 2.‘living’ and be seen by staff to be ‘living’ the shared cultural values 3.continually seeking feedback to improve their personal leadership impact and by acting on it. Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

6 Human Synergistics’ Integrated Diagnostic System for Maximising Effectiveness in Organisations

7 Organisational Culture, Behaviours and Attitudes Diagnostic Work Presentation Contents Chapter 1.Objectives Chapter 2.Approach Chapter 3.Findings Chapter 4.Recommendations Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

8 Just A Thought. Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

9 Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All Rights Reserved. LeadershipCultureEngagementPerformance Culture happens. Leaders and managers can let it happen or they can manage what happens. It is a choice. HSUK Culture Leadership Leadership-Culture-Engagement-Performance

10 Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All Rights Reserved. The Three Dimensions of Engagement Intellectual engagement – thinking hard about the job and how to do it Affective engagement – feeling positively about doing a good job Social engagement – actively taking opportunities to discuss (voice) work related improvement with others at work Source: CIPD IntellectualAffective Social

11 Organisational Culture Inventory ® (OCI) Measures what is expected of members of organisations, or “norms and expectations”. In other words “the way things are done around here” Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

12 12 OCI Circumplex Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved


14 Just A Thought. Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

15 Organisational Culture, Behaviours and Attitudes Diagnostic Work Presentation Contents Chapter 1.Objectives Chapter 2.Approach Chapter 3.Findings Chapter 4.Recommendations Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

16 Total Group Ideal Culture 16 Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.

17 Observations Ideal Culture dominated by Constructive styles primary style – Humanistic-Encouraging (Constructive) Style 1 secondary style – Achievement (Constructive) Style 11 high in terms of the amount of agreement among members in terms of behaviours that should and should not be expected represents an excellent vision / direction of travel for the integration project Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved. 17

18 Ideal Culture – By Sector Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved. 18

19 Total Group OCI Current Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved. 19

20 Findings Current Operating Culture STRENGTHS Constructive cluster is strongest indicating a positive people orientation Humanistic Encouraging (Style 1) where members are expected to support others, is the primary and most dominant style a strong Affiliative Style (Style 2) encourages members to be open, friendly and co-operative in supporting effective team working Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

21 Findings Current Operating Culture (continued) AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT task orientation is dominated by Oppositional (Style 7) about finding fault and Perfectionistic (Style 10) being risk adverse Oppositional (Style 7) about finding fault has the potential to undermine Humanistic-Encouraging (Style 1) supporting others Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

22 Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All Rights Reserved. members are encouraged to keep their heads down Avoidance (Style 6) rather than take responsibility for their actions Self-Actualizing (Style 12) members are encouraged to conform Conventional (Style 4) and do what they are told Dependent (Style 5) rather than pursue a standard of excellence Achievement (Style 11) AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Findings Current Operating Culture (continued)

23 Total Group Current Culture -v- Ideal Culture Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.23

24 Total Group - Current Culture Locality Variations Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.24

25 Current Culture – By Sector Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved Third Sector Current Operating Culture N = 129 Social Care NHS

26 Total Group Positive Individual Outcomes Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved. 26 High Scores are Desirable All RespondentsHistorical Benchmark Best in Class

27 Total Group Negative Individual Outcomes Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.27 Low Scores are Desirable All RespondentsHistorical Benchmark Best in Class

28 Total Group Group Outcomes Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.28 High Scores are Desirable All RespondentsHistorical Benchmark Best in Class

29 Total Group Organisational Outcomes Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.29 High Scores are Desirable All RespondentsHistorical Benchmark Best in Class

30 Organisational Culture, Behaviours and Attitudes Diagnostic Work Presentation Contents Chapter 1.Objectives Chapter 2.Approach Chapter 3.Findings Chapter 4.Recommendations Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

31 Recommendations develop a compelling vision, mission and philosophy and ensure it is communicated effectively by leaders at all levels to staff and external stakeholders ensure there is no ‘erosion’ of the vision, mission and philosophy as it passes both up and down the organisation Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

32 Recommendations (continued) ensure that structures, systems and processes etc both drive and enable the achievement of the mission, vision and philosophy ensure leadership actions role model the desired/ ideal culture and in doing so set and communicate a clear direction for integration Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

33 Recommendations (continued) ensure all staff interactions, both internally and externally role model the attitudes and behaviours of the ideal/ desired culture introduce a performance management approach based on the attitudes and behaviours of the ideal/desired culture Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

34 Recommendations (continued) ensure staff engagement and involvement in all aspects of decision making, planning and goal setting relevant to their role encourage staff to develop innovative and creative ways of thinking Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

35 Recommendations (continued) introduce a performance coaching approach that balances the need to support staff with the need for staff to take responsibility for and own the need for performance development align HR and OD and the organisation’s people management practices with the achievement of the ideal/desired culture Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

36 A Standard of Excellence Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

37 Slide Reference Library Copyright © 2015 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved

38 Total Group Readiness for Change Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.38

39 Total Group Motivation for Cultural Change Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.39

40 Total Group – Current Culture Manage Services or Staff Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.40

41 Total Group – Current Culture Supervision of Staff Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.41

42 Total Group – Current Culture Provide Direct Care or Support Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.42

43 Total Group – Current Culture Administration or Organisational Support Copyright © 2016 by Human Synergistics International. All rights reserved.43

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