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TIARA-PP Governing Council 1 representative per contractor TIARA-PP Coordinator Industry advisory committee? Project Management (WP1) Project Office Dissemination.

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Presentation on theme: "TIARA-PP Governing Council 1 representative per contractor TIARA-PP Coordinator Industry advisory committee? Project Management (WP1) Project Office Dissemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIARA-PP Governing Council 1 representative per contractor TIARA-PP Coordinator Industry advisory committee? Project Management (WP1) Project Office Dissemination assistant: Web master: Assistant financial matters: Assistant legal matters: Administrative assistant: Governance (WP2) R&D Infrastructure (WP3) R&D program (WP4) WPn+1 WPn+2 WP… Organizational WP “Projects” WP Education and Training (WP5) Industry involvement (WP6) TIARA-PP WP breakdown

2 WP2: Governance of TIARA Objective: Developing governance that would allow one to involve as many fields as possible List of issues to be addressed  Term of reference (mandate, domain of competence, perimeter (field, type of infrastructures)...)  Identification of Needs to achieve TIARA objectives  Composition, Term and Location of central coordination  Interactions with other bodies  Financing model for infrastructures and R&D programs  Recommendations on National organization  Overall legal structure of the central coordination (need to include EC in the work) including reporting and organization chart  … WP1: Management of the consortium  Organization of the Preparatory Phase  Dissemination and outreach Organizational WP for general issues The idea is to go through the issues covered by each WP (add/remove) and agree on the ones deemed necessary as the guideline for the WP coordinators

3 WP3: Accelerator R&D Infrastructures in Europe Objective: Integrating and optimizing the European Infrastructures for accelerator R&D List of issues to be addressed  Survey and identification of infrastructures (Valorization of infrastructure and operation costs) to be part of TIARA  Access modalities to the R&D infrastructures  Evaluation of the upgrades and/or new infrastructures needed for the R&D (For exploratory R&D, Targeted R&D and industrialization R&D) for example, one should consider o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a European (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for high power targetry o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a European (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for a multi-GeV laser/beam driver plasma acceleration o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for the Production of intense positron beam for material analysis o …  Improving the coordination with non European accelerator R&D infrastructures

4 WP4: Joint R&D programming Objective: Defining a Joint R&D Programme in the field of accelerator science List of issues to be addressed  Prospective on future or foreseeable new large accelerator based infrastructures (SLHC, ESS, IFMIF, ILC/CLIC, Neutrino and flavor factories, EURISOL, 4 th generation light sources…) and identification of R&D synergies  Prospective on emerging ideas and technologies  Defining the accelerator R&D program  Procedure for identifying and launching R&D projects  Common methodology for evaluating accelerator costs  Improving the coordination with non European accelerator R&D programs WP5: Education and Training for accelerator sciences Objective: Developing education and training for accelerator research in Europe List of issues to be addressed  Making a Survey of the students and the cursus in Europe in the field of Accelerator Science  Making a “market” and prospective study of the Needs for Accelerator Scientists (physicists and engineers) for research and in industry  Recommendations on actions for promoting accelerator sciences in the universities, doctoral studies and postdoctoral opportunities  Evaluation of cost

5 WP6: Involving Industry Objective: Investigating how industry can be involved in the programs, projects and actions carried out by TIARA List of issues to be addressed  Understanding the Industry Needs for Accelerators and related Accelerator R&D infrastructures and Programs.  Investigating how to industrialize recent technologies  Technology Roadmap for industrial development of future accelerator components  What is the best model for associating industry to TIARA  Integrating business parks and R&D accelerator R&D infrastructure complex

6 WP for Specific projects (if needed) Here projects planning to go to a preparatory phase (or close to the construction phase) and needing organization work could be included; this will give a clear signal to the EC and member states; Some technical work is not excluded but the requested cost to the EC cannot be large (at most 500k€ per projects depending on the total of such WPs). For example, each following project (not an exhaustive list) could be a WP  Getting organized and improve CTF/CLIC to be ready to launch a TDR  Getting organized to launch a TDR for a neutrino intense-beam facility  Getting organized to launch the construction of a B Factory  Getting organized to launch a TDR for EURISOL  other suggestions?

7 WPn+1 – WPm: on going R&D for specific projects and related large R&D infrastructures;  SLHC Phase I and II  CLIC: Multi Tev e+e- Linear Collider R&D and CLIC Test Facility  ILC: Sub TeV Superconducting International LC ?  B factory and Tests at DAPhNE  Intense Neutrino beam production and MICE+…  FAIR Phase II  High intensity proton linacs for ESS, IFMIF…  … WP not directly supported by the EC in this proposal This is mandatory as it is requested to demonstrate that what we request is a small fraction of the total cost of the R&D infrastructure being set up

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