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NEW MEDIA. “ New media i s a term that emerged in the later part of the twentieth century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW MEDIA. “ New media i s a term that emerged in the later part of the twentieth century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand."— Presentation transcript:


2 “ New media i s a term that emerged in the later part of the twentieth century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device ”

3 How you can use 'New Media' : With... ● Mobile phone (I-Phone, smartphone, etc...) ● Laptop / PC ● Tablet PC

4 SOCIAL NETWORKS You can use the so called Social Networks to get Information about what the people in your life are doing right at the moment or even what you are doing, found out and want to share with them.

5 Everyday there are lots of people using the social network 'Youtube' only to watch videos or the search engine 'google'. Because of the everyday-using it is influencing them a lot, although these people might not know about it.


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