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Prehistoric Period and First Contacts. GPS SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American Cultures and the impact of European exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistoric Period and First Contacts. GPS SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American Cultures and the impact of European exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistoric Period and First Contacts

2 GPS SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American Cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

3 SS8H1a Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.

4 Paleo Indian Culture




8 Years 12,000 to 8000 B.C. (BCE) Social Groupings Nomadic, small groups (i.e. 25) Buried dead with artifacts Shelter/ Homes Caves, Animal Hides Weapons/ Tools Spears (Clovis points), Atlatl FoodBison, Mammoth, Giants Sloths

9 Archaic Indian Culture



12 Years 8000 to 1000 B.C. (BCE) (Late Archaic around 2500 B.C—pottery) Social Groupings Camps, Clans (100 to 200) Shelter/ Homes Crude shelters, stayed in one place longer Weapons/ Tools Atlatl and spear Drills, bones, needles, hooks Food Deer, rabbits, seafood, fish Wild berries, grains and fruit

13 Woodland Indian Culture






19 Woodland Era Indian Culture Years 1000 B.C. to 800 A.D. Social Groupings Tribes, villages with defense perimeters Shelters/ Homes Permanent domed huts with grass roofs, burial mounds Weapons/ Tools Bow and Arrow, axes, flint Pottery FoodsGardening of small plants, such as sunflowers, pumpkins, squash, etc. Small game

20 Mississippian Indian Culture




24 Years900 A.D. to 1600 A.D. Social Groupings Tribal councils in earth lodges, High Priest and/or chief lives on highest mound; Social classes and division of labor Shelters/ Homes Large Communities (2,000) with plaza in center and Temple (ceremonial) Mounds Homes same as Woodland period Weapons/ Tools Bow and Arrow; stone axes and farming tools; cooper headdresses Food Intensive farming (maize, beans, squash, and pumpkins), small game


26 Make three columns and identify some of the elements of Creek and Cherokee culture (use pages 84 to 91 in Textbook as resource) CreeksCherokees Meaning of name Location Tribal government Villages Homes/Family Livelihood

27 SS8H1b Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures including the Spanish missions along the Barrier Islands, and the exploration of De Soto SS8H1c Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement in North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and English in the southeastern area.

28 First Explorer in Georgia

29 The Spanish I.Founded St. Augustine in 1565 II.First Spanish mission in 1566 on St. Catherine’s Island III.Missions covered area along the barrier islands and coastal plain called Guale (named after one of the local tribes) IV.Purposes a. Convert natives to Christianity b. Assimilate tribesmen c. Physical presence against French and English


31 V. Decline of Spanish missions A.Diseases and overworked men B.“Slave-raids” by British and allies (Yamasee who later work with Georgia colony) C.Spanish Empire losing world power after Spanish Armada in 1588. D.Last mission remained until 1684

32 The French I.Founded Fort Caroline at mouth of St. John’s River (near Jacksonville) II.Wanted base to battle Spanish for control of southeast and steal gold III.Spanish captured fort and drove out French IV.French remain in Mississippi River and New Orleans

33 The English I.Reasons for exploring and settling the southeastern area a. Overcrowding in England b. Compete with Spanish and French c. Religious freedom d. Economic opportunities

34 II.Jamestown started in 1607 III.Carolina colony founded in 1670 (built Charleston in 1670) IV.Ocmulgee trading post (located by the mounds) founded in 1690. a. 1703 Col. James Moore and Creek warriors devastated the Spanish mission system b. 1715 Yamassee War, 90% of the English traders were killed. c. British and Creeks defeat and push Yamassees back to Florida V. 1721 to 1728 Fort King George was built at mouth of Altamaha River (buffer against Spanish)

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