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1 Dubna, 07/07/2015 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Aleksei Shipilov.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dubna, 07/07/2015 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Aleksei Shipilov."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dubna, 07/07/2015 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Aleksei Shipilov

2 HELMHOLTZ MISSION  Strategic research for grand challenges with cutting-edge research  Think big, act big: Developing and operating complex infrastructure and large-scale facilities for the national and international scientific community  Creating wealth for society and industry through transfer of knowledge and technology PAGE 2

3 HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ His research is our mission  Commitment to interdisciplinary research  A sense for the practical: Contribution to creating wealth  Founding President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt: Effective management of large-scale research PAGE 3 Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894)

4 GERMAN RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS (actual costs 2013) PAGE 4 8613,7031.43 Leibniz Association Long-term research topics 6617,0242.00 Fraunhofer Society Industry-oriented research and development 8213,3831.80 Max Planck Society Pure basic research 1837,9393.99** Helmholtz Association Use-inspired basic research with strategic programmes Centres/ Institutes Staff in FTE* Budget/ Billion€ Source: GWK Monitoring Report 2015 Joint Initiative for Innovation and Research *Staff in working hours (full-time equivalent) **excluding project sponsorships, project management agencies and other revenues

5 Helmholtz Association – 20 Years  18 research centres  37,939 Staff  Budget 2015: €3.99 billion  6 research fields PAGE 5

6 FACTS AND FIGURES  37,939 Staff (status as of 2014)  14,734 scientists  6,171 PhD students  1,657 vocational trainees  Budget 2015: €3.99 billion  €2.68 bn (budget approach*): Institutional funding (90% federal, 10% state)  €1.07 bn: Third-party funding* (based on actual costs 2013)  €0.24 bn: Special Financing PAGE 6 *including contracts of project management agencies and other revenues, excluding project sponsorships totalling about €187 M


8 RESEARCH FIELD ENERGY For Example: Reducing CO 2 Emissions PAGE 8  Solar-thermal power stations  Bioliq pilot plant  Geothermal pilot plant  CO 2 separation with membranes and CO 2 sequestration  Nuclear fusion (ITER) SOLHYCO/DLR ASDEX UPGRADE/IPP

9 RESEARCH FIELD EARTH & ENVIRONMENT For Example: Understanding Climate Change PAGE 9  Polar research with the ice- breaker Polarstern and the Neumayer Station  Earth observation with satellites  Understanding atmospheric changes with the HALO aircraft  The climate initiative REKLIM and Regional Climate Offices Polarstern/AWI HALO/DLR

10 RESEARCH FIELD HEALTH For Example: Combating Major Common Diseases PAGE 10  Disease prevention and personal risk assessment  Translational research  Nationales Zentrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) Heidelberg  Experimental and Clinical Research Centre (ECRC), Berlin  TWINCORE, Braunschweig  German Centres of Health Research  Helmholtz Cohort Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier/HZI Helmholtz Cohort/ MDC

11 RESEARCH FIELD AERONAUTICS, SPACE AND TRANSPORT For Example: Exploring the Earth and Space PAGE 11  ESA mission Rosetta is about to explore the history of origin of our solar system  Earth observation with satellites (optic, radar, thermal) of different resolution (e.g. Terra-SAR and TanDEM-X)  Communication networks for air and road traffic Rosetta/DLR Satellite TanDEM-X/DLR

12 KEY TECHNOLOGIES For Example:Laying the Foundation for Future Innovation PAGE 12  Information Technology  Supercomputer (JUQUEEN/JUROPA)  Nanotechnology  Materials Science  Nanoelectronics  Lightweight Materials  Life Science  Bioeconomy  Neuroscience  Research on Alzheimer’s disease  Regenerative Medicine Forschungszentrum Jülich JUQUEEN/Forschungszentrum Jülich

13 RESEARCH FIELD MATTER For Example: Operating Large-scale Facilities PAGE 13  European XFEL: Films from the nanocosmos  Pilot plant FLASH  FAIR: Understanding the secrets of matter  Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN  New Element 112 Copernicium  Magnetic monopoles HADES-Detektor/GSI DESY

14 SEITE 14

15 DEVELOPING THE ORGANIZATION PAGE 15 Top-Down Approach Bottom-Up Approach Strategic Guidelines Portfolio and Foresight Process Goal-Oriented Programmes Evaluation

16 HELMHOLTZ CENTRES  Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research  Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY  German Cancer Research Center  German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases  German Aerospace Center  Forschungszentrum Jülich  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research  Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie  Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf  Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ  Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research  GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel  Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht - Centre for Materials and Coastal Research  Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health  Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences  Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association  Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (associated) PAGE 16

17 BROAD VARIETY OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS  499 joint professorships with universities  Promoting joint initiatives through:  15 Helmholtz Alliances + 5 Energy Alliances  7 Helmholtz Institutes  110 Virtual Institutes  180 Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups  German Centres of Health Research  Excellence initiative  Merger of university and non-university research centres creates the KIT  JARA: Jülich Aachen Research Alliance  Berlin Institute of Health PAGE 17 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Helmholtz Zentrum München

18 HELMHOLTZ INTERNATIONAL  Base for new large-scale facilities with international participation, e.g. European XFEL, FAIR  Participation in international projects, e.g. ITER  Liaison offices in Brussels, Moscow, Beijing  Bilateral partnerships around the world  7,476 foreign scientists (including visiting scientists) at Helmholtz Centres PAGE 18

19 Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Groups PAGE 19  Since 2006: 5 joint calls “Helmholtz- Russia Joint Research Groups”, a joint program of Helmholtz Association and Russian Foundation for Basic Research  Funding per year: 130,000 euros (Helmholtz), 1,200,000 RUB (RFBR)  Total funding by Helmholtz: more than 12 million euro Principal Investigator of HRJRG-116 Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Group-006

20 WE PROMOTE TALENT PAGE 20  Little Scientists’ House  30 Helmholtz School Labs  1,657 vocational trainees  Training of 7,356 PhD students  34 Helmholtz Graduate Schools and Helmholtz Research Schools  180 Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups (with tenure option)  Helmholtz Management Academy  Mentoring Department Solare Energetik/HZB Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Helmholtz Zentrum München

21 HELMHOLTZ CENTRES PAGE 21 Helmholtz Centre Branch of a Helmholtz Centre Helmholtz Head Office Helmholtz Institute Ulm Dresden Ulm Freiberg Kiel Erlangen Münster

22 Thank you! Dr. Elena Eremenko Helmholtz Office Moscow Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya 5, off. 24 Tel. +7 495 9811763 PAGE 22

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