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Published byOsborne Wright Modified over 8 years ago
Nomadic Life to Civilization How society developed similarilly, yet dramatically different
Keep in Mind We are going to be learning about North America, which is something you know a lot about – because you live here. We’re going to focus on being INQUIRERS and asking lots of questions to challenge what you do know and to learn more information!
How Do We Know? Anthropology is the study of other cultures – Culture is a people’s unique way of life. – It determines the most basic human needs, like how they provide food and shelter. – Religion, language, family relationships, entertainment, government, and many other things are also cultural.
How Do We Know? Archeologists investigate other cultures’ settlement sites by setting up an archeological dig and sifting through all evidence such as artifacts and fossils. This is also called an archeological excavation. –Artifacts are human made objects like tools or art.
How Do We Know? Archeologists use scientific tests like carbon dating and relative dating to analyze fossils and artifacts.
Hominids Originated in Africa Hominids are apes, humans, and any creatures in between that walk upright. Early hominids like Homo habilis and Homo erectus originated in Africa. They migrated on foot to the other continents. They even began using the first stone tools for cutting, digging, and scraping.
What did they look like? Many of these early hominids looked similar to modern Homo sapiens who emerged about 200,000 years ago. Homo sapiens were similar to other hominids except their (our) brains were much larger.
How Did They Survive? They were hunter-gatherers whose survival depended on the availability of wild plants and animals. They were also nomadic, travelling around in search of plants and animals to eat. They slowly invented tools and other things. This allowed them to hunt more efficiently. By 30,000 BC, most of the other hominids were extinct, leaving Homo sapiens as the remaining human on the planet.
Early People con’t They were nomadic people, meaning they travelled around searching for food, water, and shelter. During the Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age), they invented the first tools and weapons. They lived in clans and invented oral language to communicate with each other.
What about reading and writing? Written language (reading and writing) was not invented until about 3,000 BC, so these really ancient people did not keep any records. That’s why archeology is so important! Without written records, artifacts and fossils are the only way we can learn about them. In fact, writing is such an important invention, we use it as a marking point. Everything that happens in a society before writing is called PRE-history. Everything after writing was invented is called history.
Pre-historic Art? Primitive people began creating cave paintings about 35,000 years ago. They made paint from berries, animal blood, charcoal, and other natural media. Cave paintings depicted rituals, changes in seasons, and natural surroundings.
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) Lasted from about 2.5 million years ago until 8,000 BC (although it started and ended at different places at different times). During this age, humans developed the very first stone tools. For most of this time, people were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Although toward the end, they started to settle into villages in areas where there was food.
The Neolithic Age (New Stone Age) Human societies advanced slowly. During the Neolithic Age, they invented more advanced tools and developed agriculture.
The Agricultural Revolution During the Neolithic Age, about 10,000 years ago, humans began farming. Agriculture provided a more steady food source than hunting and gathering plants. Agriculture was probably made possible by a change in climate that allowed for longer growing seasons.
Farming Techniques Farming happened accidently at first. Someone probably left some seeds outside and then noticed they grew the next year. –The rest is history. To open up forests and grasslands to farming, they used slash-and-burn to clear the land. –After the soil became infertile, they would move to another spot.
Domestication Along with agriculture came the domestication of animals. By keeping animals in enclosed areas, people could wait until they needed to eat to slaughter the animals.
Agriculture Grows People developed agriculture independently in different areas across the globe. The increase in the food supply allowed villages to grow.
Villages Grow Into Cities With the increase in the food supply, some people did not have to work to produce food. They could use their time to do other things. –Some people, called artisans, learned a craft, and produced pottery, tools, metal objects, and more. –Others would trade products to other people, and profited off the trade. Cities are different from temporary settlements because the buildings and structures are permanent and the people who live in the city rely on the surrounding land for food, water and trade.
Civilizations A civilization requires: –Advanced cities –Specialized workers –Complex institutions –Record-keeping (and hence writing) –Advanced technology
Advanced Cities Cities serve as centers for trade. –Farmers and traders brought goods to the city to exchange. The city-dwellers produced goods to exchange, too. Money was not invented yet, so people bartered. Bartering is like trading. For example, a farmer might barter the wheat he grew in exchange for a piece of pottery produced in a city.
Specialized Workers As cities grew, they needed people to perform more specialized tasks –Government officials –Traders –Priests –Artisans Made clothing, pottery, metal tools and weapons, jewelry The variety of gods produced allowed cities to become centers for trade
Complex Institutions The growth in cities made government necessary Other complex institutions included religion and the economy As wealth grows, social classes develop based on access to resources
Record-keeping As institutions became more complex, it became necessary to keep records of laws, taxes, and grain storage. Scribes were trained to keep official documents. As writing became more popular, people began writing down other events like war and natural disasters. Cuneiform was the first system of writing and was developed in Mesopotamia. Scribes would press a wedge- shaped reed into a moist clay tablet to form symbols and then dry the tablet to preserve it.
Advanced Technology Technology varies from place to place, but generally involves things that previous people could not create. Examples include –Irrigation, –Wheels, –Pottery, –Metalworking, –Ox-drawn plows to break up soil for planting.
The Bronze Age The Sumerians in Mesopotamia were the first to discover bronze. They learned that if you melted and mixed copper and tin together, it made bronze, which was much stronger and more durable than copper or stone. They used bronze to make tools, weapons, decorations, and building materials.
Pre-Columbian America The American Natives: 30,000B.C. to 1400 A.D.
Geography of North America The continent of North America has a diverse geography. The two main mountain chains are the Appalachian mountains (East) and the Rocky mountains (West) The Mississippi River is the main river system fed by the Missouri, Arkansas, Red, and Ohio rivers that runs through most of the Great Plains region. Great BasinThe Colorado River is another river system that runs through the Great Basin region.
North America
North America is the ONLY continent with EVERY KIND of climate in the world.
Early Human Migration
Early American Time Periods Early American history is divided into two broad time periods, Pre-Columbian (Before) and Post-Columbian (After). Pre-Columbian means before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 in North America. Post-Columbian means after the landing of Christopher Columbus and the introduction of European culture and etc. on the North American Continent.
Pre-Columbian Time Periods The time period before Columbus is divided into five general time periods: Paleolithic Age, Archaic Age, Woodland Period, Middle Period, and Mississippian Period. The Ice Age was a period of time when the earth was mostly covered by large sheets of ice called glaciers which lasted from 1.9 million to 10,000 B.C. or the start of the Paleolithic Age. This caused water levels to drop and a ice/land formation to be formed in the Bering Strait called Beringia which led early peoples to migrate from Asia (Russia) to North America.
North American Migration
Paleolithic Age The early Paleo-Americans were hunter- gathers who were mostly nomadic (moving place to place) living on a diet of meat and berries, mostly made into a substance known as pemmican. The paleo-Americans used spears for short distance and javelins for long distance usually aided by a device called an atlatl. Most weapons used flint rock for the projectile fitted into the stick using the Clovis point method.
Paleolithic Age As different tribal family groups separated and moved into different areas, they developed their own languages. During this time five major language groups developed: Algonquian (Canada and New England), Iroquoian (Great Lakes region), Muskogean (Southeast), Siouan (Great Plains), and Uto-Aztecan (North & South West). Natives used pidgin or a simple language to communicate between tribal areas.
Archaic Age The Archaic Age began when Native Americans began to form settled communities (staying in one area). The Natives also developed horticulture by domesticating the native wild plants and the first squash, gourd, pumpkin, sunflower, bean, and maize (corn) plants were grown in large gardens. The Natives also domesticated the dog for a pack animal (beast of burden) and the turkey for a ready food source.
Woodland Period The Woodland Period began with the emergence of distinct cultures and civilizations. In the East between the Great lakes and the Gulf of Mexico the mound builder civilizations began. The first two of these cultures were the Adena and the Hopewell. These tribes receive the name mound builder because they built large earthen mounds to bury their dead usually in the shape of a small hill or a long squiggly line.
Middle Period Around 300 A.D. the farming revolution hit North America and the first tribe to start planting was the Hohokam in present day Arizona using long canals to irrigate crops. The Hohokam lasted until the mid 1300s but mysteriously died out, some believe due to cannibalism (the eating of humans). The Anasazi moved into the area of the Hohokam in the 600s A.D. around the desert canyons and cliffs. The Anasazi carved their homes into the side of the cliffs which were later called pueblos (Spanish for village) the most famous of which was Pueblo Bonito which had more than 600 rooms and an underground chamber called a kiva.
Anasazi and Hohokam Cultures
Mississippian Period The last major unified culture was the Mississippians because they were located along the Mississippi river. The Mississippians developed organized societies and built cities, the largest of which was Cahokia. The Mississippians also built earthen mounds, but built them in the shape of a pyramid with flat tops. Tobacco was used as a currency among the Mississippians. Shorty before the arrival of Columbus and the Conquistadors the Mississippians split into smaller tribes that led to an inability to repeal the Europeans.
Mississippian Culture
North American Cultural Regions
Artic/ Subarctic The Native American’s of the Artic/Sub arctic region lived in the areas of the tundra and Canada. These tribes included the Kutchin, Beaver, Cree, Dogrib, and the most dominant was the Inuit (Eskimos). During the winter months the Inuit built Igloos ( a dome shaped house built out of blocks of ice) to live in. The Inuit used small kayaks (small one man enclosed canoe) to hunt for seals, used sleds pulled by dogs to travel over the snow, and also invented snow shoes.
Inuit Culture
Northwest Coast The Northwest Coast Indians included these tribes: Haidia, Kwakiutl, Nootika, Chinook, and Coos. The Northwest Coast Indians lived in plank homes (wooden buildings with plank board siding). They built large carved poles called totems (animals or objects used as symbols of a clans unity or behavior). The use of a totem was very common among North American Native tribes.
Northwest Culture
California/Great Basin/Plateau The Tribes of the California/Great Basin/Plateau region included the Pomos, Nez Perces, Shoshones, and Cochimi. These tribes were nomadic hunters and gathers that ate mostly fish and foraged for berries and acorns. The women of these tribes like other Native American tribes carried their babies around on their back by a device called a cradleboard.
California/Great Basin/Plateau Culture
Southwest Tribes The Southwest tribes included the Apache, Navajos, Hohokams, Pueblos, and Zuni. The Southwest tribes lived in either a Hogan (dome shaped frame house covered with mud) or a Wigwam (dome shaped house covered with grasses or animal skins ). Native Americans used a pipe called a Calumet “Peace Pipe” in spiritual and social rituals. The Southwest tribes used a ground dried cactus called Peyote in their calumets.
Southwest Culture
Great Plains The Native American tribes of the Great Plains included these tribes: Blackfeet, Crow, Cheyenne, Sioux, Arapaho, Apache, and Comanche. The Great Plains Indians were nomadic hunter-horticulturists whose main source of food, shelter, and clothing came from the buffalo. The Great Plains Indians made cone shaped tents out of buffalo skin called a tipi (tepee)
Great Plains Culture
Eastern Woodlands The Native tribes of the Eastern Woodlands included Algonquians, Hurons, Iroquois, Shawnees, Leni-Lenapes, Wampanoag, Pawhatan, and Pequot. The Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee “Iroquois” (Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca) were brought together into a confederacy called the Iroquois League by Dekanawidah through a code of laws called the Great Peace. The tribes of the Eastern Woodlands lived in Longhouses ( a long rectangular cabin) that could hold a full tribe of about two hundred people.
Eastern Woodland Culture
Southeast The Native tribes of the Southeast included the Muskogee (Creeks), Natchez, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Timucua (later Seminoles). The Southeast Tribes were similar in culture to the Eastern Woodland Tribes. The Southeast Tribes held a yearly ceremony called the Green Corn Ceremony to celebrate the harvest by dancing, fasting, feasting, and drinking a cleansing drink called the Black Drink
Southeast Culture
Native Culture Most Native Americans even though very unique and different shared some similar cultural characteristics. All Native Americans believed in animism (spirits live in inanimate objects) and to understand the “spirit world” one’s dreams must be interpreted by a shaman (priest). Most Natives believed that every person had a spirit guide usually shown in the form of an animal that helped a person find their “path”.
Native Culture Most Native American tribal names when translated mean “human beings” or the “people”. Native American warfare mimicked the hunt with the use of ambush style attacks by small war parties (group of warriors). Most boys were tested by battle to reach manhood. Native warfare was not meant to annihilate another tribe, but to humiliate. When captives were taken they were used as slaves and most of the time allowed to return to their own tribe or remain with the new tribe.
Native Culture Most Native tribes were matrilineal (family identity coming from the mother). Women were the “homemakers” and men were the hunters/warriors. Native tribes were highly democratic (people ruled) and bureaucratic (organized with a chain of command) mostly ran by a chief or a Tribal Council. Native Americans did not believe in private property, but that all nature was owned by Manitou (god) and man was to look after it. No Native tribes had any form of written language only an oral language.
How Do We Know?
How Do We Know?
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