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Distinguished Professor, Amb. Yim Sung-Joon Public Diplomacy in the 21c : Enhancing Korea’s Soft Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Distinguished Professor, Amb. Yim Sung-Joon Public Diplomacy in the 21c : Enhancing Korea’s Soft Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distinguished Professor, Amb. Yim Sung-Joon Public Diplomacy in the 21c : Enhancing Korea’s Soft Power

2 1. Background 1) Korea : 100 years of history (1910-2010) 1910 2010 1910 : The Japan-Korea 2010 : The G-20 Summit in Seoul Annexation Treaty

3 1. Background 2) The World :  2005 “The World is Flat”  Globalization 1.0 : Countries / Governments  Globalization 2.0 : Multinational Companies  Globalization 3.0 : Personal Computers

4 1. Background  Collapse of the Berlin Wall - End of Cold War

5 1. Background  9/11 – War on Terror  Global Financial Crisis Limits of Conventional Hard Power

6 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 1) Definitions : its Differences from Conventional Diplomacy Conventional D.20 TH C. PD21 ST C. PD Subject actorGovernment Government, Diverse non-gov’tal actors ObjectGovernmentForeign public, Government Foreign public, Government Means (assets & resources) Hard PowerSoft Power MediumGov’tal dialogue Negotiations PR, campaign, propaganda Diverse mediums Incl. digital media Relational type Horizontal (gov’tal level) Horizontal, bilateral Exchanges & dialogues

7 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 2 ) Origin of the Term  1965 Dean Edmund Gullion of the Fletcher school of Law and Diplomacy 3) New Public Diplomacy  Emergence of New Media  Non Governmental Actors

8 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 4) Tools  Intellectual of Dialogue

9 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 4) Tools  Cultural Diplomacy  Exchange Diplomacy  International Broadcasting

10 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 5) The US and Beyond  The US

11 2. What is Public Diplomacy ? 5) The US and Beyond  China  Canada and Norway

12 3. What is Soft Power ? 1) Power  To Coerce with Threats  To Induce with Payments  To Attract or Co-opt

13 3. What is Soft Power ? 2) Origin of the Term  Joseph Nye  Bound to Lead 1990  Soft Power 2004

14 3. What is Soft Power ? 3) 3 Types of National Power  Hard Power

15 3. What is Soft Power ? 3) 3 Types of National Power  Economic Power

16 3. What is Soft Power ? 3) 3 Types of National Power  Soft Power

17 3. What is Soft Power ? BehaviorsPrimary Currencies Government Policies Military Power -Coercion -Deterrence -Protection -Threats -Force -Coercive diplomacy -War -Alliance Economic Power -Inducement -Coercion -Payments -Sanctions -Aid -Bribes -Sanctions Soft Power -Attraction -Agenda setting -Values -Culture -Policies -Institutions -Public diplomacy -Bilateral and multilateral diplomacy

18 3. What is Soft Power ? 4) Korea’s Soft Power  Korea Cultural Wave  Development Experience  Economic Growth  Democratization

19 4. What is Nation Branding ? 1) Definitions  National Brand 20082009 1GermanyUnited States 2France 3United KingdomGermany 4CanadaUnited Kingdom 5Japan 6Italy 7United StatesCanada 8Switzerland 9Australia 10SwedenSpain, Sweden (tie)

20 4. What is Nation Branding ?  Definitions  Nation Branding 2) Origin of the Term  Simon Anholt : Nation Brands of the 21c 1998

21 4. What is Nation Branding ? 3) Effect of National Brand  Brand Premium / Brand Discount

22 4. What is Nation Branding ? 3) Effect of National Brand  Economic Effect 4) How to Enhance National Brand  Integrity  Targeting Mass Audiences not Elite  Symbolic Actions

23 4. What is Nation Branding ? 5) Korea CategoryRankings2008 NBI Score sm 1 st Country2008 NBI Score sm Overall3351.6Germany67.4 Exports1855.6Japan77.0 Governance3146.6Switzerland67.3 Culture3353.3France71.4 People3956.4Canada70.1 Tourism4355.9Italy77.2 Immigration /Investment 3051.8Canada62.3

24 5. Conclusion  New Public Diplomacy

25 5. Conclusion  Soft Power  Nation Branding “ Global Korea ” “ Global Korea ”

26 Thank You

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