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2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week1 MicroTCA Common Platform For CMS Working Group E. Hazen - Boston University for the CMS Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week1 MicroTCA Common Platform For CMS Working Group E. Hazen - Boston University for the CMS Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week1 MicroTCA Common Platform For CMS Working Group E. Hazen - Boston University for the CMS Collaboration

2 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week2 ATCA / uTCA overview

3 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week3 CMS Readout Crate (i.e. HCAL)

4 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week4  TCA Dual-Star Backplane MCH 1 Commercial /Std MCH 2 aka “AMC13”, “CMS-MCH”, “DTC” Custom design for CMS Bi-directional serial (up to 10Gb/sec) point-to-point links from each AMC to MCH (redundant links to each MCH) Fabric A (1 link) Gigabit Ethernet Fabric B (1 link) LVDS private protocol Fabric D-G (4 links) CLK1/2 (1 link) Dedicated MLVDS clock Note: Interconnections can be customized by the backplane manufacturer inexpensively.

5 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week5 Example AMC -- HCAL uHTR XC6VLX240T or similar 12 link pairs System mcontroll er I2C System Control Bus SNAP12 12-way optical receiver SNAP12 12-way optical receiver Commercia l MCH Global DAQ LHC Clock Fast Controls DTC SNAP12 12-way optical transmitter ● Main features: ● Single Virtex 6 supports 36 optical and 24 backplane SERDES ● (DDR3) SDRAM for extended L1 pipeline storage (selective readout delay) SDRAM

6 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week6

7 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week7 Vadatech VT891 Typical MicroTCA Crate with 12 AMC slots Power Module s 1-6 9-12 AMC slots MCH 1 MCH 2 Vadatech 891 available now 892 is a modified version with vertical cooling and a few other optons Schroff xTCA physics profile

8 2010-10-27E. Hazen -- Upgrade Week8 T2 (clocks) board T3 (fabric) board SFP/TTC board SFP+ (2) TTC Fiber GbE (2) Prototype DTC (CMS- MCH)

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