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Seminole Nation Native Americans of Long Ago. Eastern Woodlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminole Nation Native Americans of Long Ago. Eastern Woodlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminole Nation Native Americans of Long Ago

2 Eastern Woodlands

3 Eastern Woodlands Map

4 Plant Resources flowers pine trees cattails ferns oak trees

5 Animal Resources Rabbit Snake Bear Fox Eagle Badger

6 Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about plants and animals.

7 Seminole Tribe The Seminole tribe lived in southern Georgia and Florida. This is part of the Atlantic Coastal Plains region. The climate is hot and humid there. The land is flat. There are many trees, rivers, and streams.

8 Seminole Tribe Once there were many different tribes in Florida. When Europeans came, many Native Americans became sick and died. Some of those who did not die joined together to become the Seminole tribe.

9 Seminole Tribe No one knows where the Seminole name comes from. Some people think it means “runaway.” Some slaves ran away to Florida to be free. They became part of the tribe. The Seminoles did not want to do what the Europeans wanted them to do.

10 Seminole Food The Seminole people ate cabbage, nuts, wild rice, corn, catfish, deer, frybread, and seeds.

11 Seminole Fry Bread A Seminole woman is cooking fry bread. Fry bread is flat dough fried in oil.

12 Seminole Spoon A spoon was made from a palm leaf.

13 Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about food.

14 Seminole Shelter The Seminole tribe lived in a building called a “chickee.” A chickee was raised off of the ground to get away from water. It had a “thatched” roof made from straw and palm leaves.

15 Seminole Chickee

16 Seminole Chickees marsh or “wetlands”

17 Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about shelter.

18 Seminole Clothing Men wore a “turban” for a hat. Women wore colorful skirts and a shirt with a cape. Both wore many beaded necklaces and sandals.

19 Seminole Apron colorful patchwork

20 Seminole Beadwork purse

21 Seminole Dolls Shawl

22 Doll and Baskets Turban

23 Seminole Hairstyles

24 Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about clothing.

25 Revolutionary War In the Revolutionary War, the British wanted to keep the American colonies as a part of Britain. The American colonists wanted to be free. The Seminole tribe fought against the colonists. They helped the British in the war. The British lost.

26 Osceola Many years after the Revolutionary War, Osceola was a Seminole war chief. The United States government tried to make the Seminole people move from their land and homes. Osceola fought against this, but he was captured and died. Seminole people still live in Florida today.

27 Osceola

28 Review Where are the Eastern Woodlands? What plants and animals are in this region? What is the climate like in this region? Where did the Seminole tribe live? What resources did the Seminole tribe use to meet their basic needs for food, shelter, and clothing? What other interesting information do you know about the Seminole people?

29 Native Americans End of Lesson

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