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Zambia [insert names and contact info]. [Highlight 2-3 Major Advocacy Wins] Vice-President declares teenage pregnancy a national crisis; calls for increased.

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1 Zambia [insert names and contact info]

2 [Highlight 2-3 Major Advocacy Wins] Vice-President declares teenage pregnancy a national crisis; calls for increased investment in RH for young women. MoH approves FP task shifting policy for community- based provision of injectable. MOH/MoF establishes dedicated budget line for reproductive health supplies, including contraceptives, and allocates $2 million. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 2

3 [Highlight 3-4 ongoing objectives] [National] Five ministries develop a costed work plan to address adolescent pregnancy, including expanded access to contraceptive information and services for in and out-of-school adolescents by September 2016 Zambia is having elections in August 2016. Election candidates make commitment statements on their support for access to family planning to journalists and to the public and are able to articulate their reasons for this accurately and well Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 3 [Subnational] Eastern Province to creates budget line for FP in its health budget by September 2016. At least three districts allocate 5% of constituency development funds towards ASRH and FP.

4 [From Advocacy Wins to Impact] Government of Zambia allocation a budget line for RHS. Introduction of Family Planning /SRH in the 7 th National development Development of scorecard which has help to reduce the stockouts in most part of Zambia. Working with 5 Ministries in addressing teenage pregnancy Development of the common strategy on teenage pregnancy. Revising of the Adolescent Health strategic plan Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 4

5 [From Advocacy Wins to Impact] The Ndola district civic leaders pledge to allocate 5% of their CDF towards ASRH as part of their support to the newly established HIV committee at the district council. The Ministry of Local government has started revising the CDF guidelines. Members of Parliament calling for the inclusion of a specific budget line on ASRH in the Ministry of Health budget and have committed to support it. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 5

6 [Pose a question or discuss a challenge/opportunity] The Government not fully spending the RHS budget line because donors are meeting most of the family planning commodities. How can we ensure government spends on its budget? Demand vs services Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 6

7 [Pose a question or discuss a challenge/opportunity] CDF Guidelines did not support FP, custodians of fund have called for evidence to support inclusion of FP– The guideline for the constituency development fund does not provide for supporting ASRH and FP services. The draft Bill of Rights has a clause which if it passes may limit access to SRH services for Women and girls. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 7

8 OPTIONAL SLIDE: Map of where you work Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 8

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