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BelAtmos Atmospheric Composition Measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE INSTITUTE of SPACE AERONOMY GHENT UNIVERSITY.

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Presentation on theme: "BelAtmos Atmospheric Composition Measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE INSTITUTE of SPACE AERONOMY GHENT UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 BelAtmos Atmospheric Composition Measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE INSTITUTE of SPACE AERONOMY GHENT UNIVERSITY KU LEUVEN Alexander Mangold – RMI – 24/05/2012

2 Project Partner Royal Meteorological Institute Alexander Mangold Hugo De Backer Veerle De Bock Andy Delcloo Roeland Van Malderen Institute for Space Aeronomy Christian Hermans Martine De Maziere Michel Van Roozendael Didier Gillotay GhentUniversity Willy Maenhaut Catholic University of Leuven Nicole Van Lipzig Irina Gorodetskaya

3 Princess Elisabeth Station East–Antarctica Dronning Maud Land 72º South 23º East 1380 m asl N Sor Rondane Mountains PE

4 location of station 180 km surface and basement rock topographic profile along 23° E longitude Pattyn et al., 2009

5 little containter 60m south of the station  5 aerosol instruments inside ozone, Cimel, UV measurements on roof of station innovative power–system of station solar panels, wind energy, heat insulation, batteries generators only back-up temporal priorities for specific power consumers Princess Elisabeth Station from East

6 photo: Wim Tellier Utsteinen Nunatak ridge with station S

7 METEO values from daily means Minimum = –36.2 C Maximum = –4.2 C Mean = –19.2 relative humidiy: Mean = 54 % (16 – 100 %) wind speed : Mean = 5 m/s (17.5 to 0.1 m/s ) air pressure : Mean = 827 hPa

8 Topography and predominant wind direction Accumulation stake line installed in Jan 2010 N S EW x AWS Katabatic winds Synoptic winds 2009 N S WE 2010 courtesy of I. Gorodetskaya

9 Objectives – physical, optical aerosol properties  impact on climate – air mass origins – possible trends – evolution total atmospheric ozone – UV climatology – aerosol–cloud–interaction – validation of satellite data / models Why Antarctica ? – very remote and isolated  background conditions –very few in-situ measurement sites – Antarctica important for global climate

10 Brewer / ozone, UV, AOD Total column ozone DU December 2011 – February 2012 ex. Brewer-AOD @ 340 nm

11 Sun photometer Data AErosol RObotic NETwork – AERONET – over 400 stations globally standard protocol + calibration 5 active stations in Antarctica ‘Utsteinen’ comparisons between regions model evaluation, validation case studies aerosol spectral properties

12 Instruments in the shelter

13 TEOM – FDMS Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance with Filter Dynamics Measurement System concentration – winter 2011  1.2 ± 0.5  g/m 3 concentration – summer 2012  1.2 ± 1.0  g/m 3

14 Aethalometer Mass-concentration light-absorbing aerosol Absorption-coefficient 7 wavelengths: UV–VIS–Infrared / 1hr sampling interval / 5.5 L flow concentration – winter 2011 @ 660/880 nm: 6.1 ± 4.6 ng/m 3 @ 370/470 nm: 10.5 ± 5.6 ng/m 3 Absorption coefficient – winter 2011 A ) cross sections from instrument @ 880 nm: 0.10 ± 0.08 Mm -1 @ 660 nm: 0.14 ± 0.09 Mm -1 @ 370 nm: 0.43 ± 0.22 Mm -1 B ) using instrument’s attenuation (Weingartner et al., 2003) @ 880 nm: 5.2 ± 4.8 Mm -1 @ 660 nm: 7.9 ± 5.0 Mm -1 @ 370 nm: 23.9 ± 12.4 Mm -1 Absorption Angstrom coefficient 370/470 – 660/880/950 nm  2.0 ± 1.2  not only pure BC present as absorber

15 Nephelometer total scatter / back scatter 3 wavelengths: 450, 525, 635 nm

16 Nephelometer / SSA preliminary combination with Aethalometer direct measurement of Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) SSA = Scattering / (Scattering + Absorption) scattering coefficient February 2012 @ 425 nm : 1.21 ± 0.60 Mm -1 @ 525 nm : 1.23 ± 0.62 Mm -1 @ 635 nm : 1.22 ± 0.66 Mm -1 absorption coefficient (instrument’s cross section ) February 2012 @ 470 nm : 0.45 ± 0.23 Mm -1 @ 520 nm : 0.31 ± 0.20 Mm -1 @ 660 nm : 0.16 ± 0.16 Mm -1  Single Scattering Albedo 420/470 : 0.73 520/525 : 0.80 635/660 : 0.88

17 Condensation Particle Counter 3776 Number concentration ( 3 nm   3  m ) Butanol as working liquid high flow mode 1.5 LPM

18 Laser Aerosol Spectrometer number size distribution 90 nm   3000 nm / 100 channels / logarithmic Count Median Diameter = 120 nm

19 Combination CPC – LAS concentration 3 – 90 nm 18 February 2012 / 1 hourly integrals

20 Summary  Feb 2012 – 5 aerosol instruments first time simultaneously at PE  good operation at very low aerosol concentrations and Antarctic conditions  combination of optical parameters – careful QA needed  over-winter operation envisaged for all instruments 2012/13 on  LAS3340 – contact until mid-April 2012  adaptations for CPC, nephelometer for non-supervised operation

21 Thank you very much

22 20 May22 May 23 May

23 Influence on radiation direct effect extinction, scattering, absorption aerosol radiative forcing Indirect effects: - Ext, Abs, Sca on droplets, ice - Change of cloud albedo - Change cloud lifetime - Change precipitation - dark aerosols absorb radiation  Heating surrounding atmosphere  No cloud formation  Evaporation clouds  more radiation at surface without aerosols  no droplets / no ice crystals       IPCC 2007

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