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My brother Sam is dead By David Kim. Chapter 1 Sam returns to home from Yale, where he studies. Sam and Father gets into a fight over their opinion about.

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Presentation on theme: "My brother Sam is dead By David Kim. Chapter 1 Sam returns to home from Yale, where he studies. Sam and Father gets into a fight over their opinion about."— Presentation transcript:

1 My brother Sam is dead By David Kim

2 Chapter 1 Sam returns to home from Yale, where he studies. Sam and Father gets into a fight over their opinion about the rebellion

3 continued Father kicks Sam out of the house for his behavior and for demanding them to give him the gun

4 Chapter 2 After the fight with his dad, Sam goes to Tom Warrup’s hut Tim goes to where Sam is and finds out that Sam had stolen the gun

5 continued Tim was persuaded not to tell anybody about what Sam did, and he leaves

6 Chapter 3 Betsy comes down to persuade Tim to not tell anybody when Sam returns Times passes and fall comes. Tim starts going to school

7 continued Betsy finally comes to inform Tim that Sam has returned

8 Chapter 4 The rebellion army invades the Reddings and takes the gun from the tories. They invade Tim’s house too. Scared that father may be hurt, he goes to Sam and takes his gun away

9 continued Sam chases him and retrieves his gun. No harm was done to father. Sam runs away again.

10 Chapter 5 The food began to become a real problem. Although they were not starving, but they were running out of food for the store Mr. Heron suggests a favor that Tim could do to earn some money

11 continued However, his father rejects him. Still wanting to deliver the letter, he sets up a lie so he can use it when he delivers the letter

12 Chapter 6 Tim secretly asks Mr. Heron if he could deliver his letter for him. Tim lies to his parents that he’s going fishing, and sneakily goes to deliver the letter

13 continued Tim meets Betsy in the middle, and have a fight over the letter. Betsy thought it was a spy letter, although it turned out to be just a message.

14 Chapter 7 Mother get letters from Sam, and although she was not able to reply the first one because of Father, she replies the second one Tim and Father sets onto their yearly trip to Verplancks point

15 continued In the middle of their trip they meets the cow stealers who steal beefs from tories.

16 Chapter 8 They were saved by a group of people who keep orders (like police) They spent their day with Mother side of the cousins. Had a pleasant time

17 17 Chapter 9 Tim and Father departed from their relatives and headed back to reddings In the middle Tim lost track of Father

18 18 continued After continuously walking, Tim learns that his Father was kidnapped.

19 19 Chapter 10 Business is hard without Father around. Tim and Mother does everything to get money. Later, British troop marches to Reddings

20 20 continued The British troop arrest Captain Betts, and kills Ned, a negro.

21 21 Chapter 11 Tim saves a messenger by taking care of his wound Later, the continental army marches to Redding too.

22 22 When the Rebellion came, Tim and Sam meets, he comes to home. There he and mother argues

23 23 Chapter 12 In june the Meekers find out that Father died from disease in a prison ship Over the time, Sam visits many times and the shops’ business goes well

24 24 continued One time, when sam visits, two soldiers try to steal their cow, but when Sam tries to catch them, they get hold of him and blames Sam as the thief

25 25 chapter 13 Sam goes to General Parsons, but has no luck on telling him the truth. A trial was held on Sam and unfortunately, they found him guilty of stealing. Since General Putnam wanted to make an example of somebody, he was going to execute Sam.

26 26 After the trial, Tim gets a letter from General Read to see General Putnam. He explains what happened, and was also allowed to meet Sam.

27 27 Chapter 14 After a week, General Read came to announce that General Putnam has refused their plea of clemency Unable to bear the fact that Sam was going to be executed, Sam goes mad and tries to rescue Sam from the military base. However, he gets found and he runs away.

28 28 continued In the end, Tim had to watch Sam get killed by a close range fire. The end

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