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Samba Server Samba is used for *share a linux FS with windows-95,98 &NT. *Share printers connected to either linux or Windows systems. *Samba is based.

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Presentation on theme: "Samba Server Samba is used for *share a linux FS with windows-95,98 &NT. *Share printers connected to either linux or Windows systems. *Samba is based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samba Server Samba is used for *share a linux FS with windows-95,98 &NT. *Share printers connected to either linux or Windows systems. *Samba is based based on SMB protocol. *The samba suit of protocol utilities consist of several components 1.The smbd daemon : It provides the file and print sharing services to SMB clients such as windows or other linux/unix clients

2 * 1.To Check whether SAMBA services is installed or not i#rpm –qa samba* 2.If rpm is not installed,install i#mount /mnt/cdrom ii#cd /mnt/cdrom iii#cd /Redhat/RPMS/ iv#rpm –ivhsamba*

3 The SAMBA rpm installs the following: 1.The samba daemons in /usr/sbin directory: smbd and nmbd 2.The samba utilities in /usr/bin: smbclient,smbstatus,smbmount. 3.The samba configuration file: /etc./samba/smb.conf 4.Restart samba services

4 USER LEVEL 1.Create smbpasswd file #touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd 2.Create samba username and specify samba password #adduser newuser #smbpasswd –a newuser 3.Restart samba services #service smb restart

5 Practical SAMBA SERVER File Sharing with Samba 1. To Check whether SAMBA is installed or not. 2.Install SAMBA RPM 3.Add a new user to your system, ans specify a passwd #adduser newuser 4.Create the smbpasswd file and then add apassword for newuser #touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd #smbpasswd –a newuser 5.Restart samba #service smb restart 6.A working Samba server accessible to users with smbclient #smbclient //servername/sharename –U username 7.Mounting SMB file system #smbmount //servername/share mountpoint –o username=smbuser

6 Sample smb.conf [global] workgroup = MYGROUP netbios name = CEDTM server string = Samba Server security = user encrypt passwords = Yes update encrypted = Yes log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes wins support = Yes [homes] comment = Home Directories read only = No

7 [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba print ok = Yes [temp] comment = Temporary Space path = /tmp read only = No guest ok = Yes

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