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A GRAPHICAL INTERFACE FOR AWARDING POINTS IN THE ASSIGNMENT MODULE Gordon Bateson Kochi University of Technology 12 th September (Mon) 15:10 - 15:40 Future.

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Presentation on theme: "A GRAPHICAL INTERFACE FOR AWARDING POINTS IN THE ASSIGNMENT MODULE Gordon Bateson Kochi University of Technology 12 th September (Mon) 15:10 - 15:40 Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 A GRAPHICAL INTERFACE FOR AWARDING POINTS IN THE ASSIGNMENT MODULE Gordon Bateson Kochi University of Technology 12 th September (Mon) 15:10 - 15:40 Future University, Hakodate (Room 495)

2 The OLD Assignment Module Available in Moodle 1.0 – 2.2 (… 2.7) teacher inputs online grades and feedback comments to students for work that has either been done offline (e.g. reports and presentations) or submitted online (e.g. inputted text or uploaded files)

3 The NEW Assign(ment) Module Available since Moodle 2.3 ■ plugins for submissions ■ plugins for feedback ■ plugins for advanced grading ■ and marking features – marking workflow – blind marking – marking allocation

4 Submissions plugins Standard submission plugins ■ online text ■ upload files ■ none of the above (i.e. offline activity) 3 rd -party submission plugins ■ Poodll (multimedia) ■ …

5 Feedback plugins Standard feedback plugins ■ comments ■ files ■ grading worksheet 3 rd -party feedback plugins ■ Poodll (multimedia) ■ …

6 Grading Simple direct grading ■ normal grading: one student per page ■ quick grading: many students per page Advanced grading ■ rubric ■ marking guide

7 Pros and Cons Pros ■ “quick grading” allows multiple students to be graded from one web page ■ “rubric” and “marking guide” speed up input by using tap/click Cons ■ locating students in list of names is difficult ■ simultaneous grading is usually impossible

8 Interface to select students Student “tiles” in a “map” of the classroom ■ teacher can specify what details are shown about each student ■ tiles can be positioned to match the physical location of the students in the classroom ■ teacher selects students by tapping or lasooning tiles

9 Use as a seating plan

10 Interface to award points ■ Teacher specifies points by tapping/clicking values ■ Teacher selects comments from a drop-down menu

11 Database e.g. MySQL Moodle LMS Assignment plugin Feedback subplugin Technical implementation touch-screen interfaceweb server Transmission via AJAX number of points assignment id student id teacher id session id (for security) other info (e.g. GPS) Teacher taps student icons to award points. Teacher taps number icons to set point values. Teacher selects, or inputs, text about points Teacher taps action icons to arrange icons.

12 Incremental points Accumulate points towards a goal ■ e.g. points are awarded for contributions during class ■ points awarded today and total points are displayed in student tiles ■ detailed report shows history of points awarded ■ total of points awarded is sent to the Moodle gradebook

13 Use with advanced grading Can be used with “rubric” and “marking guide”

14 Demonstration

15 Download URL Download from ■ /moodle-assignfeedback_points Install into Assignment Feedback plugin folder ■ mod/assign/feedback/points

16 ------------------ Questions and Comments ------------------

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