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EARLY WORK 4/5-4/7 y day. EARLY WORK #13 PAGE 365-369 1. true or false: rod-shaped bacteria are spirilla. 2. true or false: an exogenous disease originates.

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Presentation on theme: "EARLY WORK 4/5-4/7 y day. EARLY WORK #13 PAGE 365-369 1. true or false: rod-shaped bacteria are spirilla. 2. true or false: an exogenous disease originates."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARLY WORK 4/5-4/7 y day

2 EARLY WORK #13 PAGE 365-369 1. true or false: rod-shaped bacteria are spirilla. 2. true or false: an exogenous disease originates outside the body. 3. AIDS is caused by what virus? 4. bacteria that are round or spherical in shape are________________

3 EARLY WORK #14 4/7/16 1. The virus that causes swine flu is______________________ 2. Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus? A. a common cold B. Tuberculosis C. Hepatitis D. Measles 3. Cocci that occur in clusters or groups are called________________ 4. Parasitic microorganisms carried by fleas, lice, ticks, and mites are_______________.

4 EARLY WORK #15 4/11/16 1. Page 414: Masks must be changed every _____________minutes or if they become _____ 2. Page 414 #7 and #14 The inside of the gown and the ties at the ___________ are considered ______. The ties at the waist are considered___. 3. Page 414 #17 True or False: To remove a contaminated mask, handle it only by the ties.

5 EARLY WORK #16 4/13/16 1. List 5 body defenses that keep us healthy. Page 370 2. List the 6 parts of the chain of infection. Page 370 3. true or false: Viruses can’t reproduce unless they are inside another living cell. Page 367 4. true or false: Men with facial hair, such as a beard, can’t wear a standard filtering mask. Page 410

6 EARLY WORK #17 4/15 371 Define antisepsis. 2. define disinfection 3. define sterilization 4. true or false: Antiseptics can irritate the skin and are used mainly on instruments not people.

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