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What is culture? o It is possible to be part of more than one culture. In the United States we have many different cultures. o Attributes (traits) and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is culture? o It is possible to be part of more than one culture. In the United States we have many different cultures. o Attributes (traits) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is culture? o It is possible to be part of more than one culture. In the United States we have many different cultures. o Attributes (traits) and behaviors that a social group shares.

2 APPEARANCE How do the people look? o Make up o Clothing o Tattoos o Piercing o Uniforms o Skin color o Kilt – Scotland o Toga – Ancient Rome o Sari - India o Nun - habit o Priest – Roman collar o Tribal customs

3 BELIEF SYSTEM and HOLIDAYS o Judaism o Religions o Hinduism o Islam o Christianity o Karma What different things do the people believe in? o Myths o Legends o Good and bad luck o Superstitions

4 What celebrations and annual holidays are traditional in their lives? BELIEF SYSTEM and HOLIDAYS o Christmas / Easter o Birthdays o Ramadan o Yom Kippur o Day of the Dead o Anniversaries o 4 th of July o Mardi Gras o Canada Day o Chanukah

5 FOOD o “Italian” o “Mexican” o Barbeque o Spain – saffron o India - curry o “Chinese” o Coastal locations - seafood o Chinese – soy sauce o Fork, spoon, knife o Chop sticks o Fried insects What types of food are eaten? How is the food cooked? How is it eaten? o Eat with hands o Eat sitting on floor

6 HOMES and BUILDINGS o Town houses o Houses o Mobile homes o Caves o Apartments o Homes on stilts What kind of homes and architecture is there? o Igloo o Log cabin o Tepee o Different architecture o Brick, stucco, stone o Basements o A/C or no A/C

7 TRANSPORTATION How do the people get from one place to another? o Bus o Walking o Subway o Motorcycle o Bicycle o Car or truck o Rollerblades o Skateboard o Horseback o Elephant o Boat o Airplane o Camels

8 ENTERTAINMENT o Video games o Music o Sports o Hunting o Television o Dancing o Movies o Books What do the people do in their life for fun and entertainment?

9 COMMUNICATION o Texting o Talking (face-to-face) o Email o “Snail” mail o Sign language o Telephone o Body language How do the people communicate and exchange ideas? o Facial expression

10 LANGUAGE o Arabic o English o New York accent o Cajun accent o Spanish o Texas accent o How to pronounce some words o How to spell some words o The names of certain things could be different What language(s) are spoken? How the language is spoken. o Speaking softly o Speaking loudly o Whisper

11 APPEARANCE How do the people look? Clothing; skin color; makeup; tattoos; piercings; uniforms; Sari – India; Toga – Ancient Rome. BELIEF SYSTEMS What different things do the Religions (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam); good and bad luck; people believe in?karma; superstitions. HOLIDAYS What celebrations and Birthdays; anniversaries; Christmas and Easter; Mardi Gras; Day of the Dead; annual holidays are 4 th of July; Yum Kippur; Ramadan traditional in their lives? FOOD What types of food are eaten? Mexican; Chinese; Italian; Barbeque; Seafood; Friend insects. How is it eaten? Fork, spoon, knife; chop sticks; on the floor with your hands. How is it cooked? Curry; saffron; soy sauce. HOMES and BUILDINGS What kind of homes and House; apartment; town house; mobile home; cave; home on stilts; igloo; brick, architecture is there? stone, or stucco. TRANSPORTATION How do the people get from Walk or run; car or truck; bus; boat; subway; taxi; motorcycle; one place to another? horse back; elephant ride. ENTERTAINMENT What do the people do in Movies; tv; video games; books; sports; hunting; dancing; music their life for fun and entertainment? CULTUREattributes (traits) and behaviors that a social group shares. It is possible to be part of more than one culture. In the United States we have many different cultures. 08/24/2016 WE WILL DEFINE AND GIVE EXAMPLES OF CULTURE AND CULTURE TRAITS. COMMUNICATION How do the people communicate Talking face to face; telephone; texting; email; regular mail; sign and exchange ideas?language; body language; facial expression. LANGUAGE What language(s) are spoken? English; Spanish; Arabic; Texas accent; New York accent; Cajun. How the language is spoken. accent; speaking softly or loudly; pronunciation of words; spelling of words

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