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Welcome to Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation

2 Welcome and Introductions Big step on a long journey Exciting time for you and your child Partnership between your family and the school in supporting your child’s learning Kindergarten Orientation

3 School Supplies Backpack large enough to hold a lunch bag and books Lunch/snack bag Change of Clothing Indoor shoes * Please label ALL your child's belongings* Kindergarten Orientation

4 Washroom and Self-Help Routines At school, children: – Must use washroom independently – Must wash hands with soap independently – Opening and closing containers – Eating/feeding oneself – Dress and undress independently belts overalls zippers buttons coat, boots, hats, mittens, shoes Kindergarten Orientation

5 Snacks and Lunches Independently get out snack or lunch and tidy up after self 15 min snack and 15 min recess; 20 min lunch and 40 min recess No nut products permitted Healthy School We ask that you kindly pack a liter less lunch; this means when possible to pack lunches and drinks in reusable containers Kindergarten Orientation

6 First Day of School First day of School Arrive at 8:50 am (Supervision begins 8:45am) Drop student at the assigned gate to the Kindergarten Pen Student Entry 8:55 am First Day early dismissal at 12:00 pm pickup from assigned kindergarten pen

7 Dismissal Regular Dismissal 3:25 pm Pick up students at the gate which you were asked to drop your child off at in the morning Daycare- students will be picked up directly from the classroom Bus- students will be picked up directly from the classroom and walked to the bus Kindergarten Orientation

8 A Typical Day… Morning Entry bell 8:55am 9:00am – 10:40am Morning circle, Integrated Activity Centers 10:40am – 11:10am Morning Recess 11:10am – 12:50pm Integrated Activity 12:50pm – 1:50pm Lunch 1:50 pm- 3:25 pm Art/Gym/Library/Music/Drama Dismissal 3:25pm Kindergarten Orientation

9 Are you concerned about your child’s speech & language? Speech and Language Rebecca Kowalenko YRDSB Speech & Language Pathologist Kindergarten Orientation

10 Helpful Information School Website Kindergarten Orientation

11 Breakout Sessions Kindergarten Orientation Rm.116 Rm.117 Rm.118 Rm.119 Rm.123 ***Please be advised that the break out sessions are over at 7:00pm.***

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