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A Collaborative Approach to Broodstock Collection in the Northern Prawn Fishery Annie Jarrett CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaborative Approach to Broodstock Collection in the Northern Prawn Fishery Annie Jarrett CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaborative Approach to Broodstock Collection in the Northern Prawn Fishery Annie Jarrett CEO

2 What’s a Girl like Me doing in a Place like this? P Monodon NPF target species - collection of broodstock for aquaculture managed by AFMA under Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan 1995 Initially collected through scientific permits in 1980’s/90’s; commercial activity since 2000; last policy review 2006 Recognition that prawn aquaculture industry is growing – target to double production in 10 years APFA seeking increased supply of healthy broodstock from NPF, including Gulf of Carpentaria NPFI/APFA amendable to working collaboratively AFMA supportive of sector collaboration on future supply

3 About Us NPF Industry Pty Ltd (NPFI) represents SFR holders/owners of the 52 licensed NPF prawn trawlers Comprised of single boat owners, small & large companies $500 K budget (admin, crew member observers, co- management functions, special projects) $135 K LAP campaign; $300 K in FRDC levies Co-management arrangements with AFMA; long-term partnerships - FRDC, CSIRO, NGOs, ACPF, CFA Industry leader in sustainability initiatives - certification programs, bycatch reduction, ghost gear management ‘Voice of the NPF’ on management & policy issues

4 About the NPF Australia’s largest /valuable prawn fishery: GVP $100 - $120 million; NPF licenses valued at approx $2.5 million each Multi-species fishery (banana, tiger, endeavour, king, black tiger) – highly susceptible to environmental fluctuations Highly regulated: Statutory Fishing Rights (SFRs), Harvest Strategies (MEY), in- season management, bycatch policies, TEDS/BRDS, gear restrictions, OHS, MSQ, MARPOL, AMSAR……. 6 & a half month fishery (April - June; August - Nov); complex closures regime (permanent, spatial and temporal) >$ 2 Million/annum in direct management and research costs eg monitoring surveys, observers, stock assessments, sustainability reports); high operational costs Strong environmental credentials; FAO recognition as ‘global example of best practice management’; MSC certified 2012

5 NPF Managed Area (770,000 sq kms)– << 12% of total area fished Total Closure 15 June - 31 July; 1 Dec - 31 March




9 Challenges for NPF Broodstock Collection Policy Sustainability: potential for interactions and discarding of NPF target species; impacts on bycatch/TEPs/ seasonal closures regime; Economics: not viable for NPF operators to ‘target’ broodstock during fishing seasons Equity: collection of broodstock by non-licensed boats - nil benefit to NPF SFR holders; no contribution to management/research; privileged access during closed seasons Monopoly: permits generally held by one operator Lack of supply: increased collection required to meet aquaculture growth targets Stock assessment for P Monodon: what is the sustainable take?


11 Solutions Cont. Detail Issues: Some restrictions on boat numbers, timing and areas of collection (eg GOC in March; permanent/area closures) TEDS/BRDs; gear size restrictions Observers (eg during seasonal closures) NPFI/APFA negotiation/ Implementation in 2017 No guarantees - fishing is NOT farming! - but opportunity to collaborate and build on existing partnerships (eg LAP)

12 Collaboration on broodstock - it’s NOT an impossible dream!

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