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Healing Heart to Soul in Rehabilitation Peter J Rappa MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Healing Heart to Soul in Rehabilitation Peter J Rappa MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healing Heart to Soul in Rehabilitation Peter J Rappa MD

2 Take Home Points Become Aware Take Responsibility Take Action

3 Awareness: Dis-Ease Dis-ease can be self created: How? The mind! what I think I create What I create I express What I express I experience What I experience I am What I am, I think

4 Awareness: Dis_ease The cycle of Dis-Ease is associated with lower mind Mind is associated with thought The mind through brain facilitates the physical manifestation of thought Thought forms actually change cell physiology A fear thought triggers the stress response

5 Awareness: Stress Response The stress response is Alarm = ^HR, Na++ retention, ^ BP ^Adrenaline Resistance Exhaustion

6 Studying Hawkins’ Work Consciousness exists in Power levels Physiology responds to Consciousness High Power states provide energy to heal Low power states deplete energy; cell death The mind-body connection is undeniable Lower Mind leaves us devoid of healing energy

7 Low Power: Shame Shame…. Shame emotes Humiliation Humiliation eliminates… What we see: homicide, suicide

8 Lower Power: Guilt Guilt…. Guilt emotes Blame Blame Destroys by attack What we see: people in attack mode

9 Lower Power: Apathy Apathy…. Apathy emotes Despair Despair Abdicates – What we see: hopeless, helpless

10 Lower Power: Grief Grief … Grief emotes Regret Regret- produces despondency What we see: people in mourning; bitterness with resistance to change

11 Low Power: Fear Fear … Fear emotes Anxiety What we see: Anxious withdrawal; substance use/abuse… jealous, vengeful behaviors

12 Low Power: Desire Desire … Desire emotes Craving Craving Enslaves What we see: addictions, obsessed people living in want

13 Low Power: Anger Anger … Anger emotes Hate Hate is Aggressive intimidation What we see: explosive rage; punishing… bigness

14 Low Power: Pride Pride … Pride emotes Scorn Scorn Inflates through arrogant denial (lacks humility and gratitude) What we see: people with opinionated superiority

15 Medically:Lower Mind and Emotions Autonomic nervous system acupuncture system and meridians carry negative energy to organs of the body The negative energy of Chronic stress produces a suppressive effect Immune system is weakened: organ system malfunction occurs

16 Awareness Become Aware that Negative belief systems and Negative attitudes lead to negative emotions which are linked to human pathology

17 What does it take to Recover? Recovery begins at Consciousness Level of Courage Courage is Integrity Courage emotes a positive mental outlook Courage facilitates empowerment Empowerment leads to recovery

18 Take Responsibility Own everything in your life the way it is You are responsible; at some level you have created it Move out of ‘Victim’ Mindset Examine the important relationships in your life

19 Commit to Integrity Commit to integrity Face challenges Cope, Learn, Accomplish Affirmation and empowerment improves health Realize ^5HT ^Endorphin ^Killer Cells Balance Acupuncture System

20 Take Action Make it right where it is wrong Forgive yourself Forgive everyone else enmeshed in the dramas

21 Action Tools Introspective Awareness Aerobic Challenge The Serenity Prayer

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