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Learning Disabilities By: Brandon Eldershaw Characteristics of Knowledge Acquisition.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Disabilities By: Brandon Eldershaw Characteristics of Knowledge Acquisition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Disabilities By: Brandon Eldershaw Characteristics of Knowledge Acquisition

2 What Are They? “Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention. It is important to realize that learning disabilities can affect an individual’s life beyond academics and can impact relationships with family, friends, and in the workplace.” - Learning Disabilities Association of America

3 Some Include:

4 How many people have learning disabilities?  2.4 million students are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and receive services under IDEA. This represents 41% of all students receiving special education services.*  75% – 80% of special education students identified as LD have their basic deficits in language and reading***  60% of adults with severe literacy problems have undetected or untreated learning disabilities**

5 Coping with Learning Disabilities Get a Diagnosis Support System Get Professional Help Schooling Options Sep 5 Title

6 Get a Diagnosis  It is very important for the parent and child to understand and be educated on the learning disability and what this will mean for the child.  From my own personal experience of having dyslexia, I look at having a learning disability as a way of learning new things rather than a weakness.

7 Having a Support System  Support and an optimistic mindset are key. Take advantage of resources, websites, and support groups.

8 Get Professional Help Not all learning difficulties require therapy, counseling, or medication, but they all require attention. Know that there are services out there to help. LDA (Learning disability of America) NCLD- CLD –(council learning Disabilities)

9 Schooling Options Most public schools have Special Education programs. IEP’s, 1 on 1 AIDS, and resource rooms are available. Always remember your child is not alone. For extreme cases, therapeutic boarding schools are an option. These facilities combine specialized education with counseling and therapy in a setting designed to help your child excel. Some parents choose to homeschool as well.

10 Sources Used with-learning-disabilities/ with-learning-disabilities/

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