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Healthy Relationships. Types of Relationships ➲ Friendships ➲ Family ➲ Casual ➲ Romantic.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Relationships. Types of Relationships ➲ Friendships ➲ Family ➲ Casual ➲ Romantic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Relationships

2 Types of Relationships ➲ Friendships ➲ Family ➲ Casual ➲ Romantic

3 Aspects of a Healthy Relationship (Romantic) ➲ Communication ➲ Knowing what you want ➲ Keep things Interesting ➲ Support ➲ Respect ➲ Having Separate Identities

4 Communication ● Know what both people want. ● Listen ● Clarity and Honesty ● Paying attention to each others emotions ● Body Language ● Understanding both points of view ● Admittance ● Make eye contact.

5 Support ● Being for them mentally and physically ● Accepting the others weaknesses and differences

6 Respect ● Allow for give and take ● Disperse power equally ● Set limits and boundaries.

7 Having separate Identities ● Be connected but separate as well. (have a relationship without the relationship having you) ● Make time for other things in your life (friends, family, events) ● Have your own opinions, interests, friends, and other things going on in life. ● Put importance in other things in your life. ● Be open to being influenced by other person ● Be yourself.

8 Characteristics of Unhealthy Relationships ➲ Your partners early attitude is negative. ➲ Forcing of ideas ➲ Isolation ➲ Mysterious Behavior ➲ Confusion ➲ Self-centeredness ➲ No responsibility ➲ Easily Tempered ➲ Forced Physical Intimacy

9 If you want to end a relationship ➲ Make a decision ➲ Be assertive and vocal ➲ Be clear ➲ Prepare for the worst ➲ Make boundaries for the future ➲ Know when to walk away

10 Just in case to help you out... ➲ Stay calm ➲ Choose and pick important reasons why you want to break up. ➲ Distance yourself. ➲ Don't spark arguments ➲ You don't need to be friends right away. ➲ DON'T PLAY GAMES!!!

11 What you may go through... ➲ Denial ➲ Anger ➲ Bargaining ➲ Depression ➲ Acceptance

12 You Wanted to know... 1B ➲ What do boys and girls like in relationships? ➲ What are the best ways to ask the other person out? ➲ How do I break up with a person while not hurting them? ➲ How fast should a relationship go? ➲ Why do people want relationships? ➲ Is being opposites okay? ➲ How bad can relationships get? ➲ How hard is it to get broken up with? ➲ How much time should you spend with them?

13 Ratings...1B ➲ Trust ➲ Communication ➲ Honesty ➲ Support ➲ Physical Intimacy ➲ Separate Identities

14 You wanted to know...2B ➲ What qualities make up a good partner? ➲ How do I work on trust? ➲ How do you break up with someone without hurting their feelings? ➲ Why do people who are abused go back to the same person? ➲ Can you fix a bad relationship? ➲ How do you know your in a healthy relationship? ➲ What is attractive to the opposite sex? ➲ What hurts the most in a relationship? ➲ How much should you get to know someone before dating them?

15 Ratings...2B ➲ Trust ➲ Honesty/Communication ➲ Support ➲ Identity ➲ Physical Intimacy

16 You wanted to know...4B ➲ What qualities make up a good partner? ➲ What do boys and girls like in relationships? ➲ What are the best ways to ask the other person out? ➲ How do I break up with a person while not hurting them? ➲ How do I know Im ready to be in a relationship? ➲ What is attractive to the opposite sex?

17 Ratings...4B ➲ Trust ➲ Communication ➲ Honesty ➲ Support ➲ Identity/ Physical Intimacy.

18 You wanted to know...4G ➲ What qualities make up a good partner? ➲ What do boys and girls like in relationships? ➲ What are the best ways to ask the other person out? ➲ How do I break up with a person while not hurting them? ➲ How do I know Im ready to be in a relationship? ➲ What is attractive to the opposite sex?

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