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Event Plan Agenda available: 1500Becoming an ELDeRFiona Hale 1520Finally! Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Plan Agenda available: 1500Becoming an ELDeRFiona Hale 1520Finally! Theory."— Presentation transcript:


2 Event Plan Agenda available: 1500Becoming an ELDeRFiona Hale 1520Finally! Theory and practiceRuth McQuillan 1540Coffee 1600Paying it forwardCristina Matthews 1615Learning Design - six months onMeredith Corey 1630Course Design - it is more than contentRoss Ward 1640Q&A and Discussion 1650CloseFiona Hale There will be an opportunity for the discussion and networking to continue after the meeting, people are welcome to come along to Doctors Pub.

3 Becoming an ELDeR With thanks to many..... All images author’s own and CC BY NC 4.0, unless otherwise statedCC BY NC 4.0


5 Timelines March 2015 – September 2015 – Scoping Project – reading, interviews, field research September 2015 – February 2016 – Evaluation of top 3 UK based frameworks February 2016 – June 2016 – Identification of relevant pilot groups – Development of ELDeR workshop – Evaluation of ELDeR – Development and Release of ELDeR as service

6 Find the books....

7 ADDIE Model ADDIE Instructional Design Model (design phase highlighted) By Dave Braunschweig (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

8 What is Learning Design? Learning design is “the process of designing learning experiences (planning, structuring, sequencing) through facilitated activities that are pedagogically informed, explicit, and make better use of technologies in teaching” (Fiona Hale, adapted from various)

9 Changing landscape... “The role of educators needs to adapt from distributors of knowledge to designers of learning experiences.” - Mor and Craft (2012) The recommended learning design process will prioritise the design of student learning experiences over the development of content

10 Find the drivers...

11 Online learning at scale … Delivery of the University Strategic Vision 2025 for world leading online distance learning, where many more students benefit from the Edinburgh experience in their own country. Delivery of the University’s emerging vision for Learning and Teaching in 2020, specifically: – the desire to design courses for the 21 st century learner with appropriate use of technology; – the focus on multiple learning styles which advocates that each student has participated in at least one online course before they graduate.

12 University drivers The [workshop participants] specifically noted the benefits of learning more about the “bigger picture view of how [course design] fits into university requirements, direction, and structures.”

13 Isolated academics The [workshop participants] also discussed the huge benefits of the nature of the process, which allowed them to truly work together on a collaborative course design, with a different participant commenting that “this was truly the first time that [they] had ever collaborated on a course design”; adding that they “have learned something valuable by doing this course design exercise in collaboration with others. [They] see the value of having more time, more brain power, and putting in more effort.”

14 Space for conversation... The [workshop participants] particularly appreciated the opportunity to apply this knowledge and integrate it immediately into their practice within the workshop, with one of the participants commenting that although they’ve “been exposed to these sorts of discussions before in various University forums and courses, it was not in a format which was helpful in applying it to [their] practice”.

15 Match dot com “It was fantastic for colleagues with various roles across the University to come together to discuss how their roles fit together and to articulate a shared vision for delivering the best teaching and learning experience by drawing on our joint resources”

16 Not promising much... The learning design scoping project recommended developing reusable and collaborative learning design as a new University service within Information Services (IS), which positions the learning design framework as a scaffold, the support staff as facilitators, and the academic staff as learning designers, with an active community of practice and a clear positive impact on key University drivers.


18 Team based and collaborative – Programme Team, Course Team, Admin, LT, Peer, Student, IAD, IS Support librarian, IS EDE, Facilitator Staff development / Reward and recognition – Tie in with UKPSF (HEA) – Edinburgh Teaching Award Embedded process (Registry, Board of Studies, AP Assessment and Feedback Strategy) Distributed facilitators (IS, IAD, local school)

19 Find the frameworks... By Openstreetmap contributors ( [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

20 Evaluation of frameworks.... the University’s first online undergraduate course within the School of Geosciences (CAIeRO, Oct 26th and 27th 2015); a joint online CPD course within School of Business and School of Geosciences (Learning Designer, Nov 13th 2015); a staff development resource within Information Services (OULDI, Nov 24th 2015); and an online postgraduate course within Centre for Population Health Sciences (CAIeRO, Jan 25th and 26th 2016).

21 CAIeRO Focus on designing of learning experiences over development of content; Structured format of the two day workshop, with ability to adapt based on each course design team, providing consistency and flexibility; Ability to use CAIeRO for on campus and online development, programme development, and different levels of courses (UG and PG, for example) CAIeRO framework expertly combines the following domains – subject knowledge, pedagogical theory, technological know-how and practical experience - while also allowing for innovation in all of these domains.

22 ELDeR Framework Day One: Stage 1: Blueprint – includes mission statement and look and feel. Stage 2: Assessment Literacies – includes learning outcomes, assessment and feedback Stage 3: Storyboard – map the student journey, how they move through the process, what the critical moments are. Day Two: Stage 4: Prototype online – learning technologists and developers attend at this stage to guide the development and prototyping. Stage 5: Reality check – provided by a student or a critical friend. Stage 6: Review and Adjust – workshop is following an iterative development model. Stage 7: Action Plan - match making Stage 8: Reflection and Personal Development – tied with UKPSF

23 Finally! Theory and Practice Image (L to R): Rosemary Geddes, Course Leader; Ruth McQuillan, Programme co-director; Cristina Matthews, Learning Technologist with final course storyboard; Jan 26th 2016. Image Details: “CAIeRO Workshop, Jan 26th 2016” by Niall Anderson (Programme co-director) - CC BY NC 4.0 - via direct email.CC BY NC 4.0

24 Image Details: “The Dog’s Tail Grass” by Fiona Hale – CC0 1.0CC0 1.0

25 Stage 2: Begin with learner in mind... Image Details: “Begin with the learner in mind” by Fiona Hale - CC BY NC 4.0CC BY NC 4.0

26 Painful but worth it Tough regulatory issues Not even heard of some before But best part Theory *and* practical combined

27 Sample Storyboard



30 ELDeR workshop evaluations MSc in Clinical Education – Tomorrow! MSc in Public Health – May 3 rd Community Nursing, UG Campus – May 16 th / 17th MSc in Global Development – May 30 th / 31st



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