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Romania it’s known for it’s natural beauty and wonderful landscapes.Here’s the proof.

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2 Romania it’s known for it’s natural beauty and wonderful landscapes.Here’s the proof.

3 We like a laugh too and summer is the perfect time for it, whether we choose the seaside or the mountains.



6 Everyone can celebrate this day as they please but, most of the people go on the cliff or the city centre to watch the shows that are being organized to honor this day. The events start around noon and go on until midnight, when usually they lit up fireworks.

7 During the day people can go to free concerts that usually are set up near the Danube, have a meal on a boat restaurant or go on a boat ride.

8 Or even watch boat parades which usually take place after the religious ceremony and theater plays.


10 As you can see, water is quite important for us and for our summers, especially here, in the city of Galati where teenagers made some sort of “Tradition” in the last couple of years. They organize “The Big Splash”. The Big Splash is just a copy of our traditional “Paparuda” which is a very old ritual that takes place on the third Tuesday from Easter. Paparuda used to be considered a rain bringer ritual but now people only do it because it’s fun.


12 It took place on the Danube’s cliff and it was organized by a group of young dancers. They all wore red, yellow or blue t-shirts, symbolizing the Romanian flag. There were approximately 300 younsters and a few older people that joined in and danced.

13 This summer, “Auto Classic Club” organized a vintage cars exhibition. The idea belongs to Mircea Atanasiu, owner of Autouniversal.


15 Proiectul este finantat din fondurile Comisiei Europene. Continutul acestei publicatii reprezinta responsabilitatea exclusiva a autorului. AN si Comisia Europeana nu sunt responsabile pentru modul in carea continutul informatiei va fi folosit.

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