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The Cold War 1975-1991. Détente Policy driven by both the USSR and the United States for the majority of the Cold War A set of talks, and the opening.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War 1975-1991. Détente Policy driven by both the USSR and the United States for the majority of the Cold War A set of talks, and the opening."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War 1975-1991

2 Détente Policy driven by both the USSR and the United States for the majority of the Cold War A set of talks, and the opening of communications meant to lessen and ease tensions, make the conflicts of the cold war more resolvable The Nixon, Carter, and Ford administrations were very pro-détente and worked to lessen tensions and struggles Reagan was a man of brinksmanship, and heightened the struggles of the war

3 Military Action in the post-Vietnam era American responses wary, less approving of further rmilitary engagements after Vietnam Some approve, due to circumstances, but many are staunchly anti-war, and will not approve of any military action CIA aid Afghan fighters against the Soviets in the 80s United States invasion of Panama

4 The Berlin Wall Falls “Mr Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL” – Reagan’s most famous speech East Germans riot, demand democracy, met with no Soviet action The East German government falls, Bush and Gorbachev meet in Malta Protesters are let through, in a last-second decision: let them through or fire on the crowd. This decision was the pivotal point between peaceful collapse and full revolution

5 The Fall of the Soviet Union Eastern European countries begin declaring independence, revolting agains the Soviets Russian dissidents calling Gorbachev out by name Germany united under West German government Warsaw pact members abrogate all military agreements Failed coups against Gorbachev, lead to a USSR dissolution and Gorbachev’s resignation Boris Yeltsin elected as Russia’s first President

6 America: The Superpower or World Police? As a result of the Cold War, America rushed out of it economically strong, militarily strong, and united, a country growing faster than any other in its history. It was protecting freedom around the world, and after half a century, it had succeeded in protecting the world from Communism, to a degree The downside to this, however, is the opinion of us, both at home, and abroad, as the World’s Police Force, deploying troops to every conflict around the world that could threaten our interests

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