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16 things you can do when you travel: In other countries you are more than just a US citizen, you represent US. 1.You will never go wrong with a smile.

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Presentation on theme: "16 things you can do when you travel: In other countries you are more than just a US citizen, you represent US. 1.You will never go wrong with a smile."— Presentation transcript:

1 16 things you can do when you travel: In other countries you are more than just a US citizen, you represent US. 1.You will never go wrong with a smile. Anger, impatience and rudeness are universal turnoffs. 2.Show your pride, but respect theirs. Your way is not the only way.

2 1.Think as big as you like, but talk and act smaller. Bragging is considered very rude. 2.People love when you try to speak their language. 3.Be aware that some gestures don’t mean the same thing in different cultures.

3 1.Leave the slang at home. Casual profanity is unacceptable 2.Listen at least as much as you talk. Show interest in how people compare their experiences with yours. 3.Save the lectures for home. Try to leave right and wrong out of your conversation.

4 1.Think a little locally. For example, most people in the world have little interest in the Super Bowl. 2.Slow down. Time is understood very differently around the world. Immediate satisfaction and short-term thinking are often unimportant and not respected.

5 11.Match your voice level and tonality to the environment and other people. A fast talker can be seen as aggressive and threatening. 12.Remember that your religion is your religion and not necessarily theirs. In most countries, religion is usually considered deeply personal, not a subject for public discussion. 13.If you talk politics, talk, but do not argue. Avoid expressing opinions about local issues.

6 11.Familiarize yourself with the local geography to avoid making insulting mistakes. 12.When it comes to dressing, check out what is expected. Avoid being too casual or dressing too provocatively. 13.Few things will make a bigger or better impression in another country than your interest in that country.

7 15.Remember that the way we show affection is not the same all over the world. Kissing and hugging publicly can be viewed negatively. 16. Be aware that your way might not be everybody’s way. 17. Remember that people behave differently in other countries. Some people might seem indifferent, rude or lazy. This happens because we compare everybody to our standards. Remember to be flexible and tolerant. 18. The pushing and spitting is not targeted at you; it is their way of life in a very long history of crowded population and many times, harsh environment. 19.Be open minded!

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