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War Affects the World 13-3. A True World War The war in Europe quickly spread to new fronts and new countries became involved on both sides The Great.

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Presentation on theme: "War Affects the World 13-3. A True World War The war in Europe quickly spread to new fronts and new countries became involved on both sides The Great."— Presentation transcript:

1 War Affects the World 13-3

2 A True World War The war in Europe quickly spread to new fronts and new countries became involved on both sides The Great Powers on both sides looked for more allies to tip the balance of power in their favor

3 The Gallipoli Campaign The Ottoman Empire controlled the only passageway to get supplies to the Russians The Dardanelles, an area near Constantinople, was the key to controlling passage to the Black Sea and Russia The British, Australian, New Zealand, & French troops attacked on the Gallipoli Peninsula Becomes a bloody stalemate In December the Allies give up and withdraw

4 Africa & Asia Germany’s colonies are attacked Japan overruns German areas in China & the Pacific British & French troops attack German possession in Africa Many of the soldiers used by the British & French were colonial subjects Why? Many believed fighting would prove their loyalty and lead to their independence Even Gandhi believed this would help the movement toward independence

5 Sub Warfare Germans announce unrestricted sub warfare for ships around Britain 5/7/1915: Germany sank the British ship the Lusitania killing 128 Americans Germany said the ship was carrying ammunition from the US to Britain. Pres. Wilson was outraged Sent a strong protest to Germany Germany finally stopped attacking neutral ships but returned to sub warfare later in 1917


7 Zimmerman Note 2/17: Britain intercepts a telegram from Germany to Mexico The Germans are trying to get an alliance with Mexico to keep the US out of the war in Europe Mexico would get help from Germany to “retake” the territory lost in the Mexican-American War The American public is outraged, most are now clearly in favor of the Allies and clearly in favor of war

8 U.S. Enters War April 2, 1917 U.S. declares war on Germany and joins allies

9 Home Front – Total War Total War – devote all resources to war effort

10 Home Front - Rationing Rationing – People could only buy small amounts of items that were needed for war effort

11 Women and the War Thousands of women went to work Replaced men in factories, offices, & shops Women built weapons, paved streets, worked the fields, and ran businesses Most went back to their traditional roles when the war ended Many women were directly involved in the war effort as nurses

12 Home Front - Propaganda Propaganda – one sided information designed to persuade






18 Russia 1917 civil unrest - food & fuel shortages Nicholas II leaves throne- Lenin takes over Wanted to end the war for Russia Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Russia lost Riga, Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and some of White Russia

19 Final Push Germany sends all troops to Western Front Crushed everyone in their path and have reached the Marne River outside of Paris The allies counter attack a now weakened Germany army The US had by now sent 140,000 fresh troops to France 350 tanks crushed the Germany front lines 2 million more US troops arrived as the battle continued The Allied troops moved toward Germany


21 Final Push The Central Powers began to crumble The Ottomans and Bulgarians surrendered 1 st In October and revolution swept through Austria- Hungary German soldiers began to mutiny and public opinion turned against the Kaiser 11/9/18 Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down as the leader of Germany

22 Armistice Signed November 11, 1918 A new representative of the German government agreed to an Armistice Signed on the 11 th hour of 11 th month on the 11 th day

23 Legacy of the War 8.5 million soldiers dead 21 million soldiers wounded Millions of civilian deaths from starvation, disease and slaughter 20 million died from Influenza world wide The European economy was crushed, the war had cost about $338 billion Society was left disillusioned (disappointed) by the war, emotional depression set in for many, & despair was wide spread

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