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 Take out your planner and open it up to today’s date.  Take out your lit. book and read “Aunty Misery”  If you don’t have your lit. book read on with.

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Presentation on theme: " Take out your planner and open it up to today’s date.  Take out your lit. book and read “Aunty Misery”  If you don’t have your lit. book read on with."— Presentation transcript:

1  Take out your planner and open it up to today’s date.  Take out your lit. book and read “Aunty Misery”  If you don’t have your lit. book read on with someone seated near you who came prepared.  Finished before time’s called? In your comp. book respond to the following: after reading the selections of traditional stories, what is your favorite one and why. Be prepared to share out.

2 HOME LEARNING:  None (no A3Ks for the rest of the year) ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Summer reading available on school website (link on my blog)  All class library books due by May 27 th. Checking out books stops on that date too.   Remaining assignments

3  LAFS.6.RL.1.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.  LAFS.6.RL.1.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular detail  LAFS.6.RL.1.3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

4 I can…  Cite specific evidence from the text (RL.1.1)  Write a theme statement based on the text (RL.1.2)  Depict how the story unfolds using visual representation of the plot (RL.1.3)  Create a comic book which accurately relays the major events for every stage of plot (RL.1.3)

5 Review the rubric

6 EXPOSITION: Setting: Once, long ago (mid-1800s Japan), along a marsh Protagonist(s): Old couple, crane Antagonist: Curiosity Basic situation: Hard-working, but poor man rescues a crane and tells his wife; later they adopt a daughter Conflict: Old couple is poor. Daughter weaves to make them money, but only if they allow her to do so privately. #1 – Daughter spends whole day weaving. She emerges looking worn, but with a cloth they can sell. #2 – Father sells the cloth at the market for 3 ryo, which dressed them in fine clothes and made life easier for a few months. #3 – Once again the daughter disappeared to weave in private. When she emerged she had a beautiful cloth she instructed her father to sell and live off the sum. #4 – The father sold the cloth for 6 ryo and the family lived happily off the wealth for many months. #5 – When the daughter went to weave for the third time, the old couple’s curiosity got the better of them and they peeked. CLIMAX: It was the crane weaving at the loom and using her feathers to make the cloth. When their daughter, the crane maiden, emerged she had made the best cloth of all. She regretfully informed them she must move on. The old couple begged her to stay, but it was too late. RESOLUTION: - She transformed back into her original form and flew away -The old couple was sad to see her go, but were glad she was free Each year when the crane’s migrate the old couple feeds the crane maiden. THEME STATEMENT/CULTURAL VALUE: -Curiosity ruins good things -Don’t let curiosity get the better of you

7  On your own, create your plot diagram for the story of your choice. If you haven’t read the stories yet, you NEED to do this first.  Refer to the Choice Menu to see your options and get the page numbers for each traditional tale.  The plot diagram will be used as your plan and needs to be turned in to the inbox by the end of class.  Remember to include the conflict!  Check your work. If you do a thorough and accurate job, you’ll have more time to complete the project next class on our first work day.  The project is due June 1 (A) & June 2 (B)  Review C.H.A.M.P.S.

8  #1 – Turn in plot diagrams to inbox.  #2 - Log-off computers and return to the cart, if it applies.  #3 - Tidy the bins & return Ms. Barker’s materials to where they belong.  #4 – Straighten rows.  #5 - Pick up trash and throw it away.  #6 - Pack up personal belongings.  #7 – Sit silently and wait for Ms. Barker to dismiss you.

9 Be prepared to verbally share out:  Which story you selected  The climax of the story HOME LEARNING:  None (no A3Ks for the rest of the year) ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Summer reading available on school website (link on my blog)  All class library books due by May 27 th. Checking out books stops on that date too.   Comic Book Projects due June 1 (A) & June 2 (B) at the end of class--which gives you 3 more class periods to complete the entire project.

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