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2 Developing Data-Centric Web Applications Jonathan Carter Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation Session code: WUX311.

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2 2 Developing Data-Centric Web Applications Jonathan Carter Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation Session code: WUX311

3 3 Agenda Developing Data-Centric Web Applications Data-Driven Web Apps Today Dynamic Data Templating Scaffolding Futures

4 4 Data-Driven Web Apps Today… GridViewGridViewDetailsViewDetailsView ListViewListView FormViewFormView Data Controls ObjectObjectLINQLINQ SQLSQLEntityEntity Data Sources AccessAccessXMLXML DataPagerDataPager Control Arsenal RepeaterRepeater

5 5 It's great, but it's not perfect…

6 6 Code heavy + duplication Field templates and form fields Field types and headers

7 7 Data-driven apps should deduce more semantics from the data model…

8 8 Dynamic Data Data Model MetadataMetadataValidationValidation Data Smart UI

9 9 Don't we need smarter controls?

10 10 Dynamic Data Data Model MetadataMetadataValidationValidation Data Smart UI Dynamic Data Controls

11 11 How about re-useable UI/components?

12 12 Dynamic Data Data Model MetadataMetadataValidationValidation Data Smart UI Dynamic Data Controls Field Templates

13 13 Templating

14 14 How did Dynamic Data know about our model enhancements?

15 15 Data Model -> Meta Model Property Data Model Entity Property Entity Meta Column Meta Model Meta Table ProviderProvider Out of the box providers: 1)LINQ To SQL 2)Entity Framework

16 16 Could our smart UI and model deduce an entire page?

17 17 Dynamic Data Data Model MetadataMetadataValidationValidation Data Smart UI Dynamic Data Controls Field Templates Page Templates Custom Pages

18 18 How about an entire application?

19 19 Scaffolding

20 20 Routing URL Routing Module URL Routing Module Dynamic Route Dynamic Route Route Table ASPX Page (Http Handler) ASPX Page (Http Handler) Dynamic Route Handler Dynamic Route Handler Request Response Ensures: 1) Table 2) Action Checks for: 1) Custom Page 2) Scaffold Page

21 21 That is where we're at now, but the future is…

22 22 Futures

23 23 Summary Developing Data-Driven Web Applications Data-Driven Web Apps Today Dynamic Data Templating Scaffolding Futures

24 24

25 Related Content WUX303 Introducing ASP.NET MVC Tuesday, November 11 13:30 - 14:45, Room 112 WUX305 ASP.NET MVC Practices Tuesday, November 11 15:15 - 16:30, Room 117 WUX402 ASP.NET AJAX tips and tricks Friday, November 14 10:45 - 12:00, Room 112 Friday, November 14 10:45 - 12:00, Room 112

26 With an amazing line up of international speakers, there are even more chances to win an evaluation prize! So make sure you submit feedback for all the sessions you attend! Don’t forget to complete your session feedback forms via the CommNet terminals or the Registered Delegate Pages for your chance to win a HTC Touch Dual! Now extended from 2 to 24 hours after session for more chance to WIN

27 Tech·TalksTech·Ed Bloggers Live SimulcastsVirtual Labs Developer’s Kit, Licenses, and MORE! Resources for Developers

28 28 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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