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AliRoot status Peter Hristov 25/06/2012.

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1 AliRoot status Peter Hristov 25/06/2012

2 Requests: v5-01-Release #95196 Port AliPerformancedEdx to v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release. From rev ,56957 #95197 TPC QA Macro Patch to v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release #95169: Failure to merge large TPC QA objects. From rev

3 v5-02-Rev-15 #95308: request to commit to OADB and port to release. From rev #95368 Port to add known and unknown Hyper-Nuclei states to AliRoot via VMC. From rev ,57210 #95424 Request to port HLT TPC cluster transformation to v5-02-Release. From rev ,57161,57200 #95449 Request to port modifications in track length integration, revs 57171,57212 #95478 Porting request for TRD rev 57222 #95169: Failure to merge large TPC QA objects. From rev #95494: Change AliLog message in AliAltroRawStreamV3.cxx. From rev

4 Requests #88827 Request for porting updates to TOF QA task into release #95511 Request to port AliAODExtension (header missing in AliAOD.Muons.root) #95520 request to port to the release (new cuts for the ITS PlaneEff) #95551 Addition of a method to AliQAv1 to unset event species #95560 Porting request: MTR avalanche cluster size in MC. From rev 57334 #95632 Request to port to the release (EVGEN update for quarkonia and open HF production in pA - Ap) #95634 port to Release AliT0Reconstructor.cxx

5 Requests: OCDB #95573 SPDDead to RAW OCDB 2012
#95621 Upload OCDB objects to the RAW OCDB #95631 new OCDB for runs before the year 2011

6 Other reports #95580 Problem with trigger selection in Raw Reco ?
#92765: Implement Trigger Aliases #28919: Pass3 of limited trigger set of LHC11h #95608 Introducing 1/pt correction before filtering

7 Other reports #95374 Investigation on double peak structure in the vertex distribution during cPass0 LHC12a LHC12b #95418 Retrieving QA thresholds

8 Old slides

9 Requests: OCDB #95241 Update in TOF resolution in OCDB/TOF/RecoParam
#95437 Request to upload SDD calibration objects for LHC12a.b

10 Release plans Create v5-03-Release after the offline week (now)
Use the production release of Root v Several fixes and improvements concern directly ALICE #95175: Read fails after writing an abstract base (“Clone problem”) #93998: Recent change to TTree::ReadStream/ReadFile fails (“delimiters problem”) TFileMerger: better efficiency, treatment of objects that cannot be merged, trees in subdirectories, “forward compatibility” Tree libraries: better performance, reworked reading of text files, Updated TEntryList New functionality in PROOF THn, etc. classes for TPC calibration Multi-threading in VMC

11 New release: necessary steps
Solve Coverity issues Revise and solve the open Savannah tickets Solve the main performance issues detected by QA (presented at PB) Difference in momentum spectra between positive and negative tracks => account for additional ExB shift dE/dx => improved calculation Provide memory and CPU profiling Long-standing issue with the PbPb reconstruction that doesn’t fit in 2.5Gb RAM Accommodate the new development: calibration, visualization, DQM, etc. Coding conventions

12 Changes: v5-02-Rev-14 Technical fixes for TH1/TH2 mismatch. From rev ,57083 #95085 DAs don't compile with b. From rev #95196 Port AliPerformancedEdx to v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release. From rev ,56957 #95197 TPC QA Macro Patch to v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release #95257 porting to release (TPC, fixes #95249). From rev , 56994 #95262 Porting AliPHOSQADataMakerRec to Release. From rev #95290: Request to port AliITSQASSDDataMakerRec.cxx to release. From rev

13 Changes: v5-02-Rev-14 #95200 Request to port bugfix of HLT TPC online tracker to v5-02-Release. From rev #95201 Request to port update of HLT framework to v5-02-Release. From rev ,56959 #95202 Request to port update of HLT trigger framework to v5-02-Release. From rev #95203 Request to port update of HLT MUON to v5-02-Release. From rev #95204 Request to port update of HLT TPC to v5-02-Release. From rev ,56961,56963,56966 #95205 Request to update HLT ChangeLog of v5-02-Release

14 Other reports (11/06/12) #95169 Failure to merge large TPC QA objects
#95215 amoreREC : AliReconstruction doesn't stand consecutive runs #95222 Unprotected OCDB setup for TPC in the calibration train for CPass0/CPass1 #95249 Extraction of OCDB objects (TPC TimeDrift) in CPass1 fails with Rev-12 and Rev-13 #95206 Testing of automatic emulation of TPC compressed cluster data

15 Changes: v5-02-Rev-13 #93405: Porting request for p-p 2012 calibration macros+related. From rev ,56853 #94719 please port from trunk to release #94875 missing class version update. From rev #94929 making AliGRPPreprocesso::ProcessAliases static. From rev #94948 Change in the TOF response and porting into the v5-02 release. From rev #94957 Port HMPID files to the release. From rev

16 Changes: v5-02-Rev-13 #94963 segv while reading TPC/Calib/Raw in snapshot during recCPass1. See #95076 #95076 Request to port to v5-02 Release - TPC code. From rev ,56798,56803,56832,56840,56865, 56927 #95078 Request: Port update of TRD rec. for online gain tables to release. From rev ,55276,55380,55874,55878,56005,56464 #95134: Request to port rev to v5-02-Release (adding T0 to muon AODs) #95136: CPass0/CPass1 porting request for STEER and ANALISYS directory. From rev , 56869, 56899 #95177: EMC SHUTTLE port r56897 to the release for production at P2. From rev ,56926

17 Changes: OCDB #94834 upload to alien OCDB T0/Calib/RecoParam for LCH11a pass4 #94898 Request of porting TPC cluster parameterizations to MC OCDB for LHC11d #94992 SPD Dead to RAW OCDB 2012 #95064 upload TPC gain calib to OCDB (LHC12a) #95082 OCDB alignment objects for EMCal (survey 2012)

18 Other reports (04/06) #94733 Definition of condition to start merging for CPass0/CPass1 #94739 Serious problem with TPC code #94812 Crash in QA, merging stage, LHC11a, pass4 #94997 VZERO finds hits with 1 sec time stamp #95057 rev causes linker not to find dim library #94768 Reconstruction fails when called from AMORE

19 Changes: v5-02-Rev-12 #94804: PID QA crashes on data. From rev. 56647
#94753: porting request for next MC production (ITS Upgrade studies). From rev ,56382,56412,56554,56561,56570,56599,56600 #94835: Request to port rev and to the release (MUON)

20 Other reports (21/05/12) #94739 Serious problem with TPC code
#94733 Definition of condition to start merging for CPass0/CPass1 #94658 TRD reconstruction of B!=0 cosmics with truncated mean

21 Changes: v5-02-Rev-11 #94442 Chain processing time grows linearly with chain length #94359 Floating point exception in RAW data reco, runs , , (LHC12b) #94719: please port from trunk to release (remove hard coded names from the handlers) #27425: CPass0/CPass1/VPass calibration readiness for 2012 data taking (physics selection). From rev ,56568,56569 #93470: GRP fails due to "corrupted" values in LHC Data file. From rev ,55626,55956,56013 #94749: port to Release AliT0QAChecker. From rev #94755: Please port AliPHOSQAChecker to release. From rev

22 Changes: OCDB #94674 Overload of bad calibration object in OCDB/ITS/Calib/CalibSDD

23 Changes: v5-02-Rev-10 #94568 Crash of the QA EMCAL trigger task. From rev , 56502,56505 #94564 Port TOF related modifications to release. From rev ,55883,56381,56494 #94557 Port HMPID files to the release. From rev #94556 TPC calibration: Porting request for v5-02-Release. From rev ,55395,55604,55606,55790,55792,55858,55859,55881,55885,55887,56062,56063,56068,56157,56237,56245,56255,56256,56258,56259,56260,56261,56262,56263,56267,56268,56279,56317,56320,56421,56434,56435,56437,56439 #94607: Request to port to v5-02 Release - TPC code. From rev #94615: Problem with TGrid::Connect in the new root versions. From rev

24 Requests: OCDB #94546 upload to alien OCDB T0/Calib/RecoParam
#94267 SPDDead to RAW OCDB

25 Other reports #93991 Adding known and unknown Hyper-Nuclei states to TGeant3.cxx #94053 specifying precision of fTRDsignal in AliESDtrack #94094 Crash in simulation: bad_alloc with RAW OCDB files #94108 Using precompiled ROOT/AliRoot packages crashes gdb #94133 Memory error in AliESDtrackCuts::GetReferenceMultiplicity #94146 AMORE can't retrieve Vertex plots after update to b #94499 request to commit in STEER, STEERBase. AOD and OADB #94248 TOF channel-by-channel Calibration task

26 v5-01-Rev-33 #94078 Request of porting of rev , in v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release #93973 EMCAL : Port modification in digitizer, allow negative values in electronic noise. From rev #93572: New implementation of SPD thermal shield. From rev ,53578,55309,55924 #94323: Request to port rev into releases (TOF trigger simulation code) #94405: Request to port bugfix of HLT TPC online tracker. From rev ,53817,56142 #94408: Request to port update of HLT trigger framework to v5-01-Release. From rev ,52066,55427 #94409: Request to port bugfix/update of HLT display/framework. From rev ,52713,52753,52985,54633 #94487: Request to update HLT ChangeLog of v5-01-Release

27 v5-01-Rev-33 #93574: New beam-pipe and FMD2&3 misalignment. From rev ,54703,55648,56312,56313,56360 #93932: Port to release: Allow to set the first event in AliGenReaderTreeK. From rev

28 v5-02-Rev-09 #93405: Porting request for p-p 2012 calibration macros+related. From rev ,56162 #93572: New implementation of SPD thermal shield. From rev ,55924 #94078 Request of porting of rev , in v5-01-Release and v5-02-Release #94138 Port update in Ali*CaloCells to trunk and release. From rev ,56152,56371, 55343,55682,55711,55901,55912,56361,56362,56415 #94157: Request to port changes in TPC gain and dE/dx calibration from trunk to release (automatic chamber-by-chamber). From rev

29 v5-02-Rev-09 #94166: Porting request for TRD revs 55273,55463,55521,55546 #94210: Fix in AliAnalysisManager to be ported to Release. From rev ,56150 #94213: Changes for the release (DQM for ZDC). From rev #94321: porting CDB snapshot commits to v5-02-Release. From rev ,55400,55568,55817,55937

30 v5-02-Rev-09 #94221: EMCAL : Port modification of calorimeter QA code to release. From rev ,55401,55478,55501,55525,55539,55575,55974,56147,56148,56216,56217 #94323: Request to port rev into releases (TOF trigger simulation code) #94324: EMCAL Trigger QA: Port update to release. From rev ,56196,56197,56233 #93916: EMCAL commit attached patch and port to the release. From rev ,56134 #93574: New beam-pipe and FMD2&3 misalignment. From rev ,56312,56313,56360

31 AOD size (10/05/12) #94112: "Standard" AOD size Reported on 27/04.
Main focus on ~34% of the AOD size in AliAODPid *fDetPid; // more detailed or detector specific pid information. Table from P.Antonioli 07/05

32 AOD size (10/05/12) Revise the content: ongoing
tracks: % fDetPid % fCovMatrix % fTPCFitMap.fAllBits % fTPCClusterMap.fAllBits 5.1% v0s: % vertices: % pmdClusters: % caloClusters: 1.3% cascades: % More active use of Double32_t for compression. Estimated time: “next week”

33 OCDB #94139 SPDDead to RAW OCDB
#94148 OCDB errors when retrieving TRD/Calib/TrapConfig and GRP/Geometry/Data

34 Changes: v5-01-Rev-32 #93585 Request of porting in the release (AliTOFTrigger). From rev ,55583,55694

35 Changes: v5-02-Rev-08 #93916 EMCAL commit attached patch and port to the release. From rev ,55940 #93881 port to Release AliT0Reconstructor.cxx and AliT0RecoParam.cxx. From rev ,55868 #93849 alieve_init.C crashes with Can't call ex autload. From rev #93932: Port to release: Allow to set the first event in AliGenReaderTreeK. From rev Technical change from rev #93969: Bug fix in AliAODExtension (mainly for muon AODs). From rev

36 Changes: v5-02-Rev-08 Technical fix from rev. 55946
#93973: EMCAL : Port modification in digitizer, allow negative values in electronic noise. From rev #93996: Request to port to release RAW code - update of raw reader. From rev #93470: GRP fails due to "corrupted" values in LHC Data file. From rev ,55626 #93405: Porting request for p-p 2012 calibration macros+related. From rev ,55892,55935

37 Changes: OCDB #93882 upload to alien OCDB T0/Calib/RecoParam

38 Other reports 23/04/12 #93921 Add check for OpenGl to cmake build system

39 LHC11h MC tests with v5-02 #93595 Crash in Simulation : ZFatal
#93594 Crash in Simulation : hipyset1_35/luzdis_hijing.F:51 #93593 Crash in Simulation : AliTOFv6T0::StepManager #93592 Crash in Simulation : gphys/gvaviv.F:354 #93591 Crash in Simulation : hipyset1_35/pyremn_hijing.F:274

40 Task #27425: CPass0/CPass1/VPass calibration readiness for 2012 data taking
#92835: Prepare reconstruction macros for CPass1 scenario b) #92836: Calibration macros update/new code for CPass0/CPass1 #92839: Validation of CPass0/CPass1 per detector with flags #92842: Logic for CPass0/CPass1 running and failures #92845: Implementation of the automatic production chain CPass0/CPass1 + OCDB updates/snapshots #92847: Sequenced timeline of all steps in CPass0/CPass1/VPass #93630 Memory-hungry TPC code in CPass0/CPass1 #93722 Calibration: SDD+ITS readiness with v5-02-Rev-06 #93721 Calibration: Mean Vertex readiness with v5-02-Rev-06 #93720 Calibration: TRD readiness with v5-02-Rev-06 #93719 Calibration: TPC readiness with v5-02-Rev-06 #93718 Calibration: T0 readiness with v5-02-Rev-06 #93717 Calibration: TOF readiness with v5-02-Rev-06

41 Requests v-01-Release & v5-02-Release
#93574 New beam-pipe and FMD2&3 misalignment #93572 New implementation of SPD thermal shield #93556 Trigger list in Pb-Pb 2011 simulation. From rev

42 Changes: v5-02-Rev-07 #87900: Request to port changes is AliTOFQADataMakerRec code into release. From rev #93585 Request of porting in the release. From rev ,55694 #93598 Porting request: fix in muon track refitter task (rev 55704) #93606 Request: Port bug fix in TRD reconstruction to release. From rev #93692 Physics selection does not work in QA for 2012 data - missing trigger. From rev #93716 ZDC update of QA Checker. From rev #93750 Update to DQM histos for ZDC in the release. From rev #93762: porting request. From rev ,55334 Technical fix from rev #93769: EMCAL: Port reference LED file for DQM. From rev

43 Changes: v5-02-Rev-07 #93405: Porting request for p-p 2012 calibration macros+related. From rev ,55749,55750,55751,55765,55770,55771,55772 #90303: Port to the Release --> Fix PROOF-INF/SETUP.C to create PAR files for AliRoot trunk. From rev #92835: Prepare reconstruction macros for CPass1 scenario b). From rev ,55803,55804 #93791: Request to port changes in the PHOS trigger offline software. From rev ,55759,55761,55763,55775

44 Changes: OCDB #93647 EMCAL: Port first calibration file for 2012 data after channel voltages change #93698 SPD Dead to RAW OCDB 2012 #93749 Updated trigger object for PHOS OCDB

45 Other reports (16/04/12) #93609 Misaligned geometry containing many overlaps #93685 changes in AliAODTrack/ALiAODEvent - commit to trunk #93696 changes in AliPIDCombined - commit to trunk #93737 TRD QA output in TRDinfoGen/Chambers crashes merging of LHC12a17a

46 Changes: v5-01-Rev-30 #93161 PbPb simulation LHC11h (reconstruction part) - crash in AliITStrackerSA #93464 Bug fix in the filling of VZERO ESD friend. From rev #90625: Memory problem in AliTPCtrackerMI. From rev ,55281,55346 #93538: Port to releases: Interaction time not propagated to generators in a cocktail. From rev Fix for #92820: Patch to fix the use of gMC in TOF. From rev

47 v5-02-Rev-06 #93216 Request to port to Release: AliESDEvent.h. From rev #93218 port to Release AliT0PreprocessorOffline and AliT0CalibSeasonTimeShift. From rev #93224 port to Release AliT0Reconstructor.cxx with new pedestal subtraction. From rev #93257 EMCAL: Port updates in tender, QA and analysis to v5.02. From rev ,55368,55624,55650,55658

48 v5-02-Rev-06 #93304 Port HMPID file to the release. From rev. 55499
#93316 request to port changes in TPC calib code to release. From rev #93324 New trigger classes for pp2012. From rev #93338 porting of rev #93363 porting CDB snapshot commits to v5-02-Release. From rev

49 v5-02-Rev-06 #93405 Porting request for p-p 2012 calibration macros+related. From rev ,55372,55373,55374,55377,55378,55381,55383,55384,55385,55386,55390,55410,55411,55424,55436,55438,55443,55448,55473,55474,55475,55479,55482,55488,55502,55503,55504,55510,55519,55527,55528,55562,55566,55618,55619,55620 #93454 Porting to the release AliGRPPreprocessor changes for treatment of trigger aliases. From rev ,55585,55602,55607,55608,55628,55647 #93464 Bug fix in the filling of VZERO ESD friend. From rev

50 v5-02-Rev-06 #93472 Request to port to release the modification for Muon QA task from revs 55086,55547,55549,55550 #93479 Request to port to release the modification for ITS efficiency evaluation from rev #93484 Missing protection in AliESDVertex. From rev 55639 #93537 ZDC bug fix to DQM class in the release. From rev #93538 Port to releases: Interaction time not propagated to generators in a cocktail. From rev #93549 EMCAL DQM : Port reference file for DQM plots. From rev

51 v5-02-Rev-06 #91510: Reconstruction able to deal with different triggers. From rev #92834: Implement trigger aliases in AliRoot, RAW data reconstruction. From rev ,55530,55579 Technical fix for the QA train. From rev Technical fix for the event display. From rev patch

52 Changes: OCDB #93007 Improve OCDB snapshot
#93153 Request to upload new TRD OCDB object TRD/Calib/TrapConfig #93276 Request to upload new TRD OCDB object TRD/Calib/Krypton_ and TRD/Calib/Krypton_ #93285 SPD Dead to RAW OCDB 2012

53 Root & Geant3 Problems with v5-30-06 Problems with v5-32-01
It has to be patched for THn-related classes Cannot “drain” the geometry created with v (AliEn -> local) Problems with v Issue with openssh on the build servers The same problems as with v Problems with v Crash in the geometry All these except the “draining issue” are solved in v a Geant3 v1-14 recreated to fix a duplication in the declaration of deuteron, triton, He4 It contains also the fixes in Gheisha => no “Geant3/Fluka” correction should be needed in the future v5-01-Rev-29: rebuild with the latest Root v a and Geant3 v1-14

54 Other reports (10/04/2012) #93013 Bias in MeanVertexSPD of LHC11a data
#93021 Online Reconstruction and Visualisation Design #93171 Online Event display crashes on consecutive runs #93203 problem in saving ESDMuonClusters in HLT tree #93227 simulation crashes in AliTOFcalib because of run number -1 #93264 Rule Checker gives wrong recommendations for include vs. forward declaration #93265 Patch to change sequence in AliReconstruction

55 Changes: v4-20-Rev-25a #92223: Modify AliGenPythia.cxx, .h to enable triggering with specific species within a given pt window. v4-20-Rev-25 should be used for reference It will be build using Root v c and Geant3 v (the same as before, see the packages table)

56 Changes: v5-02-Rev-05 #92975 Please port to the next realese to be installed at P2 the trunk rev (AliACORDEQAChecker&AliACORDEDataMakerRec) #90625: Memory problem in AliTPCtrackerMI. From rev ,55281,55346 #92820 Patch to fix the use of gMC in TOF. From rev #93109: Port change in AliGRPPreprocessor.cxx to the release (rev ) #93117: VZERO OCDB: Update of the time delays for few channels. From rev #93184: Request to port ZDC code to the release. From rev #90436: Porting request: Misuse of TClonesArray containing AliESDMuonCluster. From rev #93101: Request to port to release TPC code - update of DQM. From rev #93172: Porting request: Improve trigger chamber efficiency calculation. From rev 55449 Technical fix: avoid error messages in DA. From rev

57 CPass0/CPass1/VPass/Pass1
# Sequenced timeline of all steps in CPass0/CPass1/VPass # Implementation of the automatic production chain CPass0/CPass1 + OCDB updates/snapshots # Validation of CPass0/CPass1 per detector with flags # Prepare configuration/Steering/makeOCDB macros update/new code for CPass0/CPass1 # Calibration macros update/new code for CPass0/CPass1 # Prepare reconstruction macros for CPass1 scenario b) # Implement trigger aliases in AliRoot, RAW data reconstruction # Implement trigger aliases in Shuttle/GRP #91510: Reconstruction able to deal with different triggers

58 DQM #92849 Implementation of AliZDCQAChecker for DQM required
# Migration of TRD DQM shifter plots from custom AMORE agent to QA framework # Implementation of AliSSDQAChecker for DQM required # Implementation of AliPMDQAChecker for DQM required # Implementation of AliPHOSQAChecker for DQM required # Logic for CPass0/CPass1 running and failures # Implementation of AliHMPIDQAChecker for DQM required # Implementation of AliFMDQAChecker for DQM required # Implementation of AliTOFQAChecker for DQM required

59 Other reports (26/03) # ZDC digitizer bug: spectators not added for AMPT generator # root v and alien on Mac OS X Snow Leopard? # Implement Trigger Aliases # request changes in STEER needed for PID and track selection

60 OCDB #92456 TPC MC RecoParams for LHC11 pp simulation

61 Changes: v5-01-Rev-29 #92604 Request to port AliTPCv*.cxx to the release. From rev #92528 port to Release and AN-tag patch to T0 part of AliTriggerSelection. From rev #92223: Modify AliGenPythia.cxx, .h to enable triggering with specific species within a given pt window. From rev ,55252 Technical fix from rev

62 Changes: v5-02-Rev-04 #92654 fix bug in AliAODPid copy constructor port to v5-02-Release. From rev #92650 request to port AliTOFTender from trunk to release. From rev #92604 Request to port AliTPCv*.cxx to the release. From rev #92223: Modify AliGenPythia.cxx, .h to enable triggering with specific species within a given pt window. From rev ,55252 #92722: port to Release AliT0CalibTimeEq.cxx. From rev #91699: Request on more detailed ITS cluster information in the ESDs: Porting request for 55200

63 Changes: v5-02-Rev-04 #92772: Port updates in CaloTrackCorr and EMCAL to release From rev ,54921,55071,55073,55082,55178,55179,55180,55181,55182,55183,55184,55185,55206,55210,55211,55220,55223,55224,55251

64 LHC11h PbPb data: plans MC production: task #25489, #26646
New tag from v5-01-Release The updated macros are prepared by Andreas Two reconstruction passes (with/without TPC bug) A short test will be run The full production will take ~2 months (to be reevaluated after the tests) This MC should be OK also for pass3 (compatible reconstruction?) AOD re-filtering for pass2: task #26717 Should start this week with v5-02-Rev-04 Relatively long processing (2 weeks?) Streaming of “interesting” raw event (selected by the task of Jacek): task #26736 Pass3: no task yet The memory consumption is an issue Main improvements expected from TPC Compatibility => changes only in v5-01-Release? We have to start in a month from now Detector readiness, etc. from PWGPP

65 Recent tasks #27319 pass4 of LHC11a pp 2.76: detector readiness
#27312 Re-reconstruction of events with C0OM2 and CCUP2 triggers: validation #27271 MC Production Request 6 UPC Samples for the central arm: validation #27104 EMCAL Geant4 tuning to test beam and collision data: placeholder #27084 MC production request for Lambda, K0Short analyses in p+p at 2.76 TeV: needs macros and JDL # M pp events reconstructed without cleaning: needs test #26886 MC Production Request 1M Pythia+cocktail events: validation #26881 TPC Kr data processing in 2012: done? #26878 Full processing of LHC11b/c minbias for calorimeters: start? #26818 MC Pythia+HF+FlatMultiplicity, 10M anchored to LHC10e: AOD filtering, needs v5-02-Rev-04 #26759 Embedding production of beauty on LHC10 PbPb: staging

66 v5-01-Rev-28 Additional fix for #92162: Porting request - AliTPCtrackerMI.cxx from rev option to reintroduce the bug in AliTPCtrackerMU::AddCovariance/AddCovarianceAdd. It is needed for the LHC11h MC production. Changes for #92556: TRD request :: Porting updates of PWGPP/TRD to Release. From rev ,55134, patch for AliTRDresolution.cxx

67 Changes: v5-02-Rev-03 #92466 port to Release AliT0AnalysisTaskQA. From rev #92461 Requests for LHC11h re-filtering of AODs. From rev ,55020 #92393 request to port r55045 (tune of muon esd filter) to the release #92346 port to Release AliT0QAChecker. From rev #92333 Porting codes to Release (DQM PMD). From rev #92248 Porting into the release of rev #92528: port to Release and AN-tag patch to T0 part of AliTriggerSelection. From rev

68 Changes: v5-02-Rev-03 #92480: Classes for the new ZDC geometry in the release. From rev #92488: Porting request for 11h AOD production. From rev #92495: Request to port TOF trunk rev. to Release (support to LHC10c pass2). From rev #92498: request to port AliTOFTender from trunk to release. From rev ,55048,55092 Technical fix from rev #92556: TRD request :: Porting updates of PWGPP/TRD to Release. From rev ,55134,55138

69 Changes: v5-02-Rev-03 #92479: Request to update ZDC initialization in macros/ConfigRaw2012.C. From rev ,55188 #92610: please port EMCal DQM checker update to release (to be deployed at P2). From rev #92625: please port EMCal DA update to release (to be deployed at P2). From rev

70 Visualization: v5-02-Rev-03
#92237 AliACORDEQAChecker keeps adding "function" to the plot. From rev #92288 SDD QA produces a weird plot SDDRawDataCheck leading to a crash. From rev #92173 cannot use event display during cosmics run

71 Other reports (12/03/12) #91510 Reconstruction able to deal with different triggers #91960 wish documentation for cmake detector algorithms #92351 recover TOF tender calibration for pass2 on LHC10c for analysis #92331 preparing to move AliTOFHeader to AOD #92250 Need to reset ObjectCount for TRef used for calo in ESD ? #92223 Modify AliGenPythia.cxx, .h to enable triggering with specific species within a given pt window

72 v5-02-Rev-02 #88827: Request for porting updates to TOF QA task into release. From rev #91071: Running on AODs very slow on AAF. From rev ,54920 #91977 Tracking cosmic muons in the TPC and momentum calculation. From rev #92135 Port TPC event filtering task to AliRoot release v5-02. From rev ,54901 #92162 Porting request - AliTPCtrackerMI.cxx. From rev #92238: New raw-data event header format. From rev #92242: Request of porting in the release. From rev ,54906,54931,54949,54961,54981

73 Changes: v5-01-Rev-27 #91718 port AliTOFTenderSupply to release. From rev ,50882,50990,51795,52834,52893,53029,53364,53431,53600,54541 #91883 Request to port to release (5.01 and 5.02) the AliQAThresholds related classes. From rev ,54709,54758 #91889 porting CDB snapshot commits to v5-01-Release. From rev ,53986,54066,54114,54283,54301,54366,54664,54704,54959 #91931 port to Release AliT0QAChecker. From rev ,54831 #91932 commit to trunk and port to Release AliAODTZERO. From rev #91954 VZERO: Changes related to DQM/QA checker. From rev

74 Changes: v5-01-Rev-27 #91962 Porting into the release of TOF/AliTOFTrigger update. From rev #91977 Tracking cosmic muons in the TPC and momentum calculation. From rev #92162 Porting request - AliTPCtrackerMI.cxx. From rev #92238: New raw-data event header format. From rev #88827: Request for porting updates to TOF QA task into release. From rev

75 v5-02-Rev-01 Corresponds to the trunk rev. 54887
Works with Root v and Geant3 v1-12 All tests are OK No significant difference in the memory consumption with respect to v5-01-Release Known issues Creation of AliMDC RPM with shared libraries. Ongoing Merging of raw tags. Under investigation

76 v5-02-Release Modifications from rev. 54391 to 54845 tested Issues
main tests are OK, no need for manual selection this makes the new release suitable for AOD filtering with tenders all porting requests will be solved “in one go” Issues Creation of AliMDC RPM with shared libraries. In progress Creation of PAR files. Merging of raw tags. Under investigation, not yet reproduced Next tag: tomorrow, 28/02 Moving to the usual Savannah porting requests after it

77 Changes: v5-01-Rev-26 Adding protection against not initialized corrected ZDCTDC values from reconstruction. From rev #91648 To be ported to the release: Fix needed for simulation of strange baryons in HIJING+Signals. From rev #91695 Request to port AliQAThresholds.h to the Release. From rev #91322 Request to port bugfix in the AliPHOSReconstructor.cxx to the v5-01-Release. From rev

78 Requests: v5-02-Release #91482 EMCAL: Port fix for new 2 SM 1/3 to release 5.02 #91465 Moved calibration object for ESD initialization #91421 Request to port PHOS trigger QA task to the Release #91322 Request to port bugfix in the AliPHOSReconstructor.cxx to the v5-02-Release #91253 Request to port bugfix in the AliAnalysisTaskPHOSPbPbQA.cxx to the v5-02-Release #91071 Running on AODs very slow on AAF

79 Other reports #91699 Request on more detailed ITS cluster information in the ESDs #91685 ITS QA porting request #91592 ZDC: new geometry to be implemented #91512 Trigger aliases for reconstruction #91510 Reconstruction able to deal with different triggers #91500 stored TPC only information in AOD049 - LHC10h

80 v5-02-Release Branch v5-02-Release is created on 03/02
All tests OK (Root v patches) Tests with Root v patches: ongoing Several modifications to be ported Issues Creation of AliMDC RPM with shared libraries Creation of PAR files Merging of raw tags

81 Changes: v5-01-Rev-24 #24646 Re-produce AODs for cascades in pass2 PbPb 2010 (data & MC). Change in the configuration of vertexingHF from rev ,54561 #90456: Request for modification of AliSimulation::ConvertRaw2Sdigits to select events for embedding. From rev Technical fixes for Root From rev Technical fixes for Coverity 11390, 11389, From rev

82 v5-01-Rev-25 Technical fix from rev : Patch for recent TRefArray->TObjArray usage. Needed for the MC AOD filtering

83 v5-01-Rev-23 #91061: AOD production very slow. From rev

84 Changes: v5-01-Rev-22 #88827: Request for porting updates to TOF QA task into release. From rev #90320: Request to port additional consistency checks in HLT TPC cluster decoding to v5-01-Release. From rev ,54056 #90546: Filtering crashes when processing 2010 MC data. From rev #90738 Request to port a fix to the release in AliZDCDigitizer. From rev #90749 ESD Porting Request: GetTPCClusterInfo with additional switch. From rev #90812 Porting overlap fixes to the release. From rev

85 Changes: v5-01-Rev-22 #90817 Please commit PHOS trigger part in the AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter.cxx. From rev #90870 Request to port ZDC code to the release. From rev #90916 Request: porting to v5-01-Release of the new ESD->AOD filter. From rev ,53853,54188,54210 #91005 Fix in AliCTPRawStream.cxx. From rev #91126: Request to commit a patch for AMPT. From rev #91159: Vertex generation in AliGenCorrHF. From rev #91030: 2.76 TeV LHC11a pass3 dca problem. From rev

86 Other reports #90615 Problems in the material budget, eta<0.9 and 0.9<eta<1.4 #90944 adding alignment objects for the additional supermodules in the geometry setup 2012 #90939 Request to include (anti)hypertriton in ALICE GEANT3

87 Requests/Additional fixes
#90625 Memory problem in AliTPCtrackerMI #90622 Logic flaw in AliTPCseed. From rev #90616 Worrying message from TPC reconstruction. From rev Changes in RAW (TClonesArray usage)

88 v5-02-Release Coverity: 129 defects to be fixed
AliRoot tests: mostly OK Root v patches: needs tests PWGs transition: PWG0 and PWG2 still ongoing One library per subdirectory: not yet ready Savannah bug reports: many old bugs are still open

89 GDB on Grid Some potential problems detected and fixed (ITS, TPC, HLT)
Some jobs fail in the beginning (event 0-10), ~4% Not reproducible locally, even if we run many reconstruction jobs in parallel Always caused by std_badalloc in different places Other jobs are killed by the system (memory) ~20%

90 Changes: v5-01-Rev-21 #90324: Exception in AliITStrackerMI::FollowProlongationTree. From rev #90549: Request to port r53948 to the release (MUON small leak fix) #90658: For v5-01: Option to isolate heavy flavor part of a Pythia event. From rev #84578: Request to extend AliGenBox for using Yrange. From rev Optional RB/PX 24 shielding and scoring. From rev ,53956

91 Changes: v5-01-Rev-21 #90461: Request to port a new feature for ZDC to the release. From rev #90504: EVE muon_init.C update r53875 #25142: Commit and porting to Release of the new ESD->AOD filter. From rev #90540: Port 53910,53911 and to the Release (Full MC Header in the AOD)

92 Changes: OCDB #90756 Request to port object in RAW OCDB (for realistic MUON simulations) #90736 Calibration of the TRD cosmics of May,Jun and August

93 Reconstruction of RAW (LHC11h)
Back trace problem solved Clean-up of the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the GRID Clean-up of the AliEn libraries Deterministic splitting of the failed jobs (in preparation) New tests in parallel with the Grid production

94 Changes: v5-01-Rev-20 #90319: Segmentation violation in AliPHOSRawFitterv1::~AliPHOSRawFitterv1. From rev #90053: Request: Port bug fix TRD calibration code to release. From rev #90292: Add line ConvertZDC() in AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter::ConvertESDtoAOD(). From rev #90307: ZDC QA update. From rev ,53081,53271 #90309: ZDC request to port code to the release. From rev #90024: port changes in PYTHIA6 for pyquen production (pyquen-1.5.F,CMakelib pkg updated), rev.53645 #90359: Request: fix cached values in ESD. From rev #90013: Vertexing task crashing in trunk. From rev Additional protection. From rev

95 LHC11h Pass2 – reconstruction details
Use v5-01-Rev-19 in the production Start in inverse time order (last runs first, “LIFO”): OK Use MB trigger for CPass0: OK Exercise the full production setup on runs from “grey area”: special “gdb” production, run : OK Run with TPC pools: OK Work on a local raw file: OK Use OCDB snapshot: OK Keep only the rec. points for the current event: OK Switch off QA: OK Switch off MUON, if the memory consumption is still too high

96 Results CPass0: 185 jobs, 523,509 out of 539,890 raw files successfully reconstructed => 97% efficiency All runs with mag.field configuration (+ +) ready ( ) Details on losses follow Pass2 current status: 131 jobs, 225,568 out of 362,790 files successfully reconstructed => 62.2% efficiency

97 Losses – Pass2 G_exception – average 6.5% Strong run dependency

98 Losses – Pass2 (2) Memory overrun – average 16.8%
Strong run dependency Function of number of events/chunk and data taking configuration

99 Losses G_exception Memory overrun
Debugging hard as there is no traceback Seems to be random (from syswatch.log) Irreproducible in local tests No related issues shown by Valgrind Appears in the first events of the chunks Working with ROOT experts, at least to get the exception in the logs => special “gdb” run Memory overrun Additional profiling ongoing All external sources are out – gain only possible through changes in reconstruction

100 Special “gdb” run “catch throw” mode
Several problems discovered, to be submitted to Savannah. Most probably uninitialized memory is used as index in an array TClonesArray new with placement, where the index come from GetEntriesFast corrupted (?) raw data deletion of arrays

101 Plans Continue the investigation of G__exception on the GRID
Understand the difference between CPass0 and Pass2 (MB trigger, V0s, cascades?) Try to reproduce completely the GRID execution flow on a local machine Resubmit the failed jobs in “split” mode

102 v5-02-Release Complete the transition of the analysis code to the new modules Move every library to a sub-directory and get rid of *.pkg (native CMake) Fix the Coverity defects and compilation warnings Solve as much as possible Savannah issues Create the branch at the end of January First stable tag in February

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