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August 17 th, 2016 Directions: 1)Get in supplies by Friday! 2)Take out A1 – Three Civilizations from yesterday!

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Presentation on theme: "August 17 th, 2016 Directions: 1)Get in supplies by Friday! 2)Take out A1 – Three Civilizations from yesterday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 17 th, 2016 Directions: 1)Get in supplies by Friday! 2)Take out A1 – Three Civilizations from yesterday!

2 The Aztec & Inca Directions: With your desk partner one person will read about the Aztec and the other the Inca, after you’re done reading, converse with each other to fill in the TREE MAP.


4 Essential Questions Directions: Answer theses questions somewhere on your paper. Restate the question in answer form. 1)In your opinion, what is the definition of a Civilization? 2) How did the Mayas and Aztecs fit that definition?

5 Today’s Agenda Florida Standard: Compare interpretations of key events and issues throughout American History. Agenda I do: Explain culture & culture groups of the American Indian We do: Share perceptions of American Indians You do: Decipher pictures to define culture groups of North America. Essential Question Learning Goal - By the end of the lesson you will… Compare perceptions of Native Americans and define culture groups. How does culture differ between North American Indians? Measureable Objective Decipher a Native Chart to characterize and define Native Culture Groups in North America with 70% accuracy.

6 A2 – Cultures of North America 1) Put your Name, Period and Date Here! Write A2 Draw a circle around it. A2 Title this paper Cultures of North America

7 Early Native American Cultures

8 A2 Cultures of North America Name Period Date Perceptions of Native Americans My definition of NA

9 Directions: Under Perceptions of Native Americans, write what you know or think of the following words.

10 Perceptions of Native Americans

11 "Indian" and "Native American" refer to a diverse set of tribes or nations who lived for centuries across the lands that Europeans claimed later to have "discovered," which are now called the Americas.

12 How did geography influence the development of cultures in North America? In North America, groups of people developed unique cultures = a way of life. Around 3,000 years ago, various groups began to inhabit an area stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi Valley.

13 Scholars classify Native Americans into numerous culture areas = region where groups of people have a similar way of life.

14 They believed that spirits dwelled in nature and that these spirits were part of their daily lives. Many Native Americans felt a close relationship to the natural world. Native American storytellers passed down their beliefs and history from generation to generation.

15 The potlatch = was a ceremony at which the hosts showered their guests with gifts such as woven cloth, baskets, canoes, and furs. In many societies of the Northwest, high-ranking people practiced a custom called the potlatch. A family’s status was judged by how much wealth it could give away. HostsGuests gifts

16 Women had great influence in Iroquois society: The Iroquois were made up of five distinct nations, and each nation was made up of clans = Group of people united. Membership in a clan was passed from a mother to her children. Women owned all the property that belonged to a clan and chose the clan’s sachem = Tribal Chief.

17 When the nations finally stopped fighting, they established the League of the Iroquois, a council that made laws to keep the peace. During the 1500s, the five Iroquois nations went through a period of constant warfare. The Iroquois wrote their own constitution.

18 Great PlainsEastern Woodland Southeast Eat – Live – Importan ce Eat – Live – Importan ce Eat – Live – Importan ce How did Geography influence the development of cultures in North America?

19 Vast expanse of grasslands Prairies, flat, fertile Vast expanse of woods and forests, rocky soil, seasonal wide diversity of landscapes: rugged mountains, tangled wilderness, dense forests, fertile fields, and low-lying swamps

20 Ways of Life Hunting and Gathering In many culture areas, women gathered plants and roots, and men hunted and fished. FarmingIn other culture areas, Native Americans grew crops suited to the climate in which they lived. Farming areas had much larger populations than nonfarming areas. TradingCulture areas all shared trade in common. Some areas used seashells or beads as currency.

21 People of the Eastern Woodlands Early People of the Eastern Woodlands The earliest woodlands people hunted, fished, and gathered nuts and berries. By about A.D. 1000, some woodlands people had begun farming. Algonquian People These people spoke Algonquian languages and lived in southern Canada, the Great Lakes area, and along the Atlantic coast to Virginia. Iroquois People These groups of people spoke Iroquoian languages and lived in what is now New York.

22 People of the Southeast Cherokees and Creeks The land and the climate of the southeast supported farming. The Cherokees and the Creeks built wooden-frame houses covered with straw mats and plastered with mud clay. Natchez People These people lived on the Gulf Coast. They created a complex society with a ruler, nobles, and commoners.

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