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Lesson 4 Unit 2 Ткачук Наталья Владимировна Учитель английского языка МОКУ «СОШ с. Ариадное»

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2 Lesson 4 Unit 2 Ткачук Наталья Владимировна Учитель английского языка МОКУ «СОШ с. Ариадное»

3 12.45 8.15 3.30 5.55 2.20 It is a quarter to one. It is a quarter past eight It is half past three. It is five minutes to six. It is twenty minutes past two.

4 I read at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

5 I go to school at 9 o’clock in the morning.

6 I have lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon.

7 I go to sleep at 12 o’clock at night!

8 New words: Get up [get ‘ P] вставать Have breakfast [hæv ‘brekfa:st]- завтракать Have lunch [lnt ʃ ] – обед, лэнч Have dinner [dinə ] - ужин Walk [w : k ]-гулять, ходить пешком Come [km ]-приходить Meet [mi:t ]- встречать(ся) Bark [ba:k ] – лаять, гавкать Give [gi:v ]- давать Hug [hg ] - обнимать Stroke [str əuk]- гладить, погладить Sit - сидеть Look [lu:k ] – смотреть на Eat [i:t ] - кушать Cook [ku:k ] - готовить Take for a walk – брать на прогулку Watch [w : t ʃ ] – смотреть, наблюдать Live [l i:v] - жить Need [ni:d ] - нуждаться Throw [θrəu] - бросать Bring [briŋ ] - приносить Dress [dres ] - одеваться Wash [w : ʃ ] – умываться, мыть, стирать Become [bi:’km ] - становиться Clean [kli:n ] – чистить, убирать Help - помогать Say [sei ]- говорить, сказать

9 Who does what? – Кто чем занимается? My dog I have got a dog. Her name is Asya. She is big. I get up at 7 o’clock. Asya gets up at 9 o’clock and has breakfast. I don’t take her for a walk in the morning. My brother does it. I come home at 1 o’clock. My dog meets me at the door. She barks and gives me a paw. I hug and stroke her. I have lunch at 1:30, and Asya sits and looks at me. She usually eats special dog food. Mum cooks it for her. In the evening I take her for a long walk. And my brother helps me. Then she sits on the sofa and watches TV. We live in a flat and Asya needs lots of exercise, so at weekends Dad takes us all to the park. Dad throws a ball and Asya brings it back.

10 Who does what? IMy brotherMumDadAsya Get up at 7 o’clock Helps meCooks special dog food Takes us to the park Gets up at 9 o’clock Gets up Barks Becomes Throws Cleans Sits Helps Brings Does Says Watches Washes Meets Eats Needs Jumps Gives Cooks Takes Dresses -s -es [gets] Gets up [pleiz] Plays [w t ʃ iz ] Watches

11 In Britain the most popular black cats’ names are Africa, Abracadabra, Midnight, Chimpanzee, Pepsi, Bat. White cats are usually called Cloud, Milky, Foggy, Ghost, Snowflake or Snowy.

12 always sometimes never Thursday School 8.00-13.30 Chess club 14.00 English drama club 15.00-16.00 Sunday Swimming pool Computer club Dancing Tennis 15.30-16.30 Example: Alina goes to the English drama club on Monday, Wednesday and on Thursday.

13 always sometimes never Alina always goes to the chess club after school. She sometimes goes to the swimming pool. She never goes to school on Sundays.

14 What do you always do in the morning? What do you sometimes do in the…………………? …………………………….? ……………………………? What do you never do ………………………..? ………………………..?

15 They\ fish. the girl \ swim. Do the girl Does they fish? swim? I We You They She He It

16 Read the dialogue: A: What do you always do in the morning? B: I walk my dog. A: Does Alina always get good marks in maths? B: Yes, she does. A: Does Alina play volleyball? B: No, she doesn’t. A: How often does she play chess? B: every day.

17 Say: Do you play chess? What sport are you good at? Does your father play on the computer? What subject are you good at? What subjects are you not good at?

18 Он умный. Она умная. Они умные. Мы умные. Я умный\ая. I am intelligent. He is intelligent. She is intelligent. They are intelligent. We are intelligent.

19 p. 31, ex. 4 (b), 5 (письм) SEE you next time with your homework

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