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Objective -Why are cities in LICs growing so fast? High Birth Rate falling death rate Migration to the city Case Studies – Manila and Rio

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Presentation on theme: "Objective -Why are cities in LICs growing so fast? High Birth Rate falling death rate Migration to the city Case Studies – Manila and Rio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective -Why are cities in LICs growing so fast? High Birth Rate falling death rate Migration to the city Case Studies – Manila and Rio

2 Key terms 5m

3 Rapid urbanization in LIC’s LIC’s often only have a few cities Population Growth Rural-Urban Migration

4 Rural to urban migration This is very common, particularly in LICs. Why do you think people in LICs are very keen to move away from the countryside and into the cities? %1950199020012025 World30454858 HIC53747683 LIC17344156

5 Push and pull factors Push factors are things that make you want to leave a place. Pull factors are things that attract you to a place

6 Rural push factors and urban pull factors Lots of people in different countries around the world are moving from the countryside to the city. We are going to be looking at why this is happening in Manila...(by how much has it grown…?_ 5 mins

7 Push and pull classification Decide whether each statement is a push factor or a pull factor

8 Why do people migrate from the Philippine countryside to the large cities of Manila? Agricultural land has become overcrowded due to population increase People cannot make a living from their land People have moved to cities to look for jobs The South region has been hit by flooding Better transport systems have allowed people to move Radio and television have shown rural people urban life and they liked what they saw Cities offer steady income, health care and clean running water Add some proof - And our interviews… 5 mins

9 That leaves natural increase.. Why are Birth rates high and death rates low? Manila is growing by 800 people per day. 400 are migrants and 400 are new people (births once deaths have been subtracted)

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